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Caribbean Union College

Tech-Voc Department
Food Nutrition & Health


True or false.

1. Walking around with sharp knives is okay if it is in the kitchen.

2. When done using knives you should just throw them in the sink to be washed with

the other dishes.

3. You can tell if food is still safe to eat by smelling it.

4. It is okay to put aluminium foil in the microwave.

5. Pregnant women, infants, seniors, and people with a weakened immune system are

at greater risk of developing foodborne illnesses.


Fill in the blanks.

1. ______________ is emergency care given immediately to an injured person.

2. A _____________ is more likely to slip and cut you than a _______________.

3. Always wear _____________ footwear while in the kitchen.

4. _____________________ is the transfer of harmful bacteria from one food to


5. Your kitchen should always have a ______________________ close by in case of a


Multiple choice

1. A term used to describe something that has the potential to cause harm or adverse

effects to individuals, organizations property or equipment.

a. Safety signs

b. First aid

c. Hazard

d. Fire safety

2. Occurs when pathogens enter the body through the ingestion of contaminated food.

a. Foodborne illness

b. Food infection.

c. Biological hazards

d. Psychrophiles

3. First aid kits should include.

a. Scissors, prepared wound dressings, safety pins, antiseptic cream, and a

paper clip.

b. Scissors, antiseptic cream, chocolate, prepared wound dressings, and safety


c. Scissors, antiseptic cream, safety pins, and prepared wound dressings.


4. Some symptoms of shock are:

a. Clammy skin, blurred vision, nausea, confusion, thirst, shallow breathing,

weak pulse.

b. Blurred vision, bleeding, singing, weak pulse, confusion,

c. Weak pulse, eating, confusion, shallow breathing, safety pins, thirst.

5. To prevent electric shock, you should

a. Check chords on electrical appliances.

b. Never put metal objects in a toaster.

c. Keep water from electrical appliances.

d. All the above.

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