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Jesús Solorzano

 Which are the best cool places to shop?

the best place to shop is the street shops, you really find very good things
hidden in those shops, very cool clothes.
 In your opinion, which is the popular colors in the clothes?
o In my opinion, the best colors in the clothes are the black and the white color,
is very simple, but is very cool and elegant.
 Which are the unpopular colors in the clothes?
o The most unpopular colors in the clothes are the yellow, is the color most
 Which are the latest gadgets now?
o In my opinion is the apple phones that is very amazing and elegant, but is very
expensive certainly.
 Which are the trendy accessories?
o In the trendy accessories, the most of this are earrings and bracelets, also
some more technological ones such as headphones and smart watches.
 Which are the current clothing styles?
o My clothing style is very casual, and the most of my clothing is black color, and
very simple.
 Which are the current hairstyles?
o My current hairstyles are long, and normal, nothing fancy, but is cool for me, I
can play with my hair, and try new styles.

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