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SCRIPTURES - “We are members of one great body,

planted by nature…. We must consider that
 Biology - Humans, or human beings, are we were born for the good of the whole”
bipedal primates belonging to the  Titus Maccius Plautus
mammalian species Homo sapiens (Latin - “Homo homini lupus est” (Man is a wolf to
meaning: wise man or knowing man). his fellow man)
 Psychology - Humans have a highly  St. Thomas Aquinas
developed brain capable of abstract - Individua substantia rationalis naturae
reasoning, language, and introspection.
(Individual substance of a rational nature)
Humans are variously said to possess
 Niccolo Machiavelli
consciousness, self-awareness, and a mind,
- “Men by nature is evil. They are ungrateful,
which correspond roughly to the mental
fickle, liars, and deceivers, they shun
processes of thought.
danger and are greedy for profit.
 Sociology - “Man is by nature a social
 Rene Descartes
animal”. Man cannot live alone. He must
- “Cogito ergo sum”. (I think, therefore I
satisfy certain natural basic needs in order to
survive. He has to enter into relationships am).
with his fellowmen for living a life.”  Thomas Hobbes
- “The life of man (in a state of nature) is
solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”
ANATOMY  Albert Camus
- “Man is the only creature who refuses to be
what he is.”
The cerebral cortex is nearly symmetrical, with left and
 Fyodor Dostoevsky
right hemispheres that are approximate mirror images of
- “Man is a mystery. It needs to be
each other. Anatomists conventionally divide each
hemisphere into four "lobes", the frontal lobe, parietal
unravelled, and if you spend your whole life
lobe, occipital lobe and temporal lobe unravelling it, don't say that you've wasted
 George Berkley
Associated with reasoning, planning,
Frontal Lobe parts of speech, movements, emotions
- “Esse est percipi” (To be is to be perceived)
and problem solving  Jean Paul Sartre
- “Man is condemned to be free”.
 Martin Heidegger
Associated with movement orientation,
Parietal Lobe recognition, perception of stimuli. - “Man is a being unto death”
Lesson 1: Human Dignity in the Scriptures
Associated with visual
Occipital Lobe processing. a. Human beings as the crowning glory of God’s
Associated with perception and - Genesis 1:26-27
Temporal Lobe recognition of auditory stimuli, - God created man in his image; in the divine
memory and speech image he created him; male and female he
created them
This statement is the basis of Christian anthropology,
because it identifies the foundation of man's dignity as
a person in his creation "in the likeness" of God. Both
are equally God's masterpiece. - St. John Paul II in his
General Audience 1999
CCC 1699-1715 assimilate these nutritive materials to the
different parts of the body.
“The dignity of the human person is rooted in his or
- Growth: refers to the augmentation and
her creation in the image and likeness of God.
refers to the operation by which living
Endowed with a spiritual and immortal soul,
beings acquire by nourishment the
intelligence and free will, the human person is
quantity characteristic to it (motis a
ordered to God and called in soul and in body to
minore ad majorem quantitatem). A
eternal beatitude.”
result of the assimilation of food.
Imago Dei - Reproduction: a new organism is
generated from a previous organism
The divine image is present in every man. He is
(origo viventis a principio vivente
endowed with:
conjuncto in similitudinem naturae)
1. A spiritual and immortal soul - Sensation: manifests the capacity to
- The human person is composed of body perceive accidental properties of things.
and soul. - Locomotion: manifests the capacity to
- "then the LORD God formed man of move from one place to another.
dust from the ground, and breathed into - Intellection: immaterial operation
his nostrils the breath of life; and man because its object is the idea which is an
became a living being." immaterial presentation of reality
- Every spiritual soul is created - Volition: immaterial operation because
immediately by God and also that it is its object is the idea which is an
immortal. immaterial presentation of reality

SOUL PLANTS – Vegitative Soul

- “primus actus corporis physici organici”. ANIMALS – Sensient Soul

- first act of a physical organic body. HUMANS – Rational Soul
- it is the principle of life
- any living being is a besouled being INTELLECT - God gave us the ability to
learn about things and understand them by
HIERARCHY OF BEING the use of our intellect. Through our senses,
- God we gain knowledge of things around us.
- Humans
- Animals - God created man a rational being,
- Plants conferring on him the dignity of a person
- Minerals who can initiate and control his own
OPERARI SQQUITUER ESSE - but the exercise of freedom does not
- Operations follows being entail the putative right to say or do
True freedom is the power and right to do
- Nutrition: refers to the operation by that which is right and good. It is rooted in
which the creature’s life is conserved. A reason and will, to act or not; to act to do
vital operation which transforms food this or that, and so to perform deliberate
into nutritive substances by the process actions on one's own responsibility.
of metabolism and the ability to
The more one does what is good, the freer one water), loss of biodiversity, the decline
becomes. There is no true freedom except in the of quality of human life and
service of what is good and just. The choice to relationships, and the global inequality
disobey and do evil is an abuse of freedom and one gap between the poor and the rich.
becomes a slave to sin. - “throwaway culture” that ruthlessly
consumes, exploits, and discards human
life and our natural resources as one of
made, equipped with everything necessary to
the root causes
navigate the goods on offer.
