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TOPIC: Lead and Manage effective

workplace Management






Assessment task 1: knowledge test

Q1: Answers
They ensure that staff are aware of the organization's values and objectives as well as what is
expected of them in various circumstances.
There is no need for trial-and-error or micromanagement because the roles of the individual
and the team are clearly defined. Employees are required to read the workplace policies and
procedures. They should be able to approach their work with clarity.
 Take every opportunity to develop and enhance relationships with people outside
your organization in an open and transparent way.
 Clearly identify and assess the roles, responsibilities, and influence of each of your
 Conduct any professional contact with people outside your organization in a way that
promotes goodwill, trust, and confidence.
 Conduct professional contact with people outside your organization in an inclusive
 Promptly refer any enquiries outside your responsibility to the appropriate person.
 Act swiftly to deal with any situation where goodwill, trust and confidence maybe at
 Accurately record contact with people outside your organization where appropriate.

Q2: Answers
Types of interpersonal communication
 Oral Communication. Oral communication is anything involving speaking, from the
words you choose to your tone of voice when you say them.
 Written Communication.
 Nonverbal Communication.
 Listening.

Evaluation of consultation procedures is necessary to ascertain whether the objectives of the
consultation processes have been successful. Evaluation increases the legitimacy and
openness of as well as determining what needs work in the future. Restrictions might be
found through feedback and consultation questionnaires. The consultancy industry has
become one of the most diverse markets within professional services. There has been a sharp
rise in the number of specialized consultants as they continue to operate in a wide range of
areas. Strategy, management, business, finance, human resources, and information
technology consulting are some of the specializations of such professionals. They have
expertise in their file of work on which their clients need advice.
Consultation processes include:
 the development or implementation of a process which ensures that all employees
could contribute to workplace issues.
 feedback to the work team in relation to outcomes of the consultation process.


Q3: Answers

Formal communication is time-consuming as opposed to Informal communication, which is

rapid and quick. Formal communication is more reliable than Informal communication
whereas Informal communication, the information must follow a chain of command.
Conversely, the informal communication can move freely in any direction. In formal
communication, full secrecy is maintained, but in the case of informal communication
maintenance of secrecy is a very tough task.

Some of the common scenarios where we use formal Communication are:

 Communication between an associate and the human resource manager

 Conversation between people from different departments
 Conversation between a subordinate and the team lead
 Business presentation
 Marketing brochure, landing pages and pamphlets
 Website content, etc.
Some of the common scenarios where we use informal communication are:

 A chat between two employees working in the same team.

 A chat between two employees working in different departments at the same
 A private journal.

Being aware of the differences and valuing them in the workplace requires cultural
sensitivity. Language, communication, working, religious, and social norm differences may
exist between cultures. Time zones are an example of a little difference. Social sensitivity
demonstrates that one is aware of other people in both business and social settings. Cultural
sensitivity means that you are aware and accepting of cultural differences. It implies that you
withhold judgment of cross-cultural practices, and that you can deal effectively with these
Cultural sensitivity refers to the idea or concept that all cultures in a workplace are welcome
and that there is an awareness of both the differences and similarities between employees.
Being culturally sensitive in the workplace means:
 Being aware of differences in employees based on cultural backgrounds.
 Learning to define cultural sensitivity and its importance to the workplace.
 Being aware of one’s own culture and how someone’s background may lead to
 Having the skills and resources needed to work with employees from all different


 Having the ability to avoid making assumptions based on someone’s culture .

 Having specific steps in place to encourage team members from different cultures to
effectively work together.
 The ability to communicate with employees and team members with different
communication styles.
 The knowledge that differences do not make someone superior or inferior in terms of
their skills.

Q4: Answers
Understanding the importance of building relationships in the workplace can help advance
your career and make work more enjoyable. Regardless of the field you work in, having
relationships with your peers can have a direct impact on your professional success. Knowing
how to build relationships is a valuable skill. In this article, we discuss reasons why building
relationships in the workplace is important and provide tips for improving relationships at
work. Networking is about building long-term business relationships that are beneficial to
both parties. When networking, you meet and get to know people who not only offer career
advice or guidance but can help expand your effectiveness in your organization. Networking
creates the right connections with the right people and fosters those relationships regularly.
Networking is important because it:
 Builds your reputation
 Builds trust and support
 Invites opportunity
 Inspires creative thinking

Conflict resolution is a process for settling disputes between people. This process helps
people have successful relationships with colleagues, customers, and business partners.
Understanding conflict resolution can help you settle disputes you have with other people or
help others resolve their issues. In this article, we explain what conflict resolution is, note
steps for resolving conflict, explain the skills used for the resolution of conflict and suggest
ways to improve these skills.

