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March 2022
1. The sum total of society’s customs,
traditions, ethics, values, beliefs, and
prevalent practices is

a. Science
b. Culture
c. Technology
d. Religion
Science - is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the
systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and
natural world through observation and experiment.
Culture – is the sum total of society’s customs, traditions, ethics,
values, beliefs, and prevalent practices
Technology - the application of scientific knowledge for practical
purposes, especially in industry
Religion - the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling
power, especially a personal God or gods
2. Playing an important role in the progress of
science by providing the cumulative wisdom of
the nation passed on from generation to
generation is known as

a. customary
b. indigenous
c. traditional
d. inherited
Customary - according to a person's habitual practice
Indigenous - originating or occurring naturally in a
particular place; native
Traditional - existing in or as part of a tradition;
Inherited - derived genetically from one's parents or
a. y
b. 2
c. x
d. 13
4. Simplify:

2x - { 3y - [5x - ( 7y - 6x ) ] }

a. -13x - 10y
b. 13x + 10y
c. -13x + 10y
d. 13x - 10y
2x - { 3y - [5x - ( 7y - 6x ) ] }
= 2x – [ 3y – ( 5x – 7y + 6x ) ]
= 2x – [ 3y – ( 11x – 7y ) ]
= 2x – ( 3y – 11x + 7y )
= 2x – ( 10y – 11x )
= 2x – 10y + 11x
= 13x – 10y
5. The total amount due on P20,000 which
has been invested for five years at 10%
annual interest is:

a. 15,000
b. 26,000
c. 30,000
d. 10,000
Formula: Final Amount = Principal + Interest

Formula: Interest = Principal x Rate x Time


Interest = 20,000 x 10% x 5

Interest = 20,000 x 0.10 x 5
Interest = 10,000

Final Amount = 20,000 + 10,000

Final Amount = 30,000
6. Skyway company manufactures tables and
chairs. In its catalogue a round table is priced
at P6,000.00 less 15%. What will Katherine
have to pay for the round table?

a. P5,100.00
b. P5,300.00
c. P5,000.00
d. P5,250.00
Formula: Discount = Original Price x Rate
Formula: Sale Price = Original Prince – Discount
Discount = 6000 x 15%
Discount = 6000 x 0.15
Discount = 900
Sale Price = 6000 – 900
Sale Price = 5100
7. Huwag makisama sa kanya dahil buwaya
siya. Ang salitang buwaya ay tumutukoy sa

a. denotasyon
b. pampanitikan
c. etimolohiya
d. konotasyon
8. The works of the propagandists
opened the eye of the Filipinos on their
country’s need for:

a. rebellion
b. submission
c. colonization
d. freedom
9. When DNA is damaged and not
repaired but replicated, the result is
genetic disorder called

a. transformation
b. succession
c. mutation
d. evolution
10. The proponent of Confucian
philosophy is:

a. Kung Fu Tzu
b. Lao - Tzu
c. Buddha
d. Siddhartha Gautama
11. “Samakatuwid” ay pangatnig na
ginagamit sa dagdag na paliwanag at:

a. paglilinaw
b. paghihiwalay
c. pagtatanong
d. pagbubukod
12. Simplify:

x - 3 ( x - 8y ) - ( - 6x + 7y )

a. 4x + 17y
b. - 4x + 17y
c. 4x - 17y
d. - 4x - 17y
x - 3 ( x - 8y ) - ( - 6x + 7y )

= x – 3x + 24y + 6x – 7y

= 4x + 17y
13. The least common multiple of
8, 6, 3 is:

a. 72
b. 48
c. 96
d. 24
14. “Ali Baba and The Forty Thieves,” “Aladdin
and the Wonderful Lamp” and “The Story of
Sinbad” are some of the entertaining stories in
the collection entitled

a. The Arabian Nights

b. Pirates of the Caribbean
c. The Magic Carpet
d. The Prince of Persia
The Arabian Nights - is a story straight out of a romance novel. It's an
epic collection of Arabic folk tales written during the Islamic Golden
Pirates of the Caribbean - is an American fantasy swashbuckler film
series produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and based on Walt Disney's
theme park attraction of the same name.
The Magic Carpet - risks its own lifetime and again to get Aladdin out of
precarious situations and helps him win over the heart of Princess
The Prince of Persia - is a 2010 American action fantasy film directed by
Mike Newell.
15. Decomposition is an important
requirement in which a substance is broken
down into a product that can be useful. The
organisms capable of decomposing are
a. saprotrophs
b. primary consumers
c. autotrophs
d. producers
Saprotrophs - take their food in solution form, from dead and decaying
matter. Bacteria, fungi, and fungus-like organisms are examples of
Primary consumer - make up the second trophic level. They are also called
herbivores. They eat primary producers—plants or algae—and nothing else.
For example, a grasshopper living in the Everglades is a primary consumer.
Autotrophs - is an organism that can produce its own food using light, water,
carbon dioxide, or other chemicals. Because autotrophs produce their own
food, they are sometimes called producers.
Producers - are organisms that make their own food; they are also known as
16. The beneficial effect of scientific
development on medicine is:

a. control of diseases
b. access to information
c. research capability
d. information dissemination
Medicines are chemicals or compounds used
to cure, halt, or prevent disease; ease
symptoms; or help in the diagnosis of
illnesses. Advances in medicines have
enabled doctors to cure many diseases and
save lives. These days, medicines come from
a variety of sources.
17. The mayor’s wife is known for her
“fondness” for signature watches and
handbags. A synonym for fondness is:

a. bias
b. dislike
c. penchant
d. selection
Bias - prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or
group compared with another, usually in a way considered
to be unfair.
Dislike - feel distaste for or hostility toward.
Penchant - a strong or habitual liking for something or
tendency to do something.
Selection - the action or fact of carefully choosing someone
or something as being the best or most suitable.
18. What will happen to a plant cell
placed in a hypertonic solution?

a. The plant cell will have edema

b. The plant cell will rupture
c. The plant cell will shrink
d. No effect on the plant cell
19. A 10-meter board leans against the wall.
The foot of the board is 8 meters from the
wall. How far up the wall does the board

a. 6 meters
b. 4 meters
c. 8 meters
d. 10 meters

20. Arrange the following events chronologically from the first to
the last.

I. Execution of GomBurZa
II. Formal education in Ateneo and UST
III. Execution by firing squad in Bagumbayan
IV. Birth in Calamba
V. Completion of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo

a. IV, I, II, V, III

b. IV, II, V, I, II
c. II, IV, I, II, V
d. II, I, V, IV, III
21. The interconnections of social and
environmental injustices between rich
and poor nations is demonstrated by:

a. rich nations’ toxic waste disposal to poor countries

b. desertification of verdant regions
c. extinction of endemic flora and fauna
d. temperature warning and rise of sea levels
22. x = 3 and y = 2 then 6xy simplified is:

a. +12
b. -36
c. -12
d. +36
Substitution Method
6xy = 6(3)(2) = 36
23. Karlo had an average of 70% in his first
two tests and an average of 80% in his next
three tests. The average for his five tests is:

a. 80
b. 76
c. 75
d. 78

24. Modern capitalism is the characteristic of:

a. socialism
b. imperialism
c. colonialism
d. entrepreneurship
Socialism - a political and economic system in which property and the
means of production are owned in common, typically controlled by the
state or government.
Imperialism - the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power
and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or
by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other
Colonialism - control by one power over a dependent area or people.
Entrepreneurship – is a capitalism of a private capital, and investing in
private start-ups, with potential for a viable harvest.
25. Ang pinakamababang lebel ng wika na
nilikha at nabuo sa pagsasama-sama ng mga
salitang pinaikli o pinahaba at itinuturing n
impormal ay tinatawag na:

a. kolokyal
b. likas
c. dayalek
d. teknikal
26. “Ipapasa ng mag-aaral ang mga sagot sa
takdang-aralin sa darating na Linggo,” ay
nasa panahunang:

a. pangnagdaan
b. perpektibo
c. panghinaharap
d. pangkasalukuyan
27. Energy transfer illustrated by the storage
current in a battery or power bank is:

a. chemical
b. potential
c. nuclear
d. kinetic
28. In Rizal’s poem which extolls love of the
national language, people who don’t love their
native language are compared to

a. “lupain ng ginto at bulaklak”

b. “bayaning lalong tumatapang”
c. “ibon mang may layang lumipad”
d. “hayop at malansang isda”
29. Mr. Buena ordered a merchandise listed at
P15,000.00, the invoice above the net price of
P12,750.00. Find the discount rate:

a. 18%
b. 20%
c. 15%
d. 22%

30. Romeo and Juliet is to Shakespeare as
Iliad and Odyssey are to:

a. Homer
b. Agamemnon
c. Marlowe
d. Achilles
Homer – wrote the Iliad and Odyssey; The Iliad is an epic tale of war and
battle, The Odyssey is the story of a journey, a hero's heroic effort to return
to his home.
Agamemnon - a king of Mycenae who led the Greeks at the siege of Troy. On
his return home he was murdered by his wife Clytemnestra and her lover
Marlowe - was an Elizabethan poet and William Shakespeare's most
important predecessor in English drama. He is noted especially for his
establishment of dramatic blank verse.
Achilles - was the strongest warrior and hero in the Greek army during the
Trojan War. He was the son of Peleus, king of the Myrmidons, and Thetis, a
sea nymph. The story of Achilles appears in Homer's Iliad and elsewhere.
31. Bernadette’s aquarium has length, width
and height of 10 cm, 8 cm and 6 cm
respectively. Its volume is:

a. 72 cubic centimeters
b. 24 cubic centimeters
c. 240 cubic centimeters
d. 480 cubic centimeters
Volume = length x width x height
Volume = 10 cm x 8 cm x 6 cm
Volume = 480 cubic centimeters
32. The union of an ovum and a sperm inside
a test tube is called _______ fertilization.