Human beings and the Redemptive Act of Christ
Authentic Freedom
- Freedom is not absolute, therefore it is
limited! Do Good and Avoid Evil - the doctrine which teaches that the state
of Adam and Eve before they sinned was
Philippine Constitution, Article 2 Section 11
one of holiness and justice.
-“The State values the dignity of every - It states that our first parents received
human person and guarantees full grace, and preternatural gifts (Genesis
respect for human rights.” 1:26-27; 2:3). These sanctifying grace,
2. Human beings and Sexuality with its right to enter heaven, and the
- The Lord God then built the rib that he preternatural gifts would have been
had taken from the man into a woman. transferred to all descendants of Adam
When he brought her to the man, the and Eve if not for the original sin
man said: “This one, at last, is bone of - The loss of original justice, both for
my bones and flesh of my flesh; This them and for all their descendants as a
one shall be called ‘woman,’ for out of result of the Fall, was later recovered
man this one has been taken.” (Genesis through the atoning death of Jesus
2:22-23) Christ
- man discovers woman as another "I",
sharing the same humanity
- They include three great privileges to
The Nature and Purpose of Sexuality:
which human beings have no title--
a. To be human is to exist either as male or as infused knowledge, absence of
female. concupiscence, and bodily
b. We are sexual beings by nature, existing in immortality. Adam and Eve possessed
one of these two modes. these gifts before the Fall.
c. Sexuality urges us out of isolation into the
company of others.
3. Sexuality urges us out of isolation into the - “I will put enmity between you and the
company of others. woman, and between your offspring and
- Being an image of God also implies our hers; He will strike at your head, while
responsibility to His creation you strike at his heel.”
(Stewardship) - The promise of salvation brought about
- Laudato Si presents current ecological by sins of our ancestors is fulfilled in
problems our world is facing such as the Jesus Christ.
variety of forms of pollution, increasing
deforestation, a disturbing warming of
the climate, depletion of natural - a method of biblical interpretation
resources (especially quality drinking whereby an element found in the Old
Testament is seen to prefigure one found - the criminal justice system is a way of
in the New Testament. The initial one is responding to ending the effects of crime
called the type and the fulfillment is that makes the people affected.
designated the antitype. - seeks to repair harm, to appropriate
responsibility for the harm and to
Redemption comes to us above all through the
involve those who have been affected by
blood of his cross, but this mystery is at work
the harm, including the community, in
throughout Christ's entire life:
the resolution
1. In His Incarnation – “Word made flesh”
The Philippine government adheres and believes
2. In His Hidden Life – Obedience
that all persons have dignity whether one is a
3. In His Word through Teachings, Parables,
criminal or not.
Beatitudes, Prayers and Proclamation of the
Kingdom of God; Bureau of Corrections functions are:
4. In His Healings and Exorcisms
1. Safe keep prisoners convicted by courts,
5. And in His Resurrection.
2. Prevent prisoners from committing crimes,
Jesus‘ words, deeds and suffering had for its aim 3. Provide inmates basic needs,
restoring fallen man to his original vocation. 4. Ensure rehabilitation programs are made
available to the inmates for their physical,
- despite of the Fall and sinful nature, God
intellectual and spiritual development
affirms, transcends the elevated nature of
5. Develop livelihood programs to assist
inmates earn a living and develop their skills
The Ultimate Destination of our Human while in prison.
Pilgrimage: To Return to the Father
The Bureau of Corrections' logo or seal also
A. Israelites in the Promised Land summarizes its goal featuring a rehabilitated
- In the Old Testament, the Israelites inmate (white) while in custody of the seven (7)
journeyed to the Promised Land led by prisons and penal farms (bars) thru educational,
Moses. This pilgrimage of faith from therapeutic, productive approaches and
deliverance from Egyptian slavery to the restorative justice. He looks forward to a brighter
land given to them by God so that He future (rays of the sun), but would need the
can establish Himself a relationship that assistance of his family and loved ones, the society
was lost due to sin of Adam. and the church, for him to completely undergo
B. Parable of the Prodigal Son by Pope Francis transformation and re-integrates successfully in the
- Pope Francis described the father, with community.
patience, love, hope, and mercy had
Punishment cannot be reduced to mere retribution,
never for a second stopped thinking
much less take the form of social retaliation or a
about his lost.
sort of institutional vengeance.