Q5: Answers
Fair Work Act

The NES has 10 minimum standards for all employees, including the right to:
 Minimum wages
 Maximum weekly hours
 Flexible work arrangements
 Paid annual and personal/carer’s leave
 Community service leave


 Parental leave
 Public holidays
 Notice of termination and redundancy pay
 Long service leave
 Offer and request to convert from casual to permanent employee

Q6: Answers
Employees can comprehend expected behavior and performance standards thanks to
policies and procedures, which also offer rules and guidelines for making decisions and
ensuring consistency across organizational processes. It is impossible to exaggerate the
significance of workplace policies and practices. No matter what type of workplace or
business you run, policies are important. They help clarify and reinforce the standards
expected of employees in all their professional dealings and assist employers in managing
staff effectively by defining what’s acceptable and unacceptable in the workplace. Policies are
often provided to employees in a handbook that clearly outlines all workplace policies and
procedures, or the policy itself may form part of the employment contract.


a. Employers often provide employees with handbooks, policies and procedures

which regulate workplace matters such as:
 Work health and safety
 Anti-discrimination and equal employment opportunity.

a. Occupational Health and Safety.

b. Use of company property.
c. Use of social media.
d. Drug and alcohol use.
e. Employee performance management and discipline.

b. A good workplace policy on discrimination and harassment should

 a strong statement of the organisation’s attitude to discrimination and
 a definition of discrimination and harassment
 a statement that discrimination and harassment on any of the grounds in
federal/state anti-discrimination legislation is against the law
 circumstances where discrimination and harassment can occur
 a statement that everyone has a responsibility to prevent workplace
harassment and discrimination
 information on how and where to seek help if discrimination or
harassment occurs
 the likely consequences of unlawful discrimination or harassment.


c. To deal with workplace conflict, HR departments need to have a formalized

written policy that details what is considered inappropriate workplace conduct
and that is easily accessible to all employees. A businesses conflict resolution
policy also needs to set out clear procedures for investigating noncompliance
reports and disciplinary action. Companies with weak workplace conflict policies
may lose talented and productive workers who are simply looking to escape an
unpleasant co-worker whose negative behaviour goes unchecked.

Q7: Answers
It is a tool that makes project management easier. A RACI model can help you with the
following: Organize your work into sections. All the participants in the project should be
identified. According to the area of the project each employee will be working on, assign
them the appropriate tasks and duties. The RACI model is one of the easiest, the most
efficient and the cheapest ways of enhancing stakeholder engagement.
The RACI model reveals the level of each person's involvement with the specific task:
 Responsible — a manager or another professional who bears direct responsibility for
completing a project task.
 Accountable — a specialist with final authority over the completion of a particular
task or deliverable.
 Consulted — a person whom it might be wise to consult because they can share
valuable insights.
 Informed — an executive or customer who isn't directly involved in the project, but
you should notify them about updates, nevertheless.
The 4 Step Consulting Process:
1. Assess/Discovery- first step helps you understand…
 What is going on in your client’s organization
 What opportunities there are
 What threat/problems exist
 What can be done to improve their condition
 This step gives you clarity on how to progress through the rest of the consulting
Assessing the client’s situation gives you clarity which helps you prepare recommendations
for the client. From there, you adjust the rest of your service delivery based on your
assessment. This step ensures that the rest of the process is more efficient, effective, and
creates better results.

2. Plan- The second phase of the consulting process here is what we call “Plan.” You
might be saying, “You just said plan in the 1st step. What’s the difference?” The
difference is that the second step is a much more detailed plan. Instead of a high-
level plan, think strategic recommendations.


