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NAME: Johanna Henry

DATE: 28/1/23

November 16th, 2017. This day will forever be remembered as possibly one of the worst
days of my life. Before I explain this, let me give you a backstory; My name is Chelsea Atkins, I
am 27 years old and I live in Barbados. A few years ago, in November of 2017 my life changed
forever. My mother, Brita and my father Charles had two children, myself and my brother
Damion. Growing up with my family was regular until it wasn’t…
My older brother Damion always found himself in the wrong company. Eventually, after
countless conversations and attempts by my parents to change this Damion became very
dedicated to this lifestyle. On the block smoking weed and always looking for the next high. My
brother’s behaviour began when I was at the age of 15 and he was 17. Damion and I had a close
relationship growing up but this changed when his bad behaviour began. Eventually he left home
permanently and had no contact with either myself or my parents.
This was hard to deal with at first but eventually it became easier not having Damion
around. Less arguments around the house, my parents became less stressed overall but still the
uncertainty of his whereabouts oftentimes made them uneasy. Then it happened. It had been
approximately 2 years since my brother left. It was a Sunday evening and there was a knock at
the front door. Brita opened the door and stared into the eyes of the person she had hoped never
to see again. Malcolm. Malcolm was Danion’s best friend and also the person who introduced
Danion to drugs, gangs and that lifestyle.
Damion showing up at our front door was the beginning of the end. “Good day Miss
Brita, I know I may not be welcomed here but I felt that you should hear from a familiar face,
Damion died last night, he was murdered, shot 3 times. I’m sorry” After such a heart wrenching
statement Malcolm left as my mother stood there in shock. I remember hearing a loud cry from
my mother and my father and I ran to see what was going on. She could barely speak. It took a
while for her to actually say, “Dami…Damion…he’s dead, my baby boy is dead” I remember
seeing my father fall to meet my mother on the floor in shock.
I myself couldn’t believe it. My biggest fear had come to pass. Damion is dead. I felt
numb but I had to be strong for my parents. At this moment I struggled to comprehend my
brother’s death. My parents were broken. This was the worst day of my life.

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