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84 Volume 44, Number I , February 1992

A More Rational Climatic Moisture Index*

Cort J. Willmott Johannes J. Feddema
University of Delaware University of California, Los Angeles
A climatic moisture index (I,) used extensively by C. W. ThornthLvaite and others is examined, and a modified
version of the index is proposed. Arbitrary limits [- 100 5 I, 5 100 (p - l)], combined with its dimensionless
property, make the original index difficult to interpret. O u r refined version also is dimensionless, but the limits
have been recast so that - 1 5 I, 5 1. Wet climates have positive values of I, while dry climates are negative,
and the index is symmetric about zero. T h e spatial distribution of our modified annual-average moisture index
over the world's continents i 5 mapped and described. Key Words: water balance, moisture index, global climate

Introduction moisture index (Thornthwaite 1943, 1948;

Thornthwaite and Mather 1955).
limate is largely characterized by the heat
C and moisture states of the earth's surface
and near surface (Willmott 1987) and, there-
T h e evaluation and mapping of moisture
indices continue to be educational. Delworth
and Manabe (1988), for instance, use a mois-
fore, concern for their (the states') spatial and ture index to illustrate relationships that might
temporal variability has commanded the atten- occur between climate and moisture availabil-
tion of climatologists for centuries. Moisture ity a t the earth's surface. As Thornthwaite's
has received most of the attention, owing to moisture index is well known and typical, our
its paramount role in biological processes purpose within this paper is to examine several
(Carter and Mather 1966). Climatologists often of its properties and present a more rational,
have used simple indices to describe the mois- modified version of the index.
ture state of the earth's surface, and one such
index-Thornthwaite's index- is the subject of
this note. Thornthwaite's Moisture Index
Moisture indiccs typically are functions of
Thornthwaite (1948) specified his moisture in-
the ratio of time-averaged precipitation to
dex as
time-averaged moisture demand by the atmo-
sphere. Their value lies in their ability to char-
acterize the relative wetness or dryness of I, = 100 [S -E"0.6D ] (1)
places based solely on climatic data (Mather
1974). Perhaps the moisture-index concept can where 1, is the moisture index, S is the mois-
be traced to Linsser (Thornthwaite 1943), al- ture surplus, D is the moisture deficit, and E"
though it was Thornthwaitc who first replaced is the potential evapotranspiration; that is, the
the early surrogates of moisture demand (pan evapotranspiration that would occur if the veg-
evaporation and air temperature) with a cli- etation experiences no water stress. His mois-
matologically meaningful moisture demand, ture deficit (D) is merely (E" - E), where E is
termed potential evapotranspiration (Mather the actual evapotranspiration rate. Thornth-
1990). Thornthnaite and his colleagues' many waite and Mather (1955) later dropped the 0.6
hydroclimatological publications during the scaling coefficient. Thornthwaite's surplus can
1930s, 1940s, and 1950s served to disseminate be written
widely their contributions, including the > [E+(w*-w)]
= io,
r - [E+(w*-w)], r
r 5 [E+(w*-w)]

