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Biodiversity loss

Biodiversity is one of the most important factors that exist, since it is composed of all
living beings that make up the ecosystem.
Many times, we do not give enough importance to this issue, as we tend to believe
or focus only on environmental pollution and leaving in oblivion the life beyond the
cities and agricultural and livestock areas. We do not take the time to investigate all
the bad things that cause the loss of biodiversity.
The loss of biodiversity has very serious consequences that we do not take into
account, since it is vital for the survival of life on the planet.
By provoking the extinction of species, we alter the food chains, causing that if one
species is lost, another is altered, preventing its development, and triggering a future
extinction. One of the most important cases is that of bees, since their
overexploitation and extinction would cause the inability to pollinate, stopping the
production of plant food.
Soil, water, and air also depend heavily on biodiversity. Plants keep CO2 under
control, and their extinction would lead to climate change and rising temperatures.
The soils that are in the forests help water to filter and reach the aquifers, providing
a source of water for human consumption. This also helps the soil to remain fertile,
but without them disappearing, the soil becomes completely infertile and turns into
an arid zone. Besides being a loss of habitat for many animals.
It is important to educate ourselves more on this issue and not overlook it, as we can
risk our lives and that of future generations.

Peralta Silva Elena

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