3. Implementation-In this step, you’ll implement the plan to improve your client’s
marketing. EXAMPLE:
 Adjusting their positioning.
 Improving their SEO.
 Re-designing their marketing materials.
 Depending on how you structure your service offer, you may or may not be the
person doing the implementation.
 If you’re like most consultants, you’ll be guiding or advising the team responsible for

4. Optimization- By now in the consulting process, you’ve implemented your plan. Now
that you’ve implemented it, you’ll get some feedback and data. You’ll learn what
levels of success you’ve created and what can be improved further. you’ll deliver
services like:
 Ongoing coaching
 Training
 Mentorship
 Working with or leading teams
There’s a lot of different ways that you can deliver value to your clients during optimization.
It’s usually ongoing or for a set period.

Q8: Answers
a.Mediation- is a structured negotiation process in which an independent person,
known as a mediator, assists the parties to identify and assess options and
negotiate an agreement to resolve their dispute. Mediation is an alternative to a
judge imposing a decision on the parties. Mediation is most effective when
resolving issues between employees, rather than issues employees might have
with company policies or procedures. Company-based mediation aims to de-
escalate the situation quickly, preserve employee relationships and avoid
disputes being taken through formal litigation processes.

b. Conflict coaching- Conflict coaching is a private, one-on-one problem

resolution strategy that examines a conflict and increases the client's self-
awareness and conflict management skills. It is a potent standalone tool that
may also be used in settings including work environments, families, business
partnerships, and collaborative practice as a successful precursor to
mediation. The coaching may concentrate on a specific argument or
circumstance involving parties, or it may concentrate on actions that a person
may want to modify to increase their own conflict competence. Conflict
coaching is effective in working with dysfunctional teams and in this approach
individual coaching is followed by a whole of team facilitation resulting in a
team agreement or charter that clarifies roles, sets behaviors, and establishes
strong communication. Conflict coaching is used effectively as part of a family
dispute resolution process and is offered in some cases as a stand-alone
service in this area.


c. Team interventions- Team building interventions are exercises designed to

resolve conflicts within groups. These mediations help organizations
strengthen group dynamics by addressing weaknesses in the current system.
Teams work with a professional to diagnose issues within the team structure
and improve team competencies such as communication, conflict resolution,
problem-solving, interpersonal relationship capability, and delegation. There
are many types of such procedures, as outlined below. These interventions are
important but often overlooked steps in the organizational development
process. Team intervention types:

 Skill-based focuses on developing teamwork skills such as leadership

abilities, conflict resolution, compromise and negotiation, active
listening, and group discussion.
 Personality-based concentrates on team members’ temperaments,
typically with psychological tests like the Myers-Brigg and DISC
 Activity-based uses team building exercises to strengthen teamwork
components like trust, risk-taking, communication, and critical
 Problem solving fixates on concrete challenges and tasks the team
with finding solutions to problems as a group. Sessions typically occur
at an offsite location.

Understanding the different team building intervention types can help you
determine and plan the best approach for your team.

Conflict in the workplace is often inevitable, regardless of how harmonious or productive
your team is. Employees have different personalities, perspectives, and ways of
approaching a situation, so diverse attitudes, emotions or goals become apparent. Basic
steps of a conflict resolution process are:
1. Clarify the source of the problem: What is the current problem? It is better to acquire
more knowledge. Give each party the chance to share their thoughts on the issue and
the circumstances surrounding the incident. It would be better to speak to each
person separately in a serene and private setting. Keep in mind that you might have
preconceived biases about the circumstances, or the parties involved.

2. Go beyond the conflict and identify other barriers: People can be complicated, and
often, what we think we understand of the problem may only be the tip of the
iceberg. It’s easy to lose sight of the problem at hand and take workplace challenges
personally. Use probing questions to discover any other issues, emotions or
occurrences that may have acted as a resolution barrier.

3. Establish a common goal: Now that you understand what caused the disagreement,
take a solution-focused stance. How does each side propose to fix the issue? What
do they want to happen? What is better for the company if the issue is one of


professionalism? If the situation has also gotten personal, you might want to put
more effort into fostering trust.

4. Explore how they goal can be reached: Encourage both parties to think about
potential alternatives, any necessary concessions, and how they might benefit from
one another's viewpoints. Consider the big picture and look at all your possibilities.

5. Develop an agreement: It could be difficult to get everyone to agree on the ideal

course of action but stress the advantages that the chosen course of action will have
for each person and the company. Make sure everyone feels appreciated and ask
them to consider the circumstances and the lessons they took away from the
experience. Even though the conflict resolution phase might be difficult, handling it
well is essential for the success of your workplace and the happiness of your staff.

