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Bjercicio 1. Se transfiere calor a una m&quina térmica desde un horno a una tasa de 80 MW. Sila tasa de rechazo de calor hacia un rio cercano es 50 MW, determine la salida de potencia neta y la eficiencia térmica para esta maquina térmica * letmadiramies Serco, Actividad S. kgunde leg de termodinomica Sav! Alejandro Coivlio Pieharva, 1022395, 039, 21/05/2022 G Wrelo = Qu- Qi = Bonu 7 = Weeto 2 “a Bjercicio 2. Un motor de un automévil con una potencia de salida de 65 hp tiene una eficiencia térmica de 24 por ciento. Determine la tasa de consumo de combustible de este automovil si el combustible tiene un poder calorifico de 19,000 BTU/Ibm* (1) D Quz nel. SShp (Bee): aes eth ony \ the 1% 276 Bee 8% 2707 = 36.382 17,000 S12 h Ejercicio 3. Se utiliza una bomba de calor para calentar una casa durante el invierno. La casase mantiene a 21C todo el tiempo y se estima que pierde calor a una tasa de135,000 ki/h cuando la temperatura exterior desciende a -5C. Determine la potencia minima requerida para impulsar esta bomba de calor. * Bjercicio 4. A steam power plantproduces 500 MW of electricity with an overalitermal efficiency of 35%.Determine {atthe rate at whic) heat is suppkied to theboiler, and (b)the waste heat that is rejected by the plant (Cif the heating value of coal (heat that is realeased when 1kg of coal is burned) is30MI/kg, determine the rate of consumption of coal in tons (US)/day. Assume that 100% heat released foes to the cycle (d)what-if Scenario How would the fuelconsumption rate change if thetermal efficiency were to increase to 4056? * D tryve 3003/49 | ayus ay? 998 = les") ‘ UW) nefo = SOOMW 22357 . my Que se = 1428.6 "5, . eu M/s on 0"%/ky Qet- BE 2y E242) Qn = Oe 72° on (14.35)((428.6) = 1286, Ejercicio 5. ‘A heat engine, operating between two reservoirs at 1500k and 300k produces 1S0KW of net power. If the ratoof heattransfer from the hot reservoir to the engine is measured at350kW, determine (2) The termal efficiency of engine (0) The rate of fuel consumption in kg/h to maintain the got reservoir at steady stat (asume the heating value of the fuel to be 45 Mi/kg) (The minimum posible fuel consumption rate (in kg/h) for the sameoutput * (1) © y- Wele. 150 + 42.85%) 39 Qu rit Gees QSouy 35% 604) i) 21% |, Sky aga Une! hte CARNOT Peay? [= (292-) = 0,8 =80% "Gre Serge Ee) G)= 154 Two Carnot engines opérate in series. The firs one receives heat from a TER at 2500 K and rejects the waste heat to another TER at a temperatura T. The second engine receives this energy rejected by the firs one, converts some of it to work, and rejects the rest to a TER at 300 K. If termal efficiency of both engines are the same (a) Determine thetemperatura (T) What-if Scenario (b) What would the temperatura be if the two engines produced the sameoutput instead? * © teh Meee WEB TH ye Pere oc) teu TA T at (TL) (TH) FF* = [GOTH T =[(BooK (ZS00"m) = 866,075 *w} Wi2=Q,-Q2 O1-Qi? G1-Os We=Or- Q3 |- Qh: 22 ()- 28) Tr 2500'% Dpto ne hd 7 =) j- 2: a vn Te? Paes ¥ (i 2) T, = 300°K PEebe 2) + (r1+1)=2 Th: Ct) 2) Ty ¢ 2500°K + 300° T= /400'K Bjercicio 7. To keep a refrigerator in steady state at2°C, heat hasbe removed from it at arate of 200ki/min. If the surrounding air is at27°C. determine (a) The minimum power input to the refrigerator (b) The maximum COP * @ QL = 200% Main Te 2°¢ = 2FSNSTK Tr? 271 = 3001S" 5 ISK Te COP* TH=t ~ Ww Cops ——235.1ek _ - FOTsK- 23s. 11,006 1.006- SF wr 3.333378. 0.30% + O.30KU 1. 006

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