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Write a program to accept one string, after that:

- Convert all characters to upper-case letter and display the new string
- Count the number of characters that are changed from lower-case to upper-case and
displays this value.
- Calculate the average of all characters in the new string with their ASCII codes
(example: ABCs ASCII codes are 65,66,67 the average is (65+66+67)/3=66)
- Find in the old string the sub-string “Aa” and display the first position of sub-string in the
old string. If the is no such string, display “there is not “Aa” in the string”
- Count the times that each character appears in the string and display them
The program must be divided into 6 modules which do the followings:
- Accept one string from user’s input.
- Convert the string to upper-case
- Count the number of characters that is changed from lower-case to upper-case
- Calculate the average of all characters in the new string with their ASCII codes and return
the float number format.
- Find the sub-string “Aa”
- Count the times that each character appear
Write main function to call all functions above.

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