a. in vivo
b. asexual
c. in vitro
d. sexual
33. Potential energy is to battery, as a
moving electric fan is to:

a. nuclear
b. mechanical
c. chemical
d. kinetic
34. “Subalit” ay pangatnig na ginagamit sa:

a. pagtatanong
b. lubos na pagsang-ayon
c. paglilinaw
d. hindi pagsang-ayon
35. Light travels fastest in:

a. vacuum
b. air
c. liquid
d. water
Light in air is 1.0003 times slower than light in a
vacuum, which slows it all the way down from
299,792,458 meters per second to 299,702,547 meters
per second. That's a slowdown of 89,911 meters per
second, which looks like a lot but is only three
ten-thousandths of the speed of light. Light travels
faster in vacuum than any other medium. This is
because there is no obstruction in vacuum for the
propagation of light and thus, the refractive index of
vacuum is the lowest.
36. The monarch of England whose strict
adherence to morality influenced the
struggle of good over evil in literary
pieces was Queen:
a. Mary
b. Elizabeth
c. Sophia
d. Victoria
37. All the sisters and brother of Rizal used
“Mercado”, the father’s surname; Rizal instead
used the maternal surname of his father to
allow Rizal to move freely while studying
a. young Rizal was expelled from a parochial school
b. the Mercado siblings were blacklisted in schools
c. the Mercado family members were suspects as
d. Jose Rizal was an adopted son
Dr. Jose Rizal Protasio Mercado y Alonso Realonda should have
used the name Jose Mercado ( Father’s last name) but he used the
name of Jose Rizal instead, most likely to protect his identity, so he
used his middle name. When he studied in Manila at the Jesuit
Areneo Municipal school, he changed his name to “Jose Rizal”
because his brother, Paciano Mercado, was wanted by the colonial
authorities for being an associate of the martyred priest, Fr. Jose
Burgos, and Paciano feared that Jose would not be accepted under
his real name. The name Rizal was considered as illustrado during
the Spanish time and entailed the benefits a Spaniard can get.
38. The designation for places on earth
that are of outstanding universal value to
humanity is called

a. Archaeological Artifact
b. Antique Heirloom
c. Vintage Collection
d. World Heritage
World Heritage Sites
1. Christ the Redeemer - Brazil
2. Machu Picchu - Peru
3. Petra - Jordan
4. Taj Mahal – India
5. The Colosseum - Italy
6. The Great Wall - China
7. Chichen Itza - Mexico
39. Face-to-face communication is made via
computer through:

a. Skype
b. E-mail
c. Google
d. Twitter
40. The Philippines was discovered in 1521
by a Portuguese explorer:

a. Servillano Aquino
b. Ferdinand Magellan
c. Christopher Columbus
d. Fidel Castro
Servillano Aquino - was the grandfather of the slain Senator
Benigno S. "Ninoy" Aquino, Jr.
Ferdinand Magellan - a Portuguese explorer who
discovered the Philippines in 1521
Christopher Columbus - is known for his 1492 'discovery' of
the New World of the Americas on board his ship Santa
Fidel Castro – a Cuban communist revolutionary and
politician who took part in the Cuban Revolution from 1953
to 1959.
41. The least common multiple of 5, 2, 7

a. 140
b. 35
c. 15
d. 70
42. The part of a newspaper or a magazine
article which gives the name of the writer of
the article is called:

a. byline
b. deadline
c. headline
d. bannerline
Byline - a line in a newspaper naming the writer of an
Deadline - the latest time or date by which something
should be completed.
Headline - a heading at the top of an article or page in
a newspaper or magazine.
Bannerline - a headline in large type running across a
newspaper page
43. Paraan ng pagbuo ng salita na
ginagamitan ng tatlong uri ng panlapi ay:

a. laguhan
b. inunlapian
c. hinulapian
d. kabilaan
44. Ang mga salitang “kagandahan”,
“magkaibigan”, at “nagunahan” ay mga
halimbawa ng salitang may panlaping:

a. gitlapi
b. kabilaan
c. laguhan
d. unlapi
45. When the source of energy is not depleted
and may be used over and over again, it is
described as:

a. reclaimable
b. renewable
c. reviewable
d. recyclable
46. Pag-aaral ng mga tuntunin kung
paano inaayos ang mga salita sa loob ng
pangungusap ay:

a. syntax
b. pragmatika
c. ortograpiya
d. semantika
Sintaks - ang bahaging ito nglinggwistika na may kinalamaman sa
Sistema ngmga tuntunin at kategorya na siyang batayan sapagbuo
ng mga pangungusap.
Pragmatika - ay isang sangay ng lingguwistika na nababahala sa
paggamit ng wika sa mga konteksto ng lipunan at ang mga paraan
kung saan ang mga tao ay gumagawa at naiintindihan ang mga
kahulugan sa pamamagitan ng wika.
Ortograpiya - ay ang representasyon ng mga tunog ng wika na
nakalimbag na mga simbolo tulad ng alpabeto.
Semantika – ang agham ng linggwistiko na nag-aaral ng kahulugan
ng mga salita at ekspresyon
47. Prokaryotes come in 4 basic
morphologies: spherical, rod-shaped,
spiral-shaped and comma-shaped. The
bacterial etiology of cholera (vibrio cholera) is:

a. spiral
b. comma-shaped
c. spherical
d. rod shaped
48. Ang alpabetikong Filipino ay tinatawag na:

a. panitikan
b. abakada
c. alibata
d. balarila
Abakada - ang tawag sa pangkat ng mga titik o letra sa wikang
Tagalog at kumakatawan sa tawag sa apat na unang titik nitó
Ang abakáda ay binubuo ng 20 titik: A,B, K, D, E, G, H, I , L, M, N, Ng,
O, P, R, S , T, U, W, Y.
Panitikan - ay nagsasabi o nagpapahayag ng mga kaisipan, mga
damdamin, mgakaranasan, hangarin at diwa ng mga tao.
Alibata - ito ay isang katutubong paraan ng pagsulat ng mga
Balarila - ay ang pag-aaral hinggil sa isang wika.
49. All these are the beneficial effects of
scientific knowledge except:

a. solution to practical problems

b. making informed decisions
c. development of new technology
d. pursuance of political agenda
50. Plants convert into chemical energy
the energy from:

a. sunlight
b. rain
c. biomass
d. coal
51. Humans have mixed attitude towards robots. On one hand, we
appreciate that robots can substitute in doing dangerous or repetitive tasks
and heavy farm works and yet surveys show that the growing robotization of
our society makes us feel uncomfortable and threatened because of the fear
that robots:

a. will destroy offices and factories

b. will spread communicable diseases
c. will turn into criminals
d. will replace humans in the workplace
52. “Isang bandila, isang wika, isang bayan”
ay sawikain na nanghihikayat ng:

a. pagkakabuklod - buklod
b. pagkakaisa
c. pakikipaglaban
d. palaisipan
“Isang Pamahalaan, isang Bandila, isang
Puso, isang Kaluluwa at isang Wika.” -
Talumpati Ni Pangulong Jose P. Laurel Sa Mga
Manunulat Sa Tagalog
53. Violinist who brought classical violin
music to the masses is:

a. Chan
b. Kabayao
c. Molina
d. Katindig
GILOPEZ KABAYAO, the Philippines’
Violin Virtuoso and Musical Crusader.
54. Clear and organized presentation for
lecture and/or instruction is by:

a. PowerPoint
b. Compact disc
c. White board
d. Acetate
55. The following table summarizes the scores of a
class on the recent test. The median score interval
16-23 2 a. 56 - 63
24-31 4
32-39 6
b. 64 - 69
40-47 12 c. 48 - 55
48-55 10 d. 40 - 47
56-53 8
64-71 6
72-79 4
56. The educated Filipinos who led the reform
movement during the Spanish colonial region
were called:

a. illustrados
b. indios
c. insulares
d. peninsulares
Ilustrados - constituted the Filipino educated class during the
Spanish colonial period in the late 19th century.
Indios - During the colonization of the Philippines, the natives
were not called Filipinos, instead they were called indios.
Insulares - was the specific term given to criollos (full-blooded
Spaniards born in the colonies) born in the Philippines or the
Peninsulares - was the pure-blooded Spaniards born from
Spain and sent to Spanish colonies to govern.
57. The right to demand the physical
presence of the accused in court is known as
the writ of:

a. habeas corpus
b. habeas data
c. amparo
d. mandamus
58. Kailan nagsimula ang pagkakaroon ng
modernisasyon ng wikang Pambansa:

a. 1974
b. 1987
c. 1997
d. 1988
59. The fisherman uses worms as _____ for

a. bit
b. bitten
c. bite
d. bait
60. “Ang atletang Pilipino ay lubhang
masigasig”, ang “lubhang” ay isang:

a. Pandiwa
b. Pang - abay
c. Pang - uri
d. Pangngalan
61. The major concern about global warming
arises from increased concentrations of:

a. greenhouse effect
b. photochemical smog
c. sulfur oxides
d. nitrogen oxides
62. Ang pinakamahalagang gamit ng wika ay
ang pagkakaisa ng mga mamamayan sa
pamamagitan ng:

a. ugnayan
b. salisihan
c. tagisan
d. pantayan
63. What is the amount due on P8,000.00
after adding the annual interest of 9%?

a. P 11,720.00
b. P 9,720.00
c. P 8,720.00
d. P 9,020.00
Formula: Final Amount = Principal + Interest
Formula: Interest = Principal x Rate x Time
Interest = 8000 x 9% x 1
Interest = 8000 x 0.09 x 1
Interest = 720
Final Amount = 8000 + 720
Final Amount = 8720
64. Bahagi ng pananaliksik kung saan
matatagpuan ang panimula, kaligiran ng
pag-aaral at “conceptual framework” ay:

a. Kabanata IV
b. Kabanata II
c. Kabanata I
d. Kabanata III
65. Ang kahulugan ng “a stitch in time, saves
nine,” ay:

a. maagap
b. masayahin
c. malingap
d. mahinay
66. The true name of Mark Twain is:

a. Edgar Allan Poe

b. George Eliot
c. Samuel Clemens
d. Robert Browning
Edgar Allan Poe - regarded as the father of modern detective story,
was an American poet, author and literary critic.
Mary Ann Evans - known by her pen name George Eliot, was an
English novelist, poet, journalist, translator and one of the leading
writers of the Victorian era.
Samuel Clemens - known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an
American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer.
Robert Browning - advocates a philosophy based on optimism. He
believes that struggles and imperfections are a part of life.
67. What is the oldest religion in Asia?

