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Valeria Terán Gayosso 1928896

Andrea Yamilet Rangel Quiroz 1905787

Mariana Andrea Davila Domínguez 1928091

Angela Gisel Hernández Ortiz 1907765

Brandon Alan Gaona Mata 1671845

Yaressi Vega Villarreal 1868187

Fernanda Quiñones Mendoza 1815918

Jesús Cristóbal González Álvarez 1900353

Andree Paola Carrillo Cervantes 1935515

Daniela Alejandra Suarez Zamarripa 1851210

Isaac Manuel Treviño Casas 1730498

Exercise 1. Read the statements. Then complete the sentences. Circle the
correct subordinating conjunctions or transition words.

1. Marta doesn´t like art class. The reason is that she´s not very good at drawing.
Marta doesn´t like art class because/even though she´s not very good at drawing.

2. The only way for us to avoid getting in trouble is to finish the project tonight. Since
/ Unless we finish the project tonight, we´ll get in trouble.

3. Your acceptance into college depends on how high you score on your exams.
You´ll get into college even if /as long as you get high scores on your exams.

4. Natalie never studies for tests, but she always gets good grades. Even though /
Provided that Natalie never studies for tests, she always gets good grades.

5. The product is quite expensive, but many people want to buy it. The product is
quite expensive. Nevertheless / Consequently, many people want to buy it.

6. Jon is a really hard worker. He wouldn't have been chosen for the job if he weren´t
Jon is a really hard worker. Consequently / Otherwise, he wouldn´t have been
chosen for the job.
Exercise 2. Complete each sentence with a conjunction or transition from the

as long as in other words nonetheless

so besides likewise now that whether

1. Charlie did poorly at school but was successful in life. Likewise, his son James
was never a good student but started a very profitable business.

2. Whether we´re tested on this information or not, we should still study it. I could
be very useful later on.

3. Bob Alderson really dislikes public speaking. Nonetheless , he does it

frequently for his job

4. People were stressed out for a while. Now that a decision has been made,
everyone is feeling relieved.

5. Clark College appeals to a lot of non-traditional students. Besides night and

weekend classes, the school offers several online courses, which allows people
to continue to work while they study.

6. As long as Jean Hicks continues at her current pace, she´ll easily win the race.

7. Lauren Cook has the best sales record in the company. In other words, she's
the company's most valuable salesperson.

8. The department head wanted to show his appreciation for the

employees´efforts, so he took the entire group out to lunch.

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