Q9: Answers
Escalation management is a process put in place to deal with incidents and problem
management within a system, ensuring problems get resolved and issues are
addressed at the right level. Typically, an organization will have a set of procedures in
place to deal with escalation management under a variety of circumstances. The
purpose of the project escalation process is to ensure that as the issues get a higher
priority, they will be successfully addressed by higher management authorities in a
timely manner. Escalation of a project can be caused by changes occurred within
existing issue management. Here’re basic reasons for initiating the project escalation
 Scope issues
 Major tradeoff decisions
 Serious conflicts in resource acquisition and management.
Essentially the intent of an issue resolution process is to make things easier for the
people in your workplace to come to a resolution following an issue.
1. Report & Record: Clearly state the channels for employee complaint. Do they
email someone, notify someone, or open an Excel register and enter it in? It
may seem straightforward, but the key is to make it plain to your team
members how to bring up a concern. If you make sure that it is documented,
no one will be able to claim that they were unaware of the situation in the
future. Thus, documenting the problem helps to increase the likelihood that it
is obvious and can be resolved right away.

2. Review & Assess: After they are logged, who reviews the issues? The
requirements direct you to make sure that the Health and Safety
Representative (HSR) is informed and consulted, together with the workers
management. If you don't have an HSR, find someone who is knowledgeable
about health and safety at work. Have a team of people examine and evaluate
the problem if possible. This can be an effective strategy because a team is


more likely to identify long-lasting controls and solutions that consider every
aspect of your company's operations.

3. Ways to Escalate: Where does a problem go if it isn't addressed or fixed? It's

possible that your staff lacks the knowledge or experience necessary to
handle more pressing problems. Therefore, at this point, you must a clear
route for complaints to be escalated to management or even outside parties.
Usually, one employee will first bring up a problem, then the HSR, and last the
management. The problem might then be escalated to the manager's
management if it is not resolved at this level.

Assessment Task 2: Skills Test

Activity 1: Develop Consultation processes

Communication Audience Communication Measures of Person

Method Frequency Effectiveness Responsible

Meeting Employees Monthly -Tasks to been Managers


-Targets & Objectives


Team Leader Bi-weekly Operation


All Employees Weekly/Bi-weekly General/Operations

Email Manager

Visual Team leader Quarterly General Manager




Activity 2: Develop processes for conflict management

Stages in conflict Explanation Actions to resolve Responsible Person

conflict at each stage

Task-Based Conflicts Employees in a project Conflicts typically reach General Manager

network must collaborate so the point of latent
that each member of the stage emergence when
network may finish their an event needs to be
work, which might lead to initiated. Depending on
this form of conflict. Make how serious the event
your team aware of the is, there will be an
importance of responsibility eruption that could
and accountability. terminate quickly or
persist for a while. And
once a disagreement is
identified, it must be
settled otherwise it will
worsen until a deadlock
is established.

Leadership Conflicts Stressing respect for one Perceived Stage- Operation Manager
another among all Conflicts that escalate
employees, regardless of always endure longer
their roles within the but may also be
organization, is the best way resolved quickly.
to resolve this kind of However, once disputes
conflict at the workplace. get out of hand, there
Leaders must also be will always be a
mindful of their own deadlock between the
leadership philosophies and two or more sides.
keep an eye out to see if When both sides
they are irritating any staff believe they cannot win
members. and neither wants to
lose, a stalemate has

Personality-based Everything about us is At this point, either General Manager

Conflicts unique, including our negotiations haven't
personalities and work taken place or both
styles. Despite this, it's parties are aware of the
unlikely that we will ever get situation. You must
study the techniques of
along with everyone we
seasoned negotiators if
meet and working with
you want to learn how


individuals whose to settle disputes

personalities aren't through negotiation.
appealing in the slightest People who wish to
will never be simple. Please advance in
keep in mind that people management and assist
with workplace conflict
are not what you think they
resolution need to have
are. Don't allow someone's
strong negotiation
past behavior define them.
Be compassionate and
sympathetic to all your

Discrimination Discrimination is one of the You must observe All Employees/ General
most dangerous workplace seasoned negotiators Manager
conflicts, and human to learn how to resolve
intervention must come disputes through
through as fast as possible. negotiation. People
If, for instance, someone is who wish to advance in
being discriminated against management and assist
due to their gender, age, with workplace conflict
ethnicity, or even race, resolution need to have
there’s a need for a strong negotiation
company to start creating abilities.
awareness about open-
mindedness, understanding,
and acceptance within the


