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Islam is a mono- Characteristics of Hinduism is a diffe- many, many religions and sects (sampradayas) that have de-
theistic religion that Islam rent way of understan- veloped and flourished over thousands of years in the sha-
The main cha- ding life, and Western dow of the complex Hindu mythology of antiquity.
emerged in the Ara- values are complete- THE ANCIENT ROOTS OF HINDUISM.
racteristics of Is- Although Hinduism has not reached as much extent as
bian peninsula in the lam are as follows: ly alien to such a way
of perceiving things; other prominent religions, by 1990 it had the loyalty of near-
early seventh cen- ly 700,000,000 followers, or about 1 in 8 people (13%) of the
They tend to see life
tury, when the Arab It is a mono- as a timeline of events world’s population; However, most of these people live in India.
prophet Muhammad theistic religion in history. (see: article The origin of Hinduism is more than 3,500 years in the past, when a wave
that worships Gods of Hinduism: ) of emigrants that included people with pale skin, Aryans; it moved from
began preaching Allah exclusively. the northwest to the Indus Valley, now mainly in Pakistan and India.
obedience to a sin- His holy book is The hidúes see it as a
Origin of Islam the Koran. Qur’an From there they spread to the plains of the Ganges River and to India,
gle god named Allah. self-repeating cycle in
means “recitation”, which human chroni- some experts say that the religious ideas of the emigrants were based
Islam is one of the since for Muslims it on ancient teachings of Iran and Babylon; A thread that many cultures
The founder of Islam, Muhammad, was cle is of little impor-
great monotheistic is the word of God tance; It is not easy to have in common and that is also in Hinduism, is the legend of a flood.
born in the city of Mecca, Arabian Penin- dictated to the pro- Over time the beliefs, myths and legends of India were put in writing, and
religions of the world define Hinduism, for
sula, in the year 570. Since adolescence phet. Muhammad it has no clearly defi- today they form the sacred writings of Hinduism; Although these sacred
along with Judaism told these revela- works are extensive, they do not attempt to present a unified Hindu doctrine.
he dedicated himself to the caravan trade. ned creed, no priest-
and the set of Chris- tions to his rela- ly hierarchy, and no
When he turned 40, he secluded himself in tives, friends and
tian religions. As governing agency.
a cave on the outskirts of the city. According disciples, who after la teoría de Marsha-
such, it is considered his death compiled
to tradition, there he was visited by Jibril ll un erudito hindú?.
a renewal of belie- the sayings of their We could say that Hin-
(the archangel Gabriel), who announced to teacher and thus
fs in one God, hea- duism is the loyalty or
him that he had been chosen to be the pro- shaped the Koran. worship to the gods Vi-
ven and hell, which
phet of a new religion. Muhammad retur- The central mes- shnu or Siva, or to the
are already present sage of the Qur’an goddess Sakti or to the
ned to Mecca and began to preach Islam.
in previous mono- is that mankind incarnations, aspects,
At that time, the inhabitants of Mecca were must accept Allah spouses or progeny of
theistic religions.
polytheists, as they worshipped a large as the only god these, in that would
Those who pro- and live according be imchliría the cult
number of gods, whose images were insi-
fess Islam are ca- to His precepts. to Rama and Krishna
de the shrine of the Kaaba, in the center of For ever y Muslim it (incarnations of Vus-
lled Muslims, a word
the city. The sectors that profited from the is obligator y to ac- nu) and Durga, Skan-
that means “subject cept ever y word of da and Ganesa who are
worship of the gods that were venerated in
to the will of Allah.” the Koran as the li- respectively, the wife
the Kaaba felt threatened by the preaching teral word of God and children of Siva.
Today, Islam is the
of Muhammad and made him condemned and to start learning They allege that Hin-
second most profes- from childhood. duism has 330,000,000
to death. To escape that condemnation, in
sed religion in the According to the gods, but it is said
622 Muhammad fled to the city of Medina . not to be a polytheis-
world, after Chris- Qur’an, all Muslims
This exile, known as Hegira, mar- must believe in pre- tic system. Hinduism
tianity. It is estima- speaks of one God;
ks the beginning of the Muslim chro- destination, resu-
ted that its followers rrection of the dead the different gods and
nology. That is to say that Muslims be- goddesses of the Hin-
reach 1800 mi- and life after death.
gin to count the years from this fact. The most important du pantheon only re-
llion people, that is, present the powers
In MedinaWith their help, Muhammad holy and pilgrimage .
approximately 25% and functions of a sin-
of the world’s popu- gle supreme God in
After the conquest the manifest world.
lation. They consti- of Mecca, Islam be- (see: article Budd-
tute the majority of gan to spread rapidly hism and Hinduism:)
throughout the Ara-
the population in 50 bian peninsula, be- Hindus often call their
countries. Among coming the unifying faith “sanatana dhar-
them, the one with element of the various ma,” which means eter-
Arab tribes. When nal law or eternal order.
the largest number Muhammad died in Hinduism is ac-
of Muslims is Indo- 632, he was succee- tually an umbre-
nesia, in Southeast . ded by the caliphs. lla term describing
There is no official religion in Chinese cul- Chinese culture is one of the most complex
ture, but several. The main ones are Budd- and oldest in the world (dating back more
hism, Confucianism and Taoism, althou- than 5,000 years) as it has a large number of
gh many deal with philosophies or thoughts. customs and traditions in a large geographi-
cal area, not only within the country, but also
outside its borders, throughout East Asia.
China means in its own language “Country
of the Center” or “Country in the Center of
the World”. Currently the Chinese population
is 1,500 million inhabitants, being the most
populous country in the world. The origin of
Chinese culture began in 2100 BC in the cu-
rrent province of Henan, in the center of the
Here arose the cultures of Anyang and Erlitou,
two of the first cultures of China. Later the
first Chinese dynasty, the Xia dynasty, would
also emerge here. If something characterizes
the history of Chinese oriental culture with
the others, it is that it is the only one that has a
recorded history of more than 5,000 years. The
history of China has been recorded in thou-
sands of documents, analyses, books, relics,
national records, etc.
The most famous historian of China was Sima
Qian, who recorded the entire history of Chi-
na from its origins to the first century BC. The
Ancient Era was the one that most influen-
ced the Chinese culture of all. In this period
the creation of scapulimancy stands out, and
bronze and jade objects found in the burials of
some nobles and kings of ancient dynasties.
In them human and animal sacrifices (horses
and dogs) were also made. One of the most fa-
mous is the tomb of China’s first historical em-
peror Qi Shi Huang Di, in which the famous
terracotta soldiers are located. One of the cha-
racteristics of Chinese culture is its dynasties.
Its history is not told by centuries or epochs,
but by dynasties and emperors.
According to the Chinese dynastic cycle, when
the ruling dynasty loses the “Mandate of Hea-
ven”, the people have the right to revolt and
create a new dynasty. The mandate of heaven
refers to good government. There is no official
religion in Chinese culture, but several. The
main ones are Buddhism, Confucianism and
Taoism, although many deal with philosophies
or thoughts.
These three “religions” are inclusive, that is,
they do not contradict each other, unlike the
Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism
and Islam). There is no official religion in Chi-
nese culture, but several. The main ones are
Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, althou-
gh many deal with philosophies or thoughts.

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