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2(a) Price is the set amount of money determined by the enterprise in order for that

product/service to be sold.

2(a) ii) Franchise is a type of business expansion that opens in new locations. However, these
franchisees are managed by different individuals. This is different from a normal business
expansion because of the fact that the individuals operating the franchisee are buying the rights
to own a part of the brand, whereas a normal business expansion will mostly be managed by
the company itself.

2(b) Have not been learned

2(d) It is crucial for the business owner to outline the requirements for the company, ergo, the
person specification, before hiring a new employee. A person specification is a sort of document
containing the information needed by the business from candidates interested in employment. It
typically takes the form of a portfolio or CV (Curriculum Vitae). Personal requirements are
frequently used by businesses to weed out non-essential or unqualified applications and admit
only eligible candidates. However, there's a chance that this is also unlawful or discriminatory in
a way that could draw criticism.

Based on his requirements, Lewis plainly needs someone who can oversee reservations,
transactions, and other financial activity. It makes the most sense that Lewis outlines all
necessary and preferred conditions, such as a hairdressing degree, as he has access to
qualified candidates. But can this truly apply to those without professional training in
hairdressing but who have a tremendous talent for it? Lewis further specifies that applicants
must be between the ages of 18 and 30, which could narrow the field of qualified applicants.
Lewis may face criticism and prosecution if his actions are discovered to be illegal or
discriminatory due to the fact that he substantially restricted the number of candidates.

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