Activity 3: Develop processes for resolution


**Activity 4 / copy of email**

Delegate and confirm responsibilities

30th August,2022

Hi fellow colleagues,

I'm writing to invite you to a meeting on 28th November at 1.00pm to discuss that it
has been observed by the management to adapt personal communication styles to
model behaviors build trust and positive working relationships when communication
with team member. To ensure that we’re making the most of this meeting I’m
sharing the following information for you to review ahead of time.
 Consultation processes
 Conflict management processes
 Dispute resolution processes
 Roles and responsibilities of the team member

If there are additional attendees, please let me know and I’ll add them to the

Please find attached meeting agenda for your reference.

Please acknowledge the acceptance of the meeting.

Kind regards,


Activity 4: Delegate and confirm responsibilities

Meeting agenda template: 1

Date/Time: 21/10/22/10:00am

Location: Brisbane City

Chairperson: Mrs Rose Lal

Meeting Attendees: Shriya Kumar (Manager)

Full names and roles Riya Kumar (Marketing Manager)

Daniel Singh (Customer service Manager)

Zahraan Sahid (HR Manager)

Ryan Lal (IT Manager)

Agenda Item/Topic Discussion/Outcomes Action Due Date


Welcome Introduction on the meeting as Shriya Kumar 28/11/22

to why it is being held.

(Agenda item 1) -Discuss the most efficient Zahraan Sahid 28/11/22

communication protocol
Topic? Shriya Kumar
Employees from high-
level facilitation and -Discuss the code of ethics that
support abilities, as the team members need to
well as the capacity to follow.
engage and inspire


(Agenda item 2) Riya Kumar 28/1/22

- Adapting communication style
Topic? is being discussed? Daniel Singh

How Employees can

-Discussions on how to interact
adapt my
politely and effectively with
communication style
to set an example for
behavior, foster trust, - Discuss using other educational
and create a tools with your staff when
productive working necessary.

(Agenda item 3) -Discussions on the best Riya Kumar 28/11/2022

technique to communicate with
Topic? Daniel Singh
employees and achieving
Employees clarify targeted Aims. Zahraan Sahid
their roles and
responsibilities. - Make sure the team member is

-Discuss the importance roles

and responsibilities of the team

Summary Overall Summary

A meeting was conducted to the

meeting is to collaborate with
team members to delegate and
confirm responsibilities for
fulfilling the work tasks.


Decisions have been made on

how to sort out the issues based
on how the problem is with the
departmental managers and ways
have been arranged to
implement the change in the


Action/s if any

Next Meeting 28/11/22


Meeting closed at: 2.00pm

Minutes are a true and Approved/confirmed by Rose Lal

accurate record of the whom?

Meeting minutes template:

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Objective: discussions regarding the strategies to adapt and implementing the new
change in the workplace.

Attendees: Shriya Kumar (Manager)

Riya Kumar (Marketing Manager)

Zahraan Sahid (HR Manager)

Daniel Singh (Customer Service Manager)

Ryan Lal (IT Manager)

Venue: Brisbane City

Date: 21/10/22

No. Points Discussed Actions Suggested Target Date

Employees from
1 -Discuss the most efficient communication protocol 28/11/22
facilitation and
support abilities, as -Discuss the code of ethics that the team members
well as the capacity need to follow.
to engage and


inspire others?

How Employees can

2 28/11/22
adapt my
- Adapting communication style is being discussed?
communication style
to set an example -Discuss on how to interact politely and effectively with
for behavior, foster employees.
trust, and create a
productive working - Discuss using other educational tools with your staff
environment? when necessary.

Employees clarify
3 -Discuss on the best technique to communicate with 28/11/22
their roles and
employees and achieving targeted Aims.
- Make sure the team member is understanding?

-Discuss the importance roles and responsibilities of the

team members

Signature of attendee 1: Shriya Kumar Signature of attendee 2: Riya Kumar

Signature of attendee 3: Ryan Lal Signature of attendee 4: Daniel Singh

Signature of attendee 5: Zahraan Sahid


**Activity 5 / copy of email**

Support team members

30th August,2022

Hi fellow colleagues,

I'm writing to invite you to a meeting on 28th December at 1. 00pm.The

purpose of the meeting is to support the team member to achieve work
responsibilities, identify any work issues and prepare plan to address those
issues. To ensure that we’re making the most of this meeting I’m sharing the
following information for you to review ahead of time.
 Are they performing well within their work responsibilities?
 Do they face any issues working within team from diverse backgrounds?
 How do these issues affect their ability to work in a team?
 What training needs are required to address their issues?

