Resume 202302201224

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Daniela Rincon Nieto


Integral professional with the ability to analyze and intervene in human body movement, through
actions in health promotion, disease prevention, habilitation and rehabilitation of people, leader,
respectful and responsible in the academic and work environment.


Management of health services Dec 2022 - Present

Politécnico de Colombia • Bogota, Colombia

Recognize the tools available in the area of health services management

Cupping and Kinesiotaping course Nov 2021 - 2022
Fisioterapia ORG, Virtual • Bogota, Colombia

Certifies neuromuscular taping and cupping application technique

Physiotherapist Jan 2016 - Mar 2021
Universidad de la Sabana • Chia, Colombia

Higher education program that trains integral professionals who study, analyze, and intervene in
human body movement as an essential element of health.
Academic Bachelor Jan 2005 - Dec 2015
Colegio Fundacion Colombia • Bogotá, Colombia

They offer a comprehensive education in Academic Modalty with emphasis in Finance and


• Problem solving
• Creativity
• Use of technological tools


Physiotherapy in disability program Oct 2022 - Present

Alcaldia Municipal de Zipaquira • Zipaquira, Colombia

Assessment, care and pedagogical and community work with disabled people
Home Physical Therapist Apr 2022 - Oct 2022
Humanizar IPS • Zipaquira, Colombia

Design and implement a customized treatment plan for each patient to alleviate pain and restore
physical mobility at home
Therapeutic Accompaniment Mar 2022 - May 2022
Clinica Neurorehabilitar • Bogota, Colombia

Therapeutically accompany users with disabilities in all their activities of daily living
Occupational health and safety analyst Jul 2021 - Jan 2022
Preveintegral • Bogota, Colombia

Development of activities for the prevention of occupational risks

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