a. Christianity
b. Hinduism
c. Buddhism
d. Islamism
68. Haiku is traditional Japanese poem
consisting of:

a. four lines that rhymes with love as topic

b. eight lines ending in rhyming couplet with death as
c. three lines totaling 17 syllables with nature as topic
d. lines of poetry in free verse with ordinary things as
69. Mark’s aquarium has length, width and
height of 10 cm, 8 cm and 6 cm, respectively.
The volume of the aquarium is:

a. 240 cubic centimeters

b. 420 cubic centimeters
c. 144 cubic centimeters
d. 480 cubic centimeters
Volume = length x width x height
Volume = 10 cm x 8 cm x 6 cm
Volume = 480 cubic centimeters
70. Blood compact is the agreement forged in
Bohol between:

a. Villalobos and Datu Puti

b. Legaspi and Sikatuna
c. Delcano and Humabon
d. Magellan and Lapu-lapu
The Sandugo was a blood compact, performed in
the island of Bohol in the Philippines, between the
Spanish explorer Miguel López de Legazpi and Datu
Sikatuna the chieftain of Bohol on March 16, 1565,
to seal their friendship as part of the tribal tradition.
71. Anong uri ng panlapi ang ginagamit sa
mga sumusunod na salita: limutin, tukuran,

a. kabilaan
b. unlapi
c. hulapi
d. gitlapi
72. Ang pang-uri sa sumusunod na
pangungusap “Nakita at nasadya ko na and
kalakhang Maynila” ay:

a. kalakhang
b. Maynila
c. nakita
d. nasadya
73. The laws of heredity were the results of
the study of:

a. Mendel
b. Fleming
c. Curie
d. Darwin
Gregor Mendel - was the first to give scientific explanation regarding
the mode of transmission of characters and formulate the basic laws of
heredity. Hence, he is rightly called the ‘Father of Genetics’.
Alexander Fleming - was a Scottish physician and microbiologist, best
known for discovering the world's first broadly effective antibiotic
substance, which he named penicillin.
Marie Curie - as a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist
who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity.
Charles Darwin - was an English naturalist, geologist and biologist, best
known for his contributions to evolutionary biology.
74. “Laong-laan” and “Dimasalang” were
the pen names used by:

a. Andres Bonifacio
b. Juan Luna
c. Emilio Aguinaldo
d. Jose Rizal
ANDRES BONIFACIO – May Pag-asa, Agapito
EMILIO JACINTO – Di Masilaw, Tingkian
75. Who were the aboriginal settlers in the
islands, prior to the foreign migrants who
crossed the seas from across the Southern
a. Malayans
b. Sumatians
c. Negritos
d. Borneans
76. The predominance of extended families in
the Philippines is traceable to:

a. fondness of children
b. close family ties
c. respect to elders
d. sentimental trait
77. Insulin is secreted by the:

a. pancreas
b. kidney
c. liver
d. intestine
78. Which is TRUE of metalloids?

a. conduct heat better than metals

b. conduct heat and electricity less effectively than non-metals
c. have properties of both metals and non-metals
d. conduct electricity
79. Anong uri ng pamamahayag ang
nag-uulat ng tunay na pangyayari batay sa
pag-aaral, pananaliksik, o pakikinayam at
isinulat sa paraang kawili-wili?

a. lathalain
b. editoryal
c. pangulong tudling
d. kumento
80. Ecosystem is the relationship between the
physical and biological environments in a certain
plain. Among desert ecosystems, the world’s
largest is:

a. Sahara
b. Gobi
c. Kalahari
d. Chihuahua
81. He was called the “Boy General” because of his
youth whom he fought valiantly to defend Tirad Pass
during the Philippine-American War. “An officer and
a gentleman” was inscribed by an American office on
the tombstone of:

a. Antonio Luna
b. Emilio Aguinaldo
c. Marcelo H. Del Pilar
d. Gregorio Del Pilar
Antonio Luna – founded La Independencia, the
periodical organ of the Revolution.
Emilio Aguinaldo - the first President of the
Marcelo H. Del Pilar – the 2nd editor of La
Gregorio Del Pilar - was called the “Boy General”
82. Pag-aaral ng mga tuntunin sa
pagbabaybay ng mga salita ay:

a. semantika
b. gramatika
c. ortograpiya
d. sistema
83. The philosophy that advocates logical
reasoning to prove the existence of the Supreme
Being was popularized by:

a. St. Peter the Great

b. St. John the Baptist
c. St. Thomas Aquinas
d. St. Jude the Apostle
84. Katangian ng mahusay na pananaliksik na
sumusuri sa mga nakalap na datos, partikular
na sagot sa mga talatanungan upang
mabigyan ng wastong interpretasyon ay:

a. obhektibong pananaw
b. lohikal
c. empirical
d. kritikal na pagsusuri
85. Which among the following is NOT a
prime number?

