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Student Events: Online Event Hos ng Requirements

FOBISIA Student Events are generally hosted by FOBISIA Schools for FOBISIA Schools. The excep on
to this is a FOBISIA Invita onal Event, where, as well as invi ng FOBISIA Member Schools, it is at the
discre on of the host school to invite other schools to a end their event.

The FOBISIA events calendar for the next academic year is published at the end of May. In the event
that a date change needs to happen a er this me, please contact the Student Events Execu ve at
FOBISIA HQ to discuss the situa on. Once dates are published, events are added to the FOBISIA
Events Calendar on the FOBISIA website and and each event is also promoted on the website under
the relevant student event category: FOBISIA Student Events (as soon as a school provides a
promo onal event flyer and sign up details, this is added to the website).

Event Development

The onus is on the host school to design their event, but the Student Event Execu ve can support:
they will provide any feedback or learnings from previous events and, if required, can put the host in
touch with previous event hosts. The Student Event Execu ve can support a host in developing a
theme for their event and will support the host where required. The Student Event Execu ve will
take the lead in promo ng the event within the FOBISIA Community using marke ng materials
supplied by the host.

Process of Event Promo on / Sign Up:

Around 1-2 months before the event, FOBISIA HQ sends details about the event to Heads of School
and FOBISIA Leads about the event. This launch email will open a registra on period and,
depending on the nature of the event, may indicate the start of the event (eg. registra on for and
no fica on of a short story compe on which schools can begin working on straight away) The
ming of the email will therefore be decided by the length of registra on period required for an
event. This email no fica on will consist of an event poster or flyer supplied by the host along with
any registra on links or links to an event website should there be one. Your event and any
registra on links will also be promoted through FOBISIA’s Social Media Channels.

At any point during the event registra on or submission period that you feel an addi onal
promo onal push may be needed to increase registra on numbers, please do not hesitate to contact
the Student Events Execu ve at FOBISIA HQ.

Event Promo on Materials:
Hosts are required to supply the following to support their event:
1) Event Flyer:
PDF or .png format - this should include:
- Host School name/logo
- FOBISIA logo (White FOBISIA Logo or Black FOBISIA Logo)
- Event outline
- Age/years groups the event is open to
- Event contact
- Op onal link for registra on (QR code can be used but please provide HQ with the link for
the email)

2) Web and Social Media Versions of Event Poster / Flyer:

.png format. Please supply two sizes for use on Social Media
- 1200x675 pixels
- 1000x1000 pixels
Schools also have the op on to addi onally supply an alterna ve and more detailed poster for
use on our website.
- A4 .pdf size is recommended for this

3) Link for registra on:

Can be a google form link or similar

Event Registra on Process:

We recommend using a Google form, or similar, to collect details from schools who want to register
for the event. Please note, ini al registra on forms should be designed for comple on by teachers
for safeguarding reasons. Should events need student emails to be collected (e.g. for registra on
onto an online compe on pla orm) these can be collected via the registered teacher and supplied
to the host, or the pla orm registra on details can be supplied to the registered teacher for sharing
with their students. Should communica on ever need to be directed to a par cipa ng student, the
registered staff member should always be cc'd.

The registra on form will assist hosts in gathering contacts and avoids mul ple emails that you need
to compile data from, as you will need to supply event cer ficates to winners at the very least. At
the end of any event, FOBISIA HQ also requires a host to provide them with the following data: how
many and which schools par cipated and, where possible, the number of students from a school
who took part. It is worth keeping these in mind when designing a registra on form. The Student
Event Execu ve can supply you with the current list of registered schools to create a drop down list
on your registra on form which avoids errors in wri ng school names later on.

Depending on the structure of your event and the amount of briefing informa on you need to
provide, you can either:
1) Use your flyer to share all the event informa on
2) Create briefing materials for sharing with registered schools

3) Create an event website where all briefing materials and registra on links are held

If there is a cost to schools or individuals for a ending your event, please ensure this is clear during
pre-registra on - either on the ini al registra on details or on the website if this is the route chosen.
If you need any support or examples from previous events, please contact the Student Events
Execu ve.

Post Event

Winner Announcement / Event Celebra on:

At the end of an event, FOBISIA HQ can manage the announcement of event winners or, in the event
of a fes val, celebrate par cipants. Announcements are made on the newsfeed on the front page of
the FOBISIA Website as well as on our Social Media Channels.

Hosts should supply the details for the announcement including: winner(s) and runners up first
names and school (and year group if required/desired); any suppor ng imagery or winning entries. If
a host is publishing winners on their own event website then please provide HQ with links for this so
that we can include them in any announcements. In this case, please ensure only first names of
children are included.

Event Cer ficates:

Hosts are required to produce event cer ficates for their event. Cer ficate design is up to the host
and ideally is in keeping with the event branding. The cer ficate should include both the FOBISIA
logo and the host school logo. FOBISIA HQ can supply event cer ficate templates and examples from
previous events if required.
- If the event was a compe on, cer ficates should be supplied for winners and runners up at
a minimum. It is at the host's discre on whether to supply all par cipants with a cer ficate
of par cipa on.
- If the event was a fes val, hosts are encouraged to supply par cipants with a cer ficate of
par cipa on.

Event Feedback Survey:

A er any event, FOBISIA HQ requests that the host supplies a feedback survey to par cipants. The
Student Event Execu ve will construct the survey with input from the event host. The survey will be
supplied as an event link. It is good prac ce to send the survey link at the same me as cer ficates
are distributed as this generally garners the best response rate from teachers. A er the event, the
survey results will be shared with the host for future reference.

Event reports are featured in FOBISIA’s termly eMagazine, THE FOBISIAN. The event will feature in
the next edi on that is published a er an event has been completed. A er their event, hosts are
required to write a feature for publica on. Features should review the event, celebrate par cipants
and/or winners, feature photographs or imagery or, in the case of wri en works, the winning pieces.

Quotes from par cipants can be included (these may be sourced from event feedback forms or email
feedback from teachers).

For THE FOBISIAN ar cle, hosts should supply the following:

- 150-500 words of text reviewing their event
- Photos / images
- List of par cipa ng schools

Event Data:
In order for HQ to track the success and uptake of student events, please ensure that at the end of an
event, you supply FOBISIA HQ, via the Student Event Execu ve, with the following informa on:
1. Number of schools par cipa ng (including invited non-FOBISIA schools)
2. Names of FOBISIA Schools who par cipated
3. Number of students who par cipated

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