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Paglia: ‘Transgender Mania’ is a Symptom of West's
Cultural Collapse

By Sam Dorman (/author/sam-dorman) | November 3, 2015 | 11:15 AM EST

( feminist author, social critic and self-described

"transgender being (
spread-as-civilizations-begin-to-decline/)" Camille Paglia
( said in an interview last
month that the rise of transgenderism in the West is a symptom of decadence and
cultural collapse.
“Nothing... better defines the decadence of the West to the jihadists than our
toleration of open homosexuality and this transgender mania now,” Paglia said
during an October 22 interview (
v=KlYR1isM2o8) on the Brazilian television program Roda Viva
Paglia also said during the interview that “transgender propagandists” are
overstating their case.
“I think that the transgender propagandists make wildly inflated claims about the
multiplicity of gender,” she said.
“Sex reassignment surgery, even today with all of its advances, cannot in fact
change anyone’s sex, okay. You can define yourself as a trans man, or a trans
woman, as one of these new gradations along the scale. But ultimately, every single
cell in the human body, the DNA in that cell, remains coded for your biological
“So there are a lot of lies being propagated at the present moment, which I think is
not in anyone’s best interest.
"Now what I’m concerned about is the popularity and the availability of sex
reassignment surgery, so that someone who doesn’t feel that he or she belongs to
the biological birth, gender. People are being encouraged to intervene in the
"Parents are now encouraged to subject the child to procedures that I think are a
form of child abuse. The hormones to slow puberty, actual surgical manipulations,
etcetera. I think that this is wrong, that people should wait until they are of an
informed age of consent.
“Parents should not be doing this to their children and I think that even in the
teenage years is too soon to be making this leap. People change, people grow, and
people adapt."

Paglia went on to talk about her book Sexual Personae

( and how the emergence of
transgenderism signifies the end of Western culture. “Now I am concerned about
this… In fact, my study of history in Sexual Personae, I’m always talking about the
late phases of culture.
“I was always drawn to late or decadent phases of culture. Oscar Wilde is one of the
great exponents of that in the late 19th century. He’s one of my strongest
influences from my earliest years.

"And I found in my study that history is cyclic, and everywhere in the world
you find this pattern in ancient times: that as a culture begins to decline, you
have an efflorescence of transgender phenomena.That is a symptom of
cultural collapse.

"So rather than people singing the praises of humanitarian liberalism that allows
all of these transgender possibilities to appear and to be encouraged, I would be
concerned about how Western culture is defining itself to the world.
"Because in fact these phenomena are inflaming the irrational, indeed borderline
psychotic opponents of Western culture in the form of ISIS and other jihadists,
etcetera," Paglia said.
"Nothing... better defines the deadence of the West to the jihadists than our
toleration of open homosexuality and this transgender mania now."
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1324 Comments ! Alberto Carrillo

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John Morrill • 2 months ago

1. The age of outburst (or pioneers).
2. The age of conquests.

3. The age of commerce.

4. The age of affluence.

5. The age of intellect.

6. The age of decadence.

7. The age of decline and collapse.

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Jen • 5 months ago

In Iran gays are pretty much forced to undergo sex change surgery or hide in the closet.
Paglia is brilliant but can be shallow and rash. There are many many attributes to a
culture in decline.
Anyone with common sense should be more concerned about an incompetent, serial
lying, president elect, science denial, and fake news than the tiny minority of transgender
citizens when it comes to the fall of humanity.
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Katherine McChesney > Jen • 3 months ago

You need to go to your safe space and your teddy bear if you think Paglia is
shallow and rash. You exhibits signs of mental illness and sexual deviancy. There
is no such thing as a transgender. Anyone who claims that is sick and should be
culled from the population. INCLUDING YOU.
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Chris W > Jen • 3 months ago

The discussion is about the extreme left, not the transgenders themselves. Paglia
is postulating that the transgender mania is a symptom. The word symptom is
even in the title.
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kthomp1123 • 9 months ago

The trans movement is a constant play on words, word play word play, look over there,
up is down, blood is ketchup.
Gender vs sex; identity vs birth; all this crap.
When you have to twist yourself into circles to explain something it usually doesn't make
sense but the person spinning themselves into circles.
Gay vs straight = understandable, been around since the beginning of time.
Cisman = made up word, no historical background for it, commonly known as a
transvestite or crossdresser for time immemorial.
Make believe words from ivy league school departments needing funding.
There are more people with down syndrome than transgenders....we don't change our
entire society for them.
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Jen > kthomp1123 • 5 months ago

We do change society for Down's Syndrome. We have extensive laws under IDEA
that guarantees any child with educational roadblocks of ANY kind to have
specialized education and accommodations when needed to reach their highest
potential. How exactly has your life suffered or have you lost any rights due to
transgender people?
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Sandra M. Russel > Jen • 8 days ago

Their rights don't take away my rights as a woman. Trans rights take away
my rights to privacy in public spaces, to protection from sex-based
discrimination in housing, education and the workplace. All the rights that
women fought hard to win and men in dresses crying about their
oppression want to make it all about them. Disgusting.
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Jen > Sandra M. Russel • 8 days ago