a. 51
b. 41
c. 31
d. 11
86. Perform the indicated operations and
reduce the result to simplest form 3x^3 / 5y
multiplied by 4y / x
a. 12x^2/5
b. 15y/4x
c. 5x/4y
d. 4x/15y

87. The lowest form of learning observed
especially among animals is:

a. maturation
b. motivation
c. reinforcement
d. conditioning
88. If you have misplaced _____ manual, I will
be glad to lend you _____.

a. My , mine
b. My , yours
c. Your , yours
d. Your , mine
89. Sa Batangas ay “nabanas”, sa Bulacan ay
“maalinsangan”, sa Rizal ay “bang-init” ay
mga halibawa ng:

a. lalawiganin
b. kolokyal
c. talinhaga
d. pambansa
90. Perform the operation and reduce to
simplest form 3x - (2y - 4x) + 6y:

a. -2x - 3y
b. 7x + 4y
c. -7x - 4y
d. 2x + 3y
3x - (2y - 4x) + 6y
= 3x – 2y + 4x + 6y
= 7x + 4y
91. Mahatma Gandhi, icon of non-violence
said; “There go my people, I must hasten to
follow them for I am their leader.” The
quotation refers to leadership by:

a. coercion
b. popularity
c. example
d. command
92. Ms. Sanchez weighed 62 kg. She lost 3 kg on
her first week exercise, gained 4 kg on her second
week, lost 5 kg on the third week and retained her
weight during the fourth week. What was her
weight on the fourth week in kg?

a. 59 kg
b. 60 kg
c. 62 kg
d. 58 kg
Start with 62 kg.
Then, 1 week, lost 3 kg means 62 – 3 = 59 kg
Then, 2 week, gained 4 kg means 59 + 4 = 63 kg
Then, 3rd week, lost 5 kg means 63 – 5 = 58 kg
Then, 4 week, retained means still 58 kg.
93. That growth and development vary from
person to person is exemplified in the principle

a. individual differences
b. apperceptive basis
c. reward and punishment
d. reinforcement
94. By the time you will arrive the meeting
______ .

a. will have ended

b. will end
c. had ended
d. has ended
95. Simplify: 8xy + 2y + 2xy - y + 4y^3 +

a. 10xy + 4y + 4y^3
b. 2y + 2y + 6xy
c. 10xy + 4xy + 4y
d. 4y^3 + 4xy + 4y
8xy + 2y + 2xy - y + 4y^3 + 3y
= 10xy + 4y + 4y^3
96. Ang wastong kahulugan ng “Kung may
isinuksok, may titingalain”, ay:

a. umaasa
b. maging masipag
c. mag - impok
d. maglinis
“Kung may isinuksok, may titingalain” –
97. Since most organization consume more
than one type of animal or plant or consume
both, the transfer of matter and energy
intertwine into the

a. food producer
b. food web
c. food chain
d. food producer
a. 30 feet
b. 40 feet
c. 25 feet
d. 100 feet

99. The peace forged in Bohol between
Legaspi and Sikatuna was known as:

a. Onion Obrera
b. Blood Compact
c. Galleon Trade
d. Verdadero Decalogo
100. An avocado tree planted beside a
sampaguita plant in a garden, demonstrate
what kind of relationship?

a. co-optation
b. competition
c. parasitism
d. predation
101. Ang wastong kahulugan ng “mahinhing
talipandas” ay:

a. mayabang
b. mapagkunwari
c. maselan
d. kahanga-hanga
“mahinhing talipandas” -
102. Knowledge related to methods or operation
which is goal-oriented, the goal being the actual
performance of a task that requires skills, such
knowledge is known as
a. conceptual
b. procedural
c. metacognitive
d. factual
103. “Sa aming nayon kilala si Cirilo na
bukas-palad”, na ang kahulugan ay: Si Cirilo

a. mapag-upasala
b. mapagkawang-gawa
c. mapaghignti
d. mapaghinala
Bukas-palad –
104. In a Senior High School Class composed
of 40 students, 16 chose to take ABM track,
and the rest selected the STEM track. The
total who selected STEM was:

a. 32
b. 8
c. 20
d. 24
40 – 16 = 24
105. The standard football fields are 100
meters from goal line to goal line. If it is 360
meters around a football field, how wide is the

a. 86 meters
b. 80 meters
c. 70 meters
d. 85 meters
Use the formula for finding the perimeter of rectangle:
P = 2L + 2W
360 = 2(100) + 2W
360 = 200 + 2W
360 – 200 = 2W
160 = 2W
80 = W
106. What shows the flow of energy and
materials from one organism to the next in a
particular habitat is called?