* Thoughtful wggestiona un a preliminary draft of this note acre made by J K \lather. li. Mink, and S. X I . Robeion. and we gratefully
acknou ledge their assistance. \Ve also thanh I<. Alatwura for his help MI drafting the map A portion of this paper is based on work
supported by S.AS 4 under grant 9AGIV-1884.
Professional Geographer, 44( I ) 1992, pages 84-87 0 Copyrighr 1992 by .Association of American Geographers
Initial submission, June 1990; revision submitsion. July IYY I;final acceptance, August 1991
A More Rational Climatic Moisture Index 85
where r is the precipitation rate, w* is the In the rare case that r = E" = 0, we suggest
available water-holding capacity of the root that I, be set to zero. While I, is usually
zone, and w is the actual available soil mois- evaluated on an annual basis, evaluation in
ture. Units associated with S, D, E", E and r seasonally snow-covered environs on suban-
are typically mm/month or mndyear whereas nual time scales requires r to be replaced by
w* and w are depths. Computational means (rl + M) where rl is liquid precipitation and
of obtaining E", E, and the other terms are M is snowmelt (Willmott et al. 1985).
discussed by Willmott et al. (1985) and, there- It should be noted that the demand com-
fore, are not presented here. ponent of I, (E") may be evaluated in several
When Thornthwaite and Mather's (1955) ways in addition to Thornthwaite's method.
expression is integrated over the "average" Jensen et al. (1990) and Rosenberg et al. (1983)
year, S -+max[(r - E),O] and I, becomes discuss several means of evaluation. When es-
timates of net radiation are available, they too
I,, = 100 - - 1
L o 1 may be used to obtain estimates of I,. T h e
calculation is
Equation ( 2 ) , in other words, represents the
Thornthwaite annual moisture index that is
commonly used to characterize climates (e.g.,
Thornthwaite and Mather 1955) as well as
other aspects of the environment such as veg-
etation (Mather and Yoshioka 1968). where L is the latent heat of vaporization and
A difficulty in applying and interpreting the Q is the time integral of the positive occur-
annual moisture index, as it is represented by rences of net radiation. Thornthwaite and his
equations (1) and (2), is that it is dimensionless colleagues were among the first climatologists
with arbitrary limits. It also is asymmetric to establish the strong connection between Q
about zero. Cursory examination of equation and E" (Mather 1974; 1990).
(2) indicates that -100 5 I, 5 100 (m - 1) Under a variety of conditions, estimates of
or, with the scaling deleted, -1 5 I, 5 (m E" or Q can be biased representations of at-
-1). Without the signpost of meaningful mospheric moisture demand and, therefore, I,
physical units, such a wide range precludes should be cautiously interpreted. Biases may
the clear-cut comparison of such values as occur, for example, when equation (3) is eval-
-0.3, 14, or 3.8 X los. Relatively wet climates uated on short time scales (subannual) or the
are the main problem inasmuch as there is no area of interest is subject to nontrivial heat or
upper bound on the index. moisture advection. Other biases in E" may
arise when it is estimated from an incom-
pletely specified, empirical function of
A Modified Moisture Index weather-station observations (Jensen et al.
1990; Willmott 1984). It also should be men-
A dimensionless moisture index is indeed use- tioned that raingage measurements of r arc
ful; however, it should be bounded meaning- underestimates, and this bias can be significant
fully so that relative wetness or dryness can in seasonally snow-covered or windy regions
be ascertained easily. It additionally ought to (Legates and Willmott 1990a).
be svmmetric about zero so that -0.9, for
instance, indicates that moisture supply is
equivalent to one tenth the atmospheric de-
mand while +0.9 means that the supply ex- illustration
ceeds demand by a factor of 10. In order to
incorporate these desirable properties, our T h e ability of our revised annual-average in-
modified annual index takes the form dex (equation 3a) to characterize the relative
wetness or dryness of climates is illustrated on
I, = [ (r/E")-

1 - (E"/r),
1, r < E"
r 2 E".
(3a) a terrestrial map of I, (Fig. 1). In this example,
annual E" was obtained according to Thornth-
waite (Wilm et al. 1944), using air-temperature
- 1 .oo -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.33 1 .oo 3.00 Inf.

