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i THE ENVIRONMENT AND YOU. UN ROM ea How “endronmertalfendy” are you? How do you get to setool or work each day? ‘Altai te subway. Blainays dive Cido my bike What do you use to take notes on in lass? ‘Ase anotebook made rom 100 percent recycled paper. B | use expensive, whl, ned paper. Cluse my laptop. \Winat kinds of bags Go you use atthe grocery store? ‘Aaco paper bags that oye Buse plane bags that tow away. ‘Cl use acanvas bag tt | e-wse each day. eee eect Coe Sn Mee cee secs ewe munusnone ‘20 aso Yep hoy Aeewonueie eat 9 sown tend My HON A. Skill Presentation Some of the most commen mistakes in witing are using sentence fragments tunon sentences, and comma spies sentence fragment isthe result of + asentence missing ether a subject ora verb, + sentence not expressing a complete idea {a dependent clause being used on it own without an independent clause. Lookat these sentence fragments and how they can be corected Isa major problem. X (missing a subject) ‘Water pollution is a major problem. Environmentalists work the effects of pollution. x (doesnt expressa complete idea) Environmenialists work to decrease the effects of pollution. 7 Because it affects the whole world. X (missing an independent clause) Pollution isa global problem because i affects the whole work. ‘Arun-on sentence has two or more independent clauses that are connected without a comma ora Conjunction Lookat this sentence and how itcan be corrected. Air polation can cause health problems it can make existing problems worse. X Air polation can cause health problems. It can make existing problems worse. 7 Air polation can cause health problems, and it can make existing problems worse. |Acormma splice has two or more independent clauses that are connected with a comma, but Witheut a conjunction. Lookst this sentence and how itean be omected. People may have access to wate, this water may not be clean. X People may have access to water but this water may not be clean, B. Over to You 1 Read the sentences and decide why they are incorrect. Write F for Sentence Fragment, RO for Run-On Sentence, or C5 for Comma Splice. _—1 Polluted ar can cate health problem can shortn ves —2 Polluted water may be unsafe, experts advise against drinking i 3 Pollution becoming criss ina large number af eegions throughout the wold. 2 Read each item in the chart, and decide if itis a correct sentence, a sentence fragment, a "run-on sentence, or a comma splice. Check (7) the boxiin the correct column. 1. Waterpolluton is problem people wing too iach waters alos problem. 2 People should take steps o conserve water 2. Should fallow these guidelines ta conserve 4. When people brush thei teeth, 5, People should check for leaks, they should have them fixed, 6, Some peopl encourage others touse, 2, People can also help hep water clean. 8, They can chemicals to collection ste 9. Collection stes safely get rid of chemicals this hepskexp water clean. 10, Some chemicals may pllte drinking water if they arenot throm ay proper 1 A —_____ oes not express a complete tea. ray, homing a ubject a ertrray bea dopencnt clause ricsing an cause 2 oor moro —___ clause ood togethor without a.comana oa conjucton rests a a ‘3 Two.or mar independent clases connected wth comma but without 3 conjuction sa —_—— 1 Avoiding Sentence Fragments, ur-Ons, and Comma Splces C. Practice 1 Read each pair of sentences. Check (V) the correct sentence. 1 1. Noise pollution does not harm animals it can cause them to leave their homes, 'b Noise pollution does not harm animals, but it can cause them to leave their homes. 2.1) a Light pollution doesnot harm people in immediately obvious ways, but it can be very irritating. ‘Light pollution doesnot harm people in immediately obvious ways it can be very itritating. 3.) a. Smog used to mean the combination of smoke and fog, today i refersto polluted air. |b. Smog used to mean the combination of smoke and fog but today it refers to polluted air. 4.) a Theword smog was first used in the 1900s, butithad a different meaning then. '. The word smog was ist used in the 1900s it had a diferent meaning then. ‘Soil pollution contaminates the ground, and it may prevent plants from growing '. Soil pollution contaminates the ground t may prevent plants fom grosring. 6 | a Smog causes many health problems the impact is often imsmectiate, = b.Smog causes many health problems, and the impact is often immediate. 2. Read the sentence fragments and a student's explanations of what is wrong. Write C ifthe student's explanation is corrector | ifitis incorrect 1 Carbon dioxide a gas produced by the body. _—“This sentence fragment is missing a verb” 2 When it comes from other sources. _— “This sentence fragment isa dependent clause not connected to an independent clause” |3 Many industries require. “This sentence fragment does not express complete idea because fs missing an object” 4 Contains significant amounts of carbon dioxide. “This sentence fragment isa dependent clause not connected to an independent clause” '5 Causes both short-term and long-term damage. "This sentence fragment is missing a subject” 6 Air pollution irritating to the eyes, nose, and throat. “This sentence fragment is missing a verb” 7 Other short-term problems include. “This sentence fragment is missinga subject” Skis for Effective Witing 4 D. Skill Quiz ‘Check (/) the correct answer for each item. 1 Onetype ofa sentence fragment is 8 two independent clauses ‘connected without a comma b. an independent clause with a subject and a complete verb, «ca dependent daase not connected to an independent clause 2 Arrun-on sentence is two independent clauses ‘connected without a comma, b. two independent clauses ‘connected only with a comma «a dependent clause not connected to an independent clause. 3 A.comma splice is 8 two independent clauses ‘connected only by a comma, ba dependent ciause not connected to an independent clause. «a sentence without a verb. 44 Choose the sentence fragment. 1, Some experts say too many trees are cut down every year 'b, Because the new tees do not grow ‘quickly enough to replace those that have been cut dawn, «, Environmentalists argue that people use too much paper it damages forests 5 Choose the run-on sentence 4, Homes are larger than inthe past, and we are using more trees to ‘build them. »b, Homes are larger than inthe past, we are sing more trees to build them: ‘c, Homes are large than in the past we are sing more trees 10 build them. 6 Choose the comma splice. ‘4 Noise pollution draws less attention because it doesnt haem the environment in immediately ‘obvious ways. ', Noise levels are increasing in large cities, this causes birds to leave «The noise from machines used to chop dovin trees is driving ‘many animals from the forest, 7 Environmentalists and other concerned citizens investigate ‘his sentence fragment is missing a a subject. b.averb, an object, 8 Pollution causing a variety of problems ‘throughout the planet “This sentence fragment is missing a. a subject. bh avert, . adependent clause. 9 Is posible to reduce pollution with the cooperation of governments and private industry. “This sentence fragment is missing a. asubject. be aver. «an object. 10 If we do not do something soon “This sentence fragment is missing 1 a. asubject baverb, «an independent clause. 1 Avoiding Sentence Fragments, Run-ons, and Comma Spices

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