How is another person's freedom harming yours? You choose to
freak out over another's lifestyle and there's no reason to blame a
person in the bathroom for your irrational fear of them.
'Men in dresses'. Transgender is not about cross dressing. You
really shouldn't voice an opinion until you are well informed.
It's likely you've shared a bathroom with a trans person and have
no idea. What privacy does a trans person take from you? A
bathroom stall affords you the same privacy no matter who isn't in
there with you.
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Sandra M. Russel > Jen • 8 days ago

I already explained that, so go fly a kite. You don't know anything.
And, you don't get to question my feelings. I'm very educated about
who my oppressors are.
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Rad Jezebel > Jen • 3 months ago

Look up Title IX.
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Robert Zeurunkl • 9 months ago
When the truth is visible even to a liberal feminist, you know things are bad.
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Jen > Robert Zeurunkl • 5 months ago

Paglia is not categorically liberal and calls herself a feminist for reasons unknown
to most feminists. Macho whiny white men with an unjustified sense of
entitlement-that can't adjust to the times love her. It's understandable.
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Nevoigt > Jen • 4 months ago

Paglia is a solid, second generation lesbian feminist. The fact that third
generation feminists in all their various, bizarre afflictions reject her only
proves her point. Also, men of any race have nothing to do with her
opinions so your misandry makes no sense in this argument.
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Jen > Nevoigt • 4 months ago

Paglia believes her own bullshit passionately, she's incredibly
intelligent, creative and an AMAZING writer. I adore her because
she's fearless and committed,
However, she's got the same weird bigotry as Germaine Greer
against the trans community. She doesn't always make sense, and
bigotry never does.
It is natural and right that the generation following her challenge her
ideas and reject her bigotry.
Paglia's worship of the masculine in humanity means men adore
her, just look at any youtube video of her and the comment section
of men cheering that HERE is a feminist they can latch onto. Their
interpretation of her ideas means they can keep on being the way
they are and not bother to accept and adapt to an ever changing
society's expectations from men and women.
Any human being, male or female these days knows the real way to
be a decent human being is to at least be capable of tolerating the
presence of those you do not understand, as long as it doesn't
harm others or compromise the rights of others, it's really none of
see more

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sebastian demark > Jen • 3 months ago

You not only self-reinforce your own belief about masculinity being
"toxic" without substantive facts, but misinterpret (due to your bias)
her point about 3rd wave feminists focusing on debasing the male
identity as one of possessing masculine traits which are positive.
The pervasive belief that all masculinity is negative is an irrational
one and frankly sexist. She also has not proposed that men reject
trans or gay/lesbian people, only that there are more and more
people who want to jump on the trans bandwagon not so much
because they have truly deep convictions about their sexual
identity, but merely wish to get the attention many legitimate trans
people are getting, such as Caityne Jenner. This trend towards a
fashion of blurring of gender is a definitive marker of civilizations in
decline due to a loss of people having a sense being a member of a
nation and instead their own little bubble of being a particular
synthetic gender identity (such as "Gender Variant", "Neutrol", "Cis
Male" and 56 other variants!). How is one to maintain civilization
when its people are far more preoccupied by this explosion of self
absorption? Instead of a nation of "We" it has degenerated into a
see more

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Jen > sebastian demark • 3 months ago

Ethnocentric paranoia.
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sebastian demark > Jen • 3 months ago

Simple buzzwords are not a rebuttal.

Try actually listening to what those ISIS folk are saying. They mean
every word.
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Jen > sebastian demark • 3 months ago

ISIS is a bunch of radicals, not the population of the Muslim world.
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Douglas > Jen • 3 months ago

Just a bunch of radicals? That bunch is almost 300 million strong,
which is basically the population of the United States.
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The Oppo Man > Douglas • a month ago

You are correct Doug, My blood curdles when I see ignorant posts
like Jen's. ISIS is a drop in the bucket, Salafism/whabbism is
spread in 38 countries, financed by Saudi Arabia. People really
need to wake up. There is no pure Islam, There is SHIA, Sunni,
Salfists, wahhabists, all slaughtering eachother for 1300 years
because they can't figure out who Mohammed's successor was.
People need to discontinue this biased thinking based on lies and
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Jen > Douglas • 3 months ago

ISIS is a militant minority of up to 200,000. Please bother to fact
check. Anyone who reads from the Internet is irresponsible if they
don't fact check for credible sources.
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Jen > sebastian demark • 3 months ago

Terrorists are not the vast majority of Muslims. There are
dispassionate reasons for crazy human behavior and your'
superiority' is not one of them. I suggest you read some objective,
thoughtful material by someone like Jared Diamond or E.O. Wilson
so you can grow out of your silly delusions of inherent moral
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B.J. > Jen • 3 months ago

Thank you infidel, kuffar for realizing this.
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Chris W > Jen • 3 months ago

You paint such broad, pretty strokes.
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Oliver Doobley > Jen • 5 months ago

That anyone would define themselves or anyone else by their politics is
confusing... or rather irrational. Do remember the so called far right and far
left many times agree; NAFTA is one those times pretty much ignored (and
passed) by mainstream right and left thinkers.