- 1 .oo -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1 .o

Figure 1: Moisture regions of the terrestrial world as depicted by the modified Thornthwaite moisture index (Im). Values of the new index
appear under the gray scale and, for comparative purposes, corresponding values of the original index (scaling by 100 deleted) appear atop
the gray scale. The isoline interval is 0.25 with four levels of constant gray-scale shading from - 1.00 to -0.50, -0.50 to 0.00, 0.00 to
0.50, and 0.50 to 1.00. Our index was evaluated at a 0.5" of latitude by 0.5" of longitude resolution using the monthly average precipitation
and temperature data sets described by Legates and Willmott (199Oa, 1990b) and the climatic water-balance procedure discussed by
Willmott et al. (1985).
A More Rational Climatic Moisture Index 87
data compiled by Legates and Willmott Literature Cited
(1990b), while annual r was taken from the
raingage-corrected precipitation data set of Le- Carter, D. B. and J. R. Mather. 1966. Climatic
classification for environmental biology. Puhlica-
gates and Willmott (1990a). Soil available tiom in Climatology 19(1):305-95.
water-holding capacity (w") is held constant at Delworth, T.L. and S. Manabe. 1988. The influ-
150 mm. Moist climates are represented by ence of potential evaporation on the variabilities
positivc valucs of I,,,, while dry climatcs are of simulated soil wetness and climate. Journal of
negative. Supply (r) exceeds demand (E") over Climate 1( 5 ) : 5 23-47.
much of the tropics, in eastern North Amer- Jensen, M. E., R. D. Burman and R. G. Allen,
ica, throughout much of Europe, in Southeast eds. 1990. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Watet-
Asia, and in several other regions. Demand Requirements. New York: American Society of
exceeds supply over the world's great deserts Civil Engineers.
Legates, D. R. and C . J. Willmott. 1990a. hlean
as well as in adjacent semi-arid zones.
seasonal and spatial variability in gauge-corrected,
While these results are expected, the new global precipitation. International Journal of Cli-
index is superior in that it varies only between matology lO:ll1-27.
-1.0 and +1.0, and it is symmetric about Legates, D. R. and C. J. Willrnott. 1990b. Mean
zero. This allows for a more rational (linear) seasonal and spatial variability in global surface
progression of isolines for the wet climates, air temperature. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
relative to the original index (Fig. 1). It also 41:11-21.
makes possible the use of a single, constant Mather, J. R. 1974. Climatology: Fundamentals and
contour interval for both wet and dry climates. Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Mather, J . R. 1990. Personal communication. De-
This, in turn, facilitates cross-comparisons
partment of Geography, University of Delaware,
among places. Within much of the forested Newark, DE.
area of western and central Brazil ( I , = 0.5), Mather, J. K. and G. A. Yoshioka. 1968. The role
for instance, only about half the rainfall can of climate in the distribution of vegetation. Annals
be evapotranspired back into the atmosphere of the Association of American Geographers 58(1):ZY-
whereas, in the relatively dry Caatinga region 41.
of eastern Brazil (I, = -0.5), only about half Rosenberg, N. J , , B. L. Blad and S. B. Verma.
the atmospheric moisture demand can be met 1983. Microclimate: The Biological Environment.
by the supply (Fig. 1). It should he noted that New York: John Wiley and Sons.
our 0.25 isoline interval was selected solely to Thornthwaire, C. W. 1943. Problems in the classi-
fication of climates. Geographical Review 3 3(2):2 3 3-
describe the spatial variability of I,. Our iso-
lines, therefore, do not represent boundaries Thornthwaite, C. W. 1948.A n approach toward a
associated with newly defined climatic types. rational classification of climate. Geographical Re-
view 38(1):55-94.
Thornthwaite, C.W. and J. R. Mather. 1955.The
water balance. Publications in Climatology 8(:)I 1-
Summary Willmott, C.J. 1984. On the evaluation of model
A modified version of Thornthwaite's annual performance in physical geography. In Spatial Sta-
tistics and Models, eds. G. I,. Gaile and C . J. \W-
moisture index has been presented. O u r ver-
mott, 443-60. Boston: D. Keidel.
sion of the index is symmetric about zero and Willmott, C. J. 1987. Models, Climatic. In 73e En-
bounded by -1.0 and 1.0; as a result, it re- cyclopedia of Climatology, eds. J . E. Oliver and K.
moves some of the difficulties associated with W. Fairbridge, 584-90. New York: Van Nostrand
the original index (e.g., its asymmetric limits Reinhold.
and variable contour intervals). T h e theoreti- Willmott, C. J., C. M. Rowe and Y. Mintz. 1985.
cal advantages of the new index have been Climatology of the terrestrial seasonal \rater
discussed and the practical advantages illus- cycle. Journal of Climatology 5:589-606.
trated by mapping the index for the terrestrial Wilm, H.G.,C . W. Thornthwaite, E. A. Colman,
world. It is hoped that our refinement will be N. W. Cummings, A. R. Croft, 14. T. Gisbornc,
S. T. Harding, A . H. Hendrickson, M. D. fioo-
of use to those interested in describing and
ver, I. E. Houk, J. Kittridge, C. H. Lee, C.-G.
mapping the relative wetness and dryness of Rossby, T . Saville and C. A. Taylor. 1944. Re-
climates. W
88 Volume 44, Number I , February 1992

