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Caribbean Union College

Tech-Voc Department
Food Nutrition & Health


Multiple choice.
If you spill something small on the floor, what should you do?
o Pretend it didn’t happen and hope someone else will clean it.
o Tell the teacher and get him/her to clean it.
o Clean it up immediately.
o Tell everyone and leave it there.

What is the best practise to follow when cutting raw meat and vegetables?
o Use different cutting boards.
o Use different cutting boards and knives.
o It doesn’t matter, just use the same knife and cutting board.
o Rinse the cutting board and continue.

When washing up, rinse first then…

o Wash dirtiest to cleanest.
o Wash cleanest to dirtiest.
o Wash cleanest to dirtiest and wipe down cooktops and benches.
o Wash glassware to pots.

Cross contamination us…

o When you don’t cook food properly.
o When bacteria is transferred from one food to another.
o When someone gets really angry in the kitchen.
o Not really worth worrying about.

It is important for kitchen workers to wash their hands before which of the following
o Going to the toilet.
o Handling utensils.
o Handling rubbish.
o Having a meal break.

True and False

Raw food should be kept in sealed containers to prevent spread of bacteria.
o Ture
o Fales

Cleaning up sweat and wiping down equipment after use and good hygiene practices.
o True
o Fales

Cross contamination occurs when raw foods come into direct/indirect contact with cooked
o True
o Fales

There is no need to rinse or wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly.

o True
o False

You do not have to worry about washing utensils, cutting boards and countertops with
warm water, soapy water after contact with raw meat or poultry.
o True
o False

Fill in the blank.

Refrigerator Cover Utensil Clean Hands

________ must be thoroughly washed before handling food.

All clothes must be clean. Wear a ________ apron or pinafore to protect outer clothing.

Do not put a ________ that has been in your mouth back into the food.

Always ________ food from dust and flies with a clean throw-over.

After shopping, place perishable foods in the _______________ as soon as you arrive home.

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