I am a black male, not exactly straight, not a believer in anybody's God,

and never been called a conservative and am not against sexually
reassignment. It is my belief you ought be able to do anything to your own
body, if nothing else in this world you should have full ownership to, it
ought be your body and mind.
That said, I would never allow such a surgery for any minor under my
guardianship and would counsel them to wait until they're 30. Unless they
showed exceptional competency (or maturation) in all areas of their lives. I
don't believe most people (especially under 30) are independent and
rational thinkers
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Jasper Martin > Oliver Doobley • 2 months ago

I've been thinking that the voting age should be raised to... at least
25. :-) Younger adults lack the emotional maturity, critical thinking
skills and life experience to vote.
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Leon Spinks • 10 months ago

The pussification of men, more liberal sewage. Take your skinny jeans and shove them
where the sun don't shine. (or where the wieners go)
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The Oppo Man > Leon Spinks • a month ago

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Jen > Leon Spinks • 3 months ago

i know grade schoolers who are far more articulate, more intelligent, and
sophisticated than that embarrassing representation of yourself. And here you are
all proud. And you've got three equals to you voting you up. Such content belies a
frightened limited mind. A dinosaur and proud narrow minded bully. No way to go
through life.
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The Conservative Atheist > Leon Spinks • 5 months ago

They might enjoy that, though.
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Glenn Mayo • 10 months ago

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Jeff Pippins • a year ago

I'm totally blown away by the fact people are actually believing there Is no biological
differences between the sexes. I must admit I seriously don't understand any of this. To
me it looks crazy. I thought it was interesting that Camille linked this whole issue to the
start of the collapse of civilization. I'm an Electrical Engineer not a Social Scientist so who
knows the truth. I wonder if there is any historic truth to it. It does however make sense in
that there has to be some common normality in a civilization or else differences just tear
us up. I think Humans are a long way away from making extreme Diversity work. I think
there are just to many tribal instincts still within us. Humans seem to have a hard time
with Diversity. A good example is how crazy todays politics have become.
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Jen > Guest • 5 months ago

White men still run the world so I don't understand this elitist vagina cult term tbh.
Be the best woman you can be, any sane woman would cheer you on Angelica.
But this 'you think you're better than me?' BS is beneath you. You're a human
being who deserves common courtesy and respect for your choices-They've
bettered your life and harmed NO ONE.
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B.J. > Jen • 3 months ago

Thank you infidel kuffar for helping advance Muslim superiority over the
filthy crusaders!
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Jen > Guest • 5 months ago

The USA is the power that dominates the world . It is run mostly by
white men. That's a fact.
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B.J. > Jen • 3 months ago

Yes! Thank you kuffar infidel!!
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Jen > Guest • 3 months ago

It's Capitalism first that runs the American engine, followed by a
weak imitation of democracy. The electoral college is not a truly
democratic voting system.
It is a FACT that white males are the dominant holders of wealth,
property, and power in the United States. If you disagree, it is due
to delusion. In order to to run for political office, a person must have
advantages, there is no sum zero beginning for all Americans.
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Jasper Martin > Jen • 2 months ago

Jen, the person you're trying to convince is cognitively impaired...
There's no point trying to reason with someone like that. Particularly
since this is 2017. Unless we're looking at the original cave man,
over the years this guy has already been exposed to countless
facts, statistics and logical arguments all carefully explaining why
women are people. If he doesn't get it by now then he's hopeless
and not worth wasting your time over. Accept reality and keep on
walking. :-)
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Jen > Guest • 5 months ago

There's nothing fair about white male dominance. Our country was
founded on genocide of natives by white men. That's a pretty big ax
to grind. Not objective and not fair.
Obama became president because he knew he must ape white
dominant culture, go to prestigious white men's University, talk like
a white man in public and talk like a black man in privacy only.
Those with power and privilege are by far more likely to run for
political office. So I don't get a real choice. I get a limited choice.
And so do you.
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B.J. > Jen • 3 months ago

You have an excellent grasp of the issues infidel! With your help we
will bring down western civilization!!
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Jasper Martin > Guest • 2 months ago

This doesn't sound like a stupid person, it sounds like someone
who just hates women.
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Jeff Pippins > Guest • a year ago
Great Input Angelica. Using your life experiences can you give me idea of how
common it is for men to have a hard time fitting into a masculine gender role.
What does it feel like? I'm having a hard time getting my head around this issue.
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Jeff Pippins > Guest • a year ago

Thank You For Sharing.
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D.A > Guest • a year ago

Youre not a woman, you will never be a woman. And women who think they can
men their slaves arent going to get anywhere either. Be a man that you are and
make a woman know her place next to you - no need to turn into a woman.
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Jen > D.A • 5 months ago

It's ridiculous to dictate to another person what life choices they must
make. 'Know her place' lol. Caveman talk. Women can choose to be
subordinate to a man. That's fine. But a man can choose to be subordinate
to a woman as well. Or, a couple can cooperate and coordinate their lives,
careers, and duties. It's not up to you to tell a stranger they have to follow
the paradigm you find suitable to you.
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