Volcano Quiz Study Guide

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Volcano Quiz Study Guide

Types of Lava

a’a = slower-moving, cooler lava with high viscosity; hardens into a rough surface with jagged chunks
pahoehoe = fast-moving, hot lava with low viscosity; forms wrinkles, billows, and ropelike coils

Volcanic Material

lava = when magma reaches the surface and cools

magma = a molten mixture of rock-forming substances, gases, and water from the mantle
ash = hardened lava fragments that are fine, rocky particles as small as a speck of dust
cinders = hardened lava fragments that are pebble-sized
bombs = hardened lava fragments that range from the size of a baseball to the size of a car
pyroclastic flow= occurs when an explosive eruption hurls out a mixture of hot gases, ash, cinders, and
viscosity =the resistance of a liquid to flowing; low viscosity flows freely, high viscosity resist flowing
silica = a compound made up of oxygen and silicon particles

Where Volcanoes Form

convergent boundary = two plates moving together; one plate subducts causing a volcano to form
divergent boundary= two plates moving apart; allows magma to rise to the surface and causes a
volcano to form
hot spot= an area where material deep within the mantle rises and then melts forming magma; a
volcano forms above a hot spot when magma erupts through the crust and reaches the surface

Types of Rock

rhyolite (granite) = light-colored rock formed from high silica magma

basalt= dark-colored rock formed from low silica magma

volcano= a mountain formed when magma comes to the surface and builds up
Ring of Fire = a major volcanic belt formed by the many volcanoes that surround the Pacific Ocean
island arc= a string of volcanic islands

Viscosity Thickness Ability to Temperature Silica Color Rock

of Magma Flow Content Formed
High Thick difficult, like lower (cooler) High light Rhyolite
cold honey colored (like granite)

Low Thin easy, like higher (hot) Low dark Basalt

water colored

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