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How does religion help the society become harmonious?

Religion helps us build significant relationships with each other. Religious institutions provide
emotional support and social interactions. They allow us to meet people who we can connect
and build a relationship with. Religion allows us to look into the hearts and minds of others.
They help us get to know others more as a human person. Not only that but religion helps us
build resilient and stronger relationships that are built up on mutual respect. With this, we are
then able to have a connection with one another and achieve a harmonious society.
Moreover, religion allows us to have a safe space with people that we can count on and
people who we will naturally hold dear to us as time passes. With religion, people will also
realize that doing good places a valuable impact to our society and will continue to improve
our community. Peace and Harmony comes from mutual understanding and respect which
could be achieved when good and healthy relationships are formed within the community.

Is religion important in man’s life? explain your answer.

Yes, Religion is important to one's life. Religion can contribute alot to a man's experiences
and journey through life. Religion to a person can be a sense of comfort and a piece of
guidance. It can become their stability in life. It can be the baisis for their moral beleifs and
actions. It can also provide them a community that they can rely and depend on in times of
confusion or need. It builds a family and connection that one can count and depend on. It
brings a person a sense of belonging and provides multiple people with social support.
Religion actually impacts a humans subjective well-being in a multitude of ways. Religion
justifies and answers our questions. In religion there are multitudes of answers that help
humans perceive things and create their individual world view. Not only does it answer our
questions but, it also gives meaning and purpose to people's lives. Religions and related social
and cultural structures have played an important part in human history. Without religion, the
human race may not be as stable as we are today. It has shaped our society in many ways and
has helped numerous people.

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