If there are additional attendees, please let me know and I’ll add them to the

Please find attached meeting agenda for your reference.

Please acknowledge the acceptance of the meeting.

Kind regards,


Activity 5: Support team members

Meeting agenda template: 2

Date/Time: 21/10/22/10:00am

Location: Brisbane City

Chairperson: Mrs Rose Lal

Meeting Attendees: Shriya Kumar (Manager)

Full names and roles Riya Kumar (Marketing Manager)

Daniel Singh (Customer service Manager)

Zahraan Sahid (HR Manager)

Ryan Lal (IT Manager)

Agenda Item/Topic Discussion/Outcomes Action Officer Due


Welcome Introduction on the meeting as to Shriya Kumar 28/12/22

why it is being held.

(Agenda item 1) -Discuss important employees Daniel Singh 28/12/22

with language barriers
Topic? Zahraan Sahid
Employees from
Ryan Lal
Interact effectively -Discuss opinions language and
with people from Non-verbal feature.
diverse backgrounds
-Discuss the code of ethics that
the team members need to follow.

(Agenda item 2) Shriya Kumar 28/12/22

-Discuss do employees have any
Topic? struggles to work with diversity. Riya Kumar


-Discuss on how to interact

Facilitate employees’
politely and effectively with
contributions to the
consultation on work

(Agenda item 3) -Discuss on the activities and Zahraan Sahid 28/12/22

steps that employees can take
Topic? Shriya Kumar
when problems arise
Employees faces any
issues affect their -Discuss about how to appreciate
ability to work in a employees with responsibility.
-Discuss the importance of

Summary Overall Summary

A meeting was conducted to

support the team members to
achieve work responsibilities,
identify any work issues and
prepare a learning plan to address
those issues.


Decisions have been made on

how to sort out the issues based
on how the problem is with the
departmental managers and ways
have been arranged to implement
the change in the workplace.

Action/s if any

Next Meeting 28/12/22


Meeting closed at: 2.00pm


Minutes are a true and Approved/confirmed by whom? Rose Lal

accurate record of the

Meeting minutes template:

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Objective: discussions regarding the strategies to adapt and implementing the new
change in the workplace.

Attendees: Shriya Kumar (Manager)

Riya Kumar (Marketing Manager)

Zahraan Sahid (HR Manager)

Daniel Singh (Customer Service Manager)

Ryan Lal (IT Manager)

Venue: Brisbane City

Date: 21/10/22

No. Points Discussed Actions Suggested Target Date

Employees from
1 -Discuss important employees with language barriers 28/12/22
Interact effectively
with people from
diverse backgrounds -Discuss opinions language and Non-verbal feature.

-Discuss the code of ethics that the team members

need to follow.

2 28/12/22
-Discuss do employees have any struggles to work with
contributions to the
consultation on
work issues. -Discuss on how to interact politely and effectively with


Employees faces any

3 -Discuss on the activities and steps that employees can 28/12/22
issues affect their
take when problems arise
ability to work in a
team. -Discuss about how to appreciate employees with

-Discuss the importance of Policies.

Signature of attendee 1: Shriya Kumar Signature of attendee 2: Riya Kumar

Signature of attendee 3: Ryan Lal Signature of attendee 4: Daniel Singh

Signature of attendee 5: Zahraan Sahid

Template: Learning Plan

Struggles during Actions/Measures Responsibility Timeframe Key performance

the work indicators (KPIS)

Activity 6: Resolve conflicts

Implementation plan: Conflict 1 / Occasion 1


1. Identify the participants in the conflict and what you hope to achieve.


Conflict Participants Name: Name:

Role: Role:


Preferred State

Common Ground

Options for Resolution

2. Brainstorm and list the options available to resolve the conflict and identify a residual
consequence for each option.

