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Dạng bài chia động từ trong ngoặc sao cho đúng 

1. Where is he? I (wait)___ for him since 5 o’clock!

2. She (go) ___ out since 5 a.m.
3. They (not eat) ___ anything all the morning.
4. Will the rain ever stop? It (rain)___ all day.
5. Jan is out of breath. She (run) ___ 2 hours ago.
6. I (read) ___ this book since last night.
7. She (chat) ___ with her friend all the day.
8. Hey, you (sit)___ at the computer all day. You should really take a break
9. She (ride) ___ for 4 hours and she is very tired now.
10.We (not write) ___ to each other for 6 months.

Dạng bài dùng từ trong ngoặc và hoàn thành câu 

1. Why are you so tired?

Because I ……………………. the wheels on my car. (replace)

2. Your French is perfect.

Really? I ………………………… French for six years. (learn)

3. Look at Mary. She’s so nervous.

No wonder. She ………………. for her boyfriend for ages. (wait)

4. John is sunburnt.
Yes, he really is. He ……………. since the morning. (sunbathe)

5. Your parents look relaxed.

They ……………………………………….. all weekend. (relax)

6. All the footballers are so wet.

They ……………………. in the rain since the match started. (play)

7. Have you talked to Richard yet?

Not yet. But I ……………………. to phone him since you told me. (try)

8. Is Grace your neighbor?

Yes, she is. She ……………… next door for six years now. (live)

9. Why are Patt and Matt so dirty?

They ………………………………….. their bedroom. (paint)

10.Shall I wake Doris up?

Yes, please. She ………………… all day long. (sleep)

Bài tập chọn dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

1. He __ (sleep) for hours now because he didn’t get enough sleep last night.

2. When she arrived, her family __ (have) dinner.

3. Where are you now? He __ (wait) for you for so long.

4. My father (still/do) the gardening since I came home. Meanwhile, my brother

__ (do) his homework.

5. Her mother __ (go) shopping since she went out with her friends.

6. We would like to eat something because we __ (not eat) for the whole day.

7. It __ (rain) for the whole morning, so she doesn’t want to go out.

8. John Wick _ (watch) his favorite film since I came.

Dạng bài phân biệt hiện tại hoàn thành hay hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

1.  (they/arrive) already?
2. Lucy (run) 2000 metres today.
3. I (clean) all morning - I'm fed up!
4. How long (you/know) Simon?
5. I (drink) more water recently, and I feel better.
6. Sorry about the mess! I (bake).
7. How many times (you/take) this exam?
8. He (eat) six bars of chocolate today.
9. Julie (cook) dinner. Let's go and eat!
10.The students (finish) their exams. They're very happy.
11.The baby's face is really dirty. What (he/eat)?
12.Iona is exhausted these days. She (work) too hard recently.
13.Luke (never/be) abroad.
14.I (wait) three hours already!
15.(you/finish) your homework yet?
16.How long (you/be) a lawyer?
17.I (read) your book all day. It's very interesting, but I'm only on chapter 2.
18.She (drink) ten glasses of water!
19.I (have) my dog for sixteen years.
20.Help, I (lose) my wallet. How can I get home?
21.I (not/do) the housework yet.
22.They (study) very hard recently.
23.She (promise) to help many times.
24.He (clean) the kitchen. Everything is sparkling clean.
25.She (write) her essay and (send) it to her professor.
26.He (see) the film 'The King's Speech' about six times.
27.We (paint) our living room. I think it looks a lot better.
28.She (take) French lessons lately.
29.It (not/rain) for three hours! Only about one hour.
30.Lucy (leave).

Dạng bài hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại

1. A: George, how long …………… ……………….. Japanese? (learn) 

    B: Japanese? Wait a minute. For about five years. 

2. A: What a lovely smell! 

    B: My mum …………………………….. some cakes. (bake) 

3. A: Why are your hands so dirty? 

    B: I ………………………………………… my car. (clean) 

4. A: You look so tired. You should have a rest. 

    B: Should I? But I ………………………………….. so hard. (not work) 

5. A: Why ……………….. Sarah ……………………………………… out
lately? (not go) 

    B: She broke her leg while she was skiing. 

6. A: Peter, why are you so noisy? I want to sleep! 

    B: Do you mean it? I ……………………… any noise since I got up. (not

7. A: …………….. you ………………………………… for a long time?


    B: Not really. It started the day before yesterday. 

8. A: Mr. Gregson, how long ……… you …………….. English? (not teach) 

    B: To tell the truth I’ve never taught English. But I’d like to try it. 

9. A Hi, Sam. How is your new girlfriend doing? 

     B Susan? She ……………………. to me since we had an argument. (not


10. A: Have you heard about the bank robbery in King Street? 

      B: Yes, I have. The police ……………………….. for the robbers day and
night. (look) 

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