port of thc Committee on Transpiration and tionships between land-surface processes and cli-
F,vaporation, 1943-44. Transactions, American Geo- mate, and the statistical analysis of large-scale cli-
physical Union 2 5 1638-93. mate fields.

J O H A N N E S FEDDEMA is Assistant Professor of

C O R T WILLhlOTT is Chair of the Ikpartment Geography at the University of California, I n s An-
of Geography and Professor of Geography and hta- geles. H e was formerly a Ph.11. student at the Uni-
rine Studies at the University of Delaware. IIe also versity of Delaware. His research interests include
is a member of the Universityk Center for Climatic water balance climatology and climate/teleconnec-
Research. His research interests include the rela- tion processes.

On the Issues of Scale, Resolution, and Fractal Analysis in the

Mapping Sciences*
Nina Siu-Ngan Lam Dale A. Quattrochi
Louisiana Stute C'niversity hTASAScience and Technology Laboratory,
Stennis Space Center
Scale and resolution have long been key issues in geography. The rapid development of analytical cartography,
CIS, and remote sensing (the mapping sciences) in the last decade has forced the issues of scale and resolution to
be treated formally and better defined. This paper addresses the problem of scale and resolution in geographical
studies, with special reference to the mapping sciences. l h e fractal concept is introduced, and its use in identifying
the scale and resolution problem is discussed. The implications of the scale and resolution problem on studies of
global change and modeling are also explored. Key words: scale, resolution, fractals, mapping sciences.

Scale, Resolution, and Geography areas. Some geographers rely on data obtained
from satellites, yet others depend on data re-
he concept of scale is central to geography garding pollen counts and soil particles ob-
T H arvey 1969; Meentemeyer 1980; Wat- tained through electronic microscopes. Diver-
son 1978; Woodcock and Strahler 1987). It is sity within the discipline results in the necd
one of the main characteristics that portrays to address spatial problems from multiple
geographic data and provides a unique percep- scales and resolutions.
tion of spatial attributes as they relate to form, This variation in scales can be regarded both
process, and dimension. Geographers often as a strength and weakness of the discipline.
deal with spatial phenomena of various scales. hmalyzing geographical phenomena using a
For example, geomorphology encompasses range of scales offers a special view and meth-
studies ranging from patterns of river net- odology that other disciplines seldom employ,
works, river basins, and coastline changes to enhancing geography's strength. To the con-
potholes, cave, and gully formation based on trary, the massive amount of data needed for
international, national, regional, or local analysis of spatial phenomena at various scales,
scales. Climatologists study upper air circula- coupled with the possibility of applying an
tion around the globe as well as effects of local inappropriate methodology, often leads to a
climate on agricultural production and health. meaningless study. This invites criticism and
Urban geography includes studies ranging confusion from within the discipline and from
from analyzing the urban systems in an inter- other related disciplines.
national, national, or regional context to as- This paper does not attempt to solve issues
sessing the impact of facility location on local of scale and resolution, but rather brings to-
* W e thank (;regor> Carter. Lce De C:ola, the nnon!.mous re\ icuers, and the editor for improving this paper; Clifford Duplechin and Xhrv
Lee Eggart, and the LSU graduate students fnr preparing the graphic?. and the N;\SA, John C. Stennis Space Cmter, Director's Discre-
rionar! Fund for supporting in part the de\rlopmcnt of this paper.

Gwgrdpher, +&(I) 19Y?, p a p 88-YX 0 Cop! right 1992 b! .issociation of .-\nicrican (;eogrdpherS
. \ p i 1 1991; final acceptancr. .J.uguyt 19')I
Initial subi ni ~ ~ i i i n,

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