Basic Prosaic Studies Mid Test 2022

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Name: Umi Zulaihah

NIM: 2051800025




1. What do you know about literary criticism/theory/approach? (SCORE: 25)

2. Why do we need to study about literary criticism/theory/approach? (SCORE: 25)
3. Read the following situation:
You read a novel. Having finished the novel then you become interested to analyze the
novel. You want to emphasize your analysis on the intrinsic elements on the novel. What
literary theory/approach is the best choice? Give your reason why? (SCORE: 25)
4. Read the short story I enclosed on the assignment entitled “The Necklace” to answer the
following questions: (SCORE: 75)
a. Who are the major characters on “The Necklace”?
b. Give characterization (physically, personality, and socially of Madam Forestier on
“The Necklace”!
c. Give the examples of internal conflict on “The Necklace”! Give your explanation!
d. Give the examples of external conflict on “The Necklace” Give your explanation!
e. What is the moral value you can learn from “The Necklace”? Give your explanation!


1. Literary criticism is the comparison, analysis, interpretation, and/or evaluation of works
of literature. Literary criticism is essentially an opinion, supported by evidence, relating
to theme, style, setting or historical or political context.
2. It helps us to appreciate the strength and weaknesses of a literary work, and how to
improve it for the better. Literary criticism makes us a better writer and reviewer as well.
It is good generally for writers, editors and reviewers.
3. Objective approach. Because it focuses on the elements inside of the work of literature
and their relationship and has to be analyzed and judged by intrinsic criteria: such as its
complexity, coherence, equilibrium, integrity, and the interrelations of its component.
4. a. Mathilde Loisel, Monsieur Loisel, Madam Forestier
b. – Physically: Madam Forestier is a young, beautiful, attractive woman.
- Personality: Madame Forestier is the wealthy friend of the Loisel’s who lends
Mathilde the diamond necklace for the ball. She is generous to Mathilde.
- Socially: Madam Forestier is a person who is respected in her environment because
of her wealth.
c. In "The Necklace," the internal conflict lies in the fact that Madame Loisel is
embarrassed by her poverty. Even though she is physically beautiful, and married to an
understanding husband, she believes that the key to her happiness lies in expensive
necklaces, balls and the luxuries that comes with to being rich. She is unable to find
happiness in herself and the joys in life without money. 
d. The external conflict in “The Necklace” is that Mathilde lost the Madam Forestier’s
necklace and she doesn't know what to say to Madam Forestier. She believed that the
necklace is very valuable. Mathilde. Loisel and Monsieur Loisel had to go find the replica
of the necklace. It was very hard for them to pay off that necklace because her and her
husband is pretty poor. So her husband using all his savings and then having to borrow
money from other things. They had to work desperately hard for ten years to pay it all
e. The Necklace teaches that we must not think beyond our limits. We must be satisfied
with what we have and what we are. We must be honest enough to confess his mistake
instead of running from situations and turning back.

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