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Lecturer : Dr. Krisdiana Wijayanti M.Mid

Compiled by :

1. Erna Yuliati (P1337424621032)

2. Fataya Nahdliya Salsabila (P1337424621033)
3. Revita Dwi Marela Putri (P1337424621034)
4. Annisa Nurlita Mercyana (P1337424621035)
5. Pinasti Putri Wulandaru (P1337424621036)
6. Jihan Naila Qotrunnada (P1337424621037)


SCHOOL YEAR 2022/2023

S ( Subjective ) :

 Identity/biodata
Mother’s Name : Mrs. M Father’s Name: Mr. R
Age : 26 Years Old Age : 31 Years Old
Education : Bachelor Education : Bachelor
Address : Tunjungan Address : Tunjungan
Religion : Muslim Religion : Muslim
Profession : Teacher Profession : Teacher

 Mother said her stomach still heartburn after giving birth.

O ( Objective ) :
 Common Condition : Good
 Consciousnes : Composmentis
 Body weight : 60 kg
 Body Height : 158 cm
 Blood Pressure : 118/77 mmhg
 Pulse : 91 x/minute
 Temperatur : 36.7 ℃
 Respiratory : 21 x/minute

A ( Assesment ) :
 Mrs. M, 26 years old P1A0 Postpartum 6 hours ago phase taking in psychology.

P ( Planning ) :
1. Tell the mother’s examination that she is in good conditions.
Results : Mother understands and feels relieved with the results of her examination.
2. Explain to the mother that the feeling of heartburn she is experiencing is natural
because the uterus or uterus returns to normal, causing contractions and heartburn.
And encourage mothers not to worry because complaints are normal.
Results : Mother understands and she’s not worried.
3. Advise mother’s to maintain personal hygiene, including cleanliness of the genital
area, change pads as often as possible.
Results : Mother understands and will carry out the midwife's recommendations.
4. Encourage mothers to mobilize early such as turning left and right, sitting, standing,
and walking.
Result : Mother understands and will carry out the midwife's recommendations.
5. Provide health education to mothers about proper breastfeeding.
Results : Mother understands the midwife's explanation.
6. Advise mothers to run air conditioning exclusively for 6 months without any
additional food.
Results : Mother understands the midwife's explanation.
7. Provide health education to mothers about how to properly care for her babies.
Results : Mother understands the midwife's explanation.
8. Tell the mother about the danger signs during the puerperium, namely fever for more
than 2 days, bleeding through the birth canal, the mother looks sad, depressed,
swelling of the face, hands and feet, convulsions, swollen breasts, smelly discharge
coming out of the birth canal and advise the mother to immediately come to the
nearest health facility if the mother experiences these danger signs.
Results : Mother understands and will carry out the midwife's recommendations
9. Administer vitamin A drug therapy at a dose of 100,000 IU 2 tablets (1×1),
amoxicillin tablets (3×1), blood supplement tablets (1×1), paracetamol (3×1).
Results : Mother understands and takes the medicine according to the dosage given by
the midwife.
10. Crushing on the mother to make a repeat visit in 3 days.
Results : Mother understands when to re-visit.
11. Record the results of the inspection in a KIA book.
Results : the results have been recorded in the KIA book.

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