Affidavit of Consent and Support

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I, _________, of legal age, Filipino, married to _________, and presently residing at

Tigatto, Davao City, after being duly sworn to in accordance with law do hereby depose and say:

1) That I am the mother of minor children , _________, born on December 4, 2002, ,

_________,, born on 09 February 2005, and KATHRINE PEPIO, born on 28 September 2008;

2) That I am giving my consent for my children to travel abroad to be accompanied by my

husband, , _________,;

3) That my husband and I are sponsoring their trip and financially capable to support their stay

5) That I guarantee that they will not violate any existing laws of their country of destination
(FRANCE) and

6) That I am executing this affidavit in connection with my children application for a passport at
the Department of Foreign Affairs and/or travel clearance from the Department of Social
Welfare and Development for their travel abroad.

IN WITNESS HEREOF, I hereunto set my signature at Davao City, Philippines , this 13th
day of December 2020.


BEFORE ME, appears the person of , _________, presenting the above Affidavit, who is
personally known to me or identified by me through competent evidence of identity as defined
by the Notarial Rules as the person who signs the document and in my presence taken an oath
or affirmation before me as to such document.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this 13th day of December 2019 in Davao City.

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