a. food digestion
b. food producer
c. food chain
d. food consumer
107. The term used to refer to every living
thing including plants, bacteria, animals and
humans existing naturally in a certain region

a. ecosystem
b. bioscience
c. biodiversity
d. habitat
Ecosystem - a biological community of interacting
organisms and their physical environment.
Bioscience - any of the life sciences.
Biodiversity - the variety of life in the world or in
a particular habitat or ecosystem.
Habitat - the natural home or environment of an
animal, plant, or other organism.
108. What does a professional code of
conduct prescribe?

a. civic conduct for all

b. stricter implementation of laws
c. moral and ethnical standards
d. professional traditions and more
109. Before the coming of the first settlers
form neighboring Asian countries, the earliest
occupants of the Philippines were the:

a. Malayans
b. Sumatrans
c. Negritos
d. Bornean
The Negritos are a dark-skinned people that are
ethnically different from other people in the Philippines
that are mostly Malay in origins. The are believed to be
the original inhabitants of the Philippines. Their origins
are obscure. Some anthologist believe they are
descendant of wandering people that "formed an ancient
human bridge between Africa and Australia.
110. A story put together through an
exchange of letters is called:

a. episode
b. classic
c. politics
d. epistolary
111. The respond to the expected depletion of
the traditional source of energy, Asian
countries including the Philippines:

a. control number of transport facilities

b. explore alternative energy sources
c. control population
d. limit industry activities
112. Organisms that decompose substances
into products that can be useful are called

a. saprolites
b. carnivores
c. saprophytes
d. herbivores
113. What is the exponent in the expression
13x^2 + y?

a. 2
b. x
c. y
d. 13
114. A population of rabbits live in a stable
habitat, with no changes in the environment
for a long time. How will genetic drift possibly
affect this population?

a. It will stimulate the appearance of new traits

b. it will decrease the population of the rabbits
c. it will promote the dominance of the rabbits with superior traits
d. it may decrease genetic variation
Genetic variation is a term used to
describe the variation in the DNA
sequence in each of our genomes.
Genetic variation is what makes us all
unique, whether in terms of hair color,
skin color or even the shape of our faces.
115. “Matuling pinatakbo ni Roger ang
kanyang bagong Toyota Innova”, ang
pang-abay na pangungusap ay:

a. ni
b. matuling
c. bagong
d. kanyang
116. The measure of a system’s energy that is
unavoidable for doing useful work is:

a. entropy
b. convection
c. radiation
d. conservation
117. Rizal’s mother preferred to be imprisoned and
walked 50 kilometers as punishment for a trumped-up
charge of a Spanish official, rather than apologize by
accepting the charge, Such action shows that she was a
woman of:

a. submission
b. incertitude
c. hesitation
d. conviction
118. Bahagi ng pananalita na nagpapahayag
ng kilos, galaw at pangyayari ay:

a. Pangngalan
b. Pandiwa
c. Panghalip
d. Pang - uri
119. Queen Elizabeth II is the English
monarch with the longest:

a. rind
b. rain
c. rein
d. reign
120. “Reduccion” is the Spanish policy which
provided the resettlement of Filipino
communities to form town centers or

a. haciendas
b. cedulas
c. encomienda
d. cabeceras

Ang sapilitang pagpapatira sa mga katutubo mula

sa orihinal nilang tirahan (tabing-ilog kabundukan)
tungo sa bayan na tinatawag na pueblo. Lahat ng
naninirahan sa pueblo na naaabot nng tunog ng
kampana ay dapat maging Kristiyano at sumunod
sa mga aral ng simbahan. Ang tawag sa tirahang
nasa ilalim ng tunog ng kampana ay Cabecera.
121. The prime factors of 56 are:

a. 7, 2, 2, 2
b. 7, 8
c. 7, 4, 2
d. 14, 2, 2
122. To describe an easy task, the idiomatic
expression to use is:

a. spill the beans

b. bite the bullet
c. break a leg
d. piece of cake
Spill the beans - reveal secret information
unintentionally or indiscreetly.
Bite the bullet - decide to do something difficult
or unpleasant that one has been putting off or
hesitating over.
Break a leg - good luck!
Piece of cake - something easily achieved.
123. The greatest common divisor of 24, 18,
3 is:

a. 6
b. 18
c. 24
d. 3
Listing Method: GCF
24 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24.
18 - 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 18.
3 – 1 and 3
Common Factors – 1 and 3
GCF - 3
124. Solar panels are examples of utilizing
alternative sources of energy, specifically:

a. wind
b. sunlight
c. waves
d. water
125. “Siya ay nakilalang masipag at magalang
na mamamayan”; ang pang-angkop sa
pangungusap na ito ay:

a. at
b. ay
c. siya
d. na
126. When an individual is familiar with some
bits of information such as terms, names of
authorities, some particular details, such
knowledge is regarded as:

a. conceptual
b. factual
c. procedural
d. metacognitive
127. Carbon dioxide is produced by
plants in the:

a. afternoon
b. noon
c. morning
d. evening
128. Elizabeth weighed 70 kg before exercising.
She lost 4 kg on her first week, gained 5 kg on the
second week, lost 6 kg on the third week and
retained her weight during the fourth week which
a. 70 kg
b. 66 kg
c. 65 kg
d. 72 kg
Start with 70 kg.
Then, 1 week, lost 4 kg, 70 – 4 = 66 kg.
Then, 2 week, gained 5 kg, 66 + 5 = 71 kg.
Then, 3 week, lost 6 kg, 71 – 6 = 65 kg.
Then, 4 week, retained means still 65 kg.
129. Interest at 8% after 3 months on

a. P 150.00
b. P 120.00
c. P 250.00
d. P 50.00
Formula: Interest = Principal x Rate x Time
Interest = 6000 x 8% x (3/12)
Interest = 6000 x 0.08 x (1/4)
Interest = 120
130. The epitome of the traditional Filipino
woman; meek, submissive, obedient was:

a. Donya Victorina
b. Sisa
c. Maria Clara
d. Tiya Isabel
131. The sum of two consecutive even
numbers is 102. The numbers are:

a. 53 and 54
b. 48 and 50
c. 60 and 61
d. 50 and 52
50 + 52 = 102
132. The equation of the line with equal
coordinates is:

a. y = 3x
b. y = x
c. x + y = 0
d. y = -x
133. The resettlement of Filipino communities
to town centers called cabeceras was ordered
by the Spanish policy called:

a. pueblo
b. gobernadorcillo
c. reduccion
d. encomienda

Ang sapilitang pagpapatira sa mga katutubo mula

sa orihinal nilang tirahan (tabing-ilog kabundukan)
tungo sa bayan na tinatawag na pueblo. Lahat ng
naninirahan sa pueblo na naaabot nng tunog ng
kampana ay dapat maging Kristiyano at sumunod
sa mga aral ng simbahan. Ang tawag sa tirahang
nasa ilalim ng tunog ng kampana ay Cabecera.
134. Which was the first labor union in the
country founded by Isabelo de los Reyes in
July 1901?

a. Association of the Philippines labor

b. Union Trabejadores de Filipinos
c. Association de Compania Tabacalera
d. Union Obrera Democratica
135. Which of the following is an example of a
useful function for bacteria?

a. may be pathogenic and cause human disease

b. can clean up an oil spill by digesting hydrocarbons
c. may be used as vectors to introduce proteins into cells
d. can synthesize new forms of heavy metals
136. Wikang malikhain ay mataas na
antas ng wika na ginagamit sa:

a. pamantayan
b. panghuhula
c. panitikan
d. palaisipan
137. Perform the indicated operation and
reduce the result to simplest form: 40 xy / 27

a. 40/27
b. 80x/27
c. 40x/40
d. 40x/81
40xy / 27xy
Cancel the xy.
Answer: 40 / 27
138. Animalia is to kingdom, as chordata is to:

a. class
b. kingdom
c. phylum
d. genus
139. The poem that expresses faith in the
Filipino youth as hope of the fatherland is:

a. La Belleza de Una Rosa

b. Al Trabajo
c. A La Juventud Filipina
d. Mi Ultimo Adios
140. Governor General Narciso Claveria
ordered the:

a. use of Spanish surnames by Filipinos

b. founding of the Union Obrera Democratica
c. tobacco monopoly
d. resettlement of Filipino communities in
141. An example of stored chemical energy
inside the human body which is transformed
into energy for the cells is:

a. water
b. food
c. air
d. blood
142. What is the molecule that allows plants to
capture energy from sunlight?

a. chlorophyll
b. carbohydrates
c. oxygen
d. ATP
143. Salita o parirala na kinakaltas sa
pangungusap ay nangangailangan ng bantas

a. kudlit
b. panaklong
c. panipi
d. gitling
144. Scientists’ values and beliefs are influenced
by the customs and traditions of:

a. association
b. society
c. family
d. relatives
145. “Maghapon at magdamag na nagbasa ng
aklat at lathalain si Gng. Llana”, ang panaguri sa
pangungusap ay

a. nagbasa
b. Gng. Luna
c. maghapon
d. magdamag
146. Apolinario Mabini, the acknowledged “Brains
of the Revolution” wrote the principles of conduct
and morality that should govern the revolutionary
government called:

a. Filipino Dentro El Cien Aeos

b. Himno Al Trabajo
c. La Cartilla
d. El Verdadero Decalogo
147. Ang lahat ng ito ay mahalagang
katangian ng isang mananalumpati MALIBAN

a. matikas na tindig at pananalita

b. malinaw na pagbigkas
c. panggulat at pagbigkas
d. maayos na pagtalakay ng paksa
148. The law that raised teaching to the same
level as the other professions is:

a. R.A. 10968
b. R.A. 7836
c. R.A. 10533
d. R.A. 10912
149. “Scent of Apples”, a collection of stories
that succeeded with the United States
audience, was written by:

a. Bienvenido Santos
b. Jose Garcia Villa
c. F. Sionil Jose
d. Carlos Bulosan
150. Nobody wanted to do the household
chores and so the senior members of the
family did the chores:
a. myself
b. themselves
c. himself
d. yourselves

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