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anzelter EF] FOOD Teoma enn eter | BBR | CORPORATION adil” Sues a ee | Se pra: eee eae 1SO 9001 : 2000 Certified Boot Saarase1 — ag-20, arereren 2, tf Mee-ayooos, yee | waURUKEY. WIHVEEE OP u vo ATYy. easel No. 1R(L)/8(18)/1995-Vol.V Is | Dated : 10.12,2014 py. reas aoiar aa Sub: Minimum rates of wages per day payable in the Schedule Employment of Loading and Unloading in Goodsheds, Godowns, Warehouses etc. to labourers working under /NWNP" System. Attention is invited to this office Circular No. 03/2014 dated 31.03.2014 on the subject cited above. 2. The Ministry of Labour & Employment, Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner (C), New Delhi has revised the rates of Minimum wages w.e¥. 01.10.2014 vide Order No. 1/17(5)/2014-LS-I| dated 29.09.2024 (copy enclosed). Minimum wages fixed by the Ministry of Labour w.e.f. 01.10.2014 would be as under:- ‘AREA RATES OF WAGES PLUS VDA PER DAY (IN RS.) Basic Wages (Rs) + V.D.A.(Rs) = Total (Rs) we 180.00 + 15200 = 332.00 Bw 150.00 + 12600 == 276.00 ce 120.00 + 10200 = 222.00 3. The other terms and conultions as already conveyed vide this office ctcular No, 7/2010 dated 15.6,2010 {issued from File No. IR(L}/8(18]/1995) will remain the same. 4. Please refer Hays Circular No. 15/2013 dated 05/08.11.2013 and Circular No. 09/2014 dated 31.03.2014 ‘on the above cited subject wherein words written as “RATES OF VDA PER DAY” may please be read as “RATES OF WAGES PER DAY”, ‘This is issued with the approval of Executive Director(IR-L). we Encl : As above, (Vipin Tyagi Asstt. General Manager (IR-L) Copy to: [1] The Executive Director (Zone), FCI, Zonal Office, NOIDA / Kolkata / Chennai/Mumbai. [2] The General Manager (Region), FCI, Regional Office, Jaipur/ Lucknow/ Dehradun/ Chandigarh/ Shimla/ Panchkula/ Patna/ Kolkata/_Ranchi/Hyderabad/ Chennai/ _Bangalore/ Thiruvananthapuram/ Mumbai. Al abt The DGM(IT), FCI Hqrs, New Delhi... with the request to upload the sameon FCI website. \p Ad] The Principal, FS, FCI, Gurgaon, [5], Guard file. we WEE Copy Ag rtSle : 1 No.aJ17(5)/2024-L5-11 Government: Dated: alain selenide be In Eerie of the powers eontered by Central Government Snes notification No 05. of the coy eT ae Therefore the minimum rates of wages showing the basic rates and variable Dearnéss Allowance payable w.e.fs 01.10.2014 would’be-as under:- [AREA RATES OF WAGES PLUS Vip. A PER DAY Basic V.D.A. Wages x Bee 7 er The VDA has been rounded off to the next higher rupee as per the decision of the Minimum Wages Advisory Board meeting held ‘on 26-8-2008. etna ” Sasspeaton of workers under olf siferent categories and the classificat rules ere © under areas will be sar ne as i potcetion ret to in para Tas ame time. to time n_of cities into areas A, B at ae are IG? ready reeves: i (P.P.MITRA) CHIEF LABOUR COMMISSIONER(C) To a As per list attached. Com th poe de Bt Cuansti.ceticn of dities for purpaeda, sf fixation Ot Minimum Weegee ct ‘evtheGaentral Sphere. ‘fe “Furlukode- — aoe. Silt” ape sur LH. BS Hon Bailie aes: ‘Staaten ceeepeiepeenerenenang ltt deer “D Wi eampmes ait oreae n2 meamencsh pis oe ME GAL mende to! Urowm apnemaration: ae LAI by. CLERIC) RUNG) WH. a sequase wo infers al ene conceraed “Tones Fane ana Eanployers. Algo taste Prong. Nate n, Frusieh are foc! Latina sa vive News papers of she areas to give vite ptolichy tm thas own mens 2. AY Gamrenl Trade Unione E 3, abner Deparuanenis of All Siate Goveraanenss Unies: Teraitores CIWOD, Minister of Uris Dereionment, Mirman Thaven, New Delbic bo. Migisny of Labour A Benplayzoeme (Whey: Cail}, New Dethi, (USConies! 4B. Masainy at tine, Leptuhitive Tepsmrtmnat {GSK Secnon), New Deli (1F apie, Ministry of Stee! Mints, Deparunent of Minin, New RAL. 8. Ministry of Steel, New Delhi, 9, Mirmey of, Raitwxys, New eihi Batabiishmaent Li Noom No. 544). 10. Misery ufTofence, New Belsi. LiuMinintry of Agnoulture, Keish{ Bhavan, New Dalbi 12 Ministry of Rural Developsient, Itriet i Blurvtin, New Dott, (Hk AWD.Rarnathandran, Biter: AA.Miniatry of end Processing, Panchshte! Bhawa. Kise! Goon Camplex, New eit 4 14 Lixary, Parliament Howwe, New Detss j LkoBércetiny Generel, Lok Sabie Secretnriai, New Delhi ~ JOtatsenr Bureau, Cloasidigarl 17. Ghatranucs Atembers, Minfmum Wages Advisers Board 16. inaine: Canuneit nf Agricultura) Research (Cootd. Section, Kriahi Tihavar, New Demi 10.Bacewtive Steroury, Federation of Mining Assomonon, ot Rajasthan, Kalyan ‘Bhovan, Shah Tmilding, Chavire Rasa, Jaipur alain. Ichi, UM Baba one, 40547, Nets “e ines eee ee ee ine Mis one, Riek eel Sy Kise te Se Becloymeint andl CLO YC) website

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