Options for Resolution: Option: Consequence:





Best Options for Resolution

3. Priorities each option and determine how each will implemented.

Implementation Plan

Priority Step Team Member Status/Follow- Up Due Date

Description Responsible


Team members sign off

Name Role Signature Date

Implementation plan: Conflict 2 / Occasion 2


1. Identify the participants in the conflict and what you hope to achieve.

Conflict Participants Name: Name:

Role: Role:


Preferred State

Common Ground


Options for Resolution

2. Brainstorm and list the options available to resolve the conflict and identify a residual
consequence for each option.

Options for Resolution: Option: Consequence:





Best Options for Resolution

3. Priorities each option and determine how each will implemented.

Implementation Plan

Priority Step Team Member Status/Follow- Up Due Date

Description Responsible


Team members sign off

Name Role Signature Date

**Activity 7/ copy of email**

Gather and Review Feedback from the stakeholders

30th August,2022

Hi fellow colleagues,


I'm writing to invite you to a meeting on 28th December at 1. 00pm.The

purpose of the meeting is to support the team member to achieve work
responsibilities, identify any work issues and prepare plan to address those
issues. To ensure that we’re making the most of this meeting I’m sharing the
following information for you to review ahead of time.
 Are they performing well within their work responsibilities?
 Do they face any issues working within team from diverse backgrounds?
 How do these issues affect their ability to work in a team?
 What training needs are required to address their issues?

If there are additional attendees, please let me know and I’ll add them to the

Please find attached meeting agenda for your reference.

Please acknowledge the acceptance of the meeting.

Kind regards,
Nidhi Kumar.

Activity 7: Gather and Review Feedback from the stakeholders

Meeting agenda template: 2

Date/Time: 21/10/22/10:00am

Location: Brisbane City

Chairperson: Mrs Rose Lal

Meeting Attendees: Shriya Kumar (General Manager)


Full names and roles Riya Kumar (Team Members)

Agenda Item/Topic Discussion/Outcomes Action Officer Due


Welcome Introduction on the meeting as to Shriya Kumar 28/12/22

why it is being held.

(Agenda item 1) -Discuss important Provides data Riya Kumar 28/12/22

to justify continuing the program-
Discuss every evaluation plan.
Provide feedback
based on their -Discuss the safety protocols that
evaluation of the the team members need to follow.
management of

(Agenda item 2) Shriya Kumar 28/12/22

-Discuss the purpose of discussion
Topic? guide. Riya Kumar

Discussions was -Discussions policies and

procedures regarding diversity
conducted based on
and ethical conduct.
the guidelines

(Agenda item 3) - Generates insights into the Shriya Kumar 28/12/22

effectiveness and efficiency of the
Topic? Riya Kumar

Discussion the areas

- Provides insights to help in
where you can improve
making policy and funding
in future

Summary Overall Summary


A meeting was conducted to

support the team members to
achieve work responsibilities,
identify any work issues and
prepare a learning plan to address
those issues.


Decisions have been made on

how to sort out the issues based
on how the problem is with the
departmental managers and ways
have been arranged to implement
the change in the workplace.

Action/s if any

Next Meeting 28/12/22


Meeting closed at: 2.00pm

Minutes are a true and Approved/confirmed by whom? Rose Lal

accurate record of the

Meeting minutes template:

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Objective: discussions regarding the strategies to adapt and implementing the new
change in the workplace.

Attendees: Shriya Kumar (Manager)

Riya Kumar (Marketing Manager)

Zahraan Sahid (HR Manager)

Daniel Singh (Customer Service Manager)


Ryan Lal (IT Manager)

Venue: Brisbane City

Date: 21/10/22

No. Points Discussed Actions Suggested Target Date

1 Provide feedback -Discuss important Provides data to justify continuing 28/12/22

based on their the program-Discuss every evaluation plan.
evaluation of the
management of -Discuss the safety protocols that the team members
workplace need to follow.

Discussions was
2 28/12/22
conducted based on
-Discuss the purpose of discussion guide.
the guidelines
-Discussions policies and procedures regarding diversity
provided. and ethical conduct.

3 Discussion the areas - Generates insights into the effectiveness and efficiency 28/12/22
where you can of the management.
improve in future
- Provides insights to help in making policy and funding

Signature of attendee 1: Shriya Kumar Signature of attendee 2: Riya Kumar

Signature of attendee 3: Ryan Lal Signature of attendee 4: Daniel Singh

Signature of attendee 5: Zahraan Sahid



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