- The Pope reminded us that God is
always waiting for us; he never grows Punishment and imprisonment have meaning if,
tired. while maintaining the demands of justice and
- Restoration of those who sinned and discouraging crime, they serve the rehabilitation of
became slave of sin finds its foundation the individual by offering those who have made a
in the dignity of the human person and mistake an opportunity to reflect and to change their
redemption by Christ through the lives in order to be fully reintegrated into society.” -
programs of the Church, government and St. John Paul II
other groups.
Introductory Concepts on Man and Society
Restorative Justice
- “socius” which means companion, or - The community of Israel foreshadows
ally; “societas” fellowship, association, the Church. Just as God chooses us to be
alliance, union, community. saved as part of the Church, so too did
- “socius” which means companion, or God call Israel as a nation to be his
ally; “societas” fellowship, association, chosen people as part of his larger plan
alliance, union, community. of salvation.
- An organized association of persons
New Testament
united for the promotion of some
common purpose or object, whether - the Church designates the community of
religious, benevolent, literary, scientific, Christian disciples who gathered at least
political, convivial, or other. weekly for common liturgy and prayer.
The word "church" is used 114 times in
The human person is by nature a social being
the NT, but only three times in the
They are relational beings, who are free and Gospels (once in Matt 16:18 and twice in
responsible, recognizes the necessity of integrating Matt 18:17).
themselves in cooperation with fellow human
beings, and who is capable of communion with
them. - synagoge = "assembly, congregation";
derived from the preposition sun =
They belong to various societies such as family,
"with, together" and the verb αγω = "to
civil and religious communities, and are bound
lead, gather"
together by a principle of unity and common good
- In Septuagint (the Old Testament in
Gerhard Emmanuel "Gerry" Lenski, Jr. Greek), it usually refers to a local
assembly of Jews. The word is used 56
- Technology is defined as 'information
times in the NT, mostly in the Gospels
about how to use the material resources
and Acts, but also in James 2:24 and Rev
of a given society or culture to meet
2:9; 3:9.
human needs and satisfy human desires.
- viewed that through technology, Temple / Sanctuary
societies will evolve, change and
- hieron = "temple area, holy grounds"
- Whereas hieron designates the totality of
- When looking at the technology of a
the holy space or "temple precincts",
society, Lenski focused on information -
naos refers more specifically to the
the amount of information a society has
"sanctuary building" within the temple
and how it uses that information. The
area, in which the deity resides. In the
more information (or knowledge) a
NT, "temple" normally refers to the
society has, the more advanced it will
sacred precincts of Jerusalem.
- Paul uses "Temple of God" as a
CHURCH metaphor for the Christian community,
in that the community is the "sanctuary"
- Latin word meaning ecclesia
where the Spirit dwells
- The Septuagint used ekklesia to translate
the Hebrew word qâhâl, meaning a People of God
congregation, assembly, company or
- God's Chosen or Elect - In the OT, the
other organized body
Hebrews are "chosen" by God to belong
Old Testament to him
- thus the descendants of Israel are called
the "people of God"
- Luke uses the term to identify Israel on the later biblical emphasis of Jacob's
descendants. The promises given to
Community / Communion
Abraham happened prior to the birth of
- koinonia = "placed in common" Isaac and were given to all his offspring
- Koinonia refers to a relationship of signified through the rite of circumcision
fellowship among believers based on - the descent and promise is reinterpreted
participation in Christ along religious lines. In the Epistle to the
- Paul's ministry to support the poor Galatians, Paul the Apostle draws
financially in the Jerusalem church is a attention to the formulation of the
sign of this communion promise, avoiding the term "seeds" in
plural (meaning many people), choosing
Saints instead "seed," meaning one person,
- (hagioi = "holy ones, those set apart") who, he understands to be Jesus (and
- Paul commonly addresses the Christian those united with him
community as "saints" MYSTERIUM LUNAE
- Paul commonly addresses the Christian
community as "saints" Saint Ambrose expresses this nicely by presenting
the moon as a metaphor for the Church:
Body of Christ
The moon is in fact the Church… [she] shines not
- The "Body of Christ" is a prominent with her own light, but with the light of Christ. She
Pauline metaphor for the church draws her brightness from the Sun of Justice, and so
The Way she can say: ‘It is no longer I who live, but Christ
who lives in me
- literally "road, path, journey," it
sometimes specifically refers to PRINCIPLES TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE
individuals following Jesus SOCIETY OR IN FORMING A GROUP OR
Bride of Christ
1. Socialization - expresses the natural
- The Church is the bride of Christ, and tendency for human beings to associate with
just as a husband and wife are one flesh, one another for the sake of attaining
so is the Church holy because of the objectives that exceed individual capacities.
bridegroom. This is seen in paragraph 2. Subsidiarity - a community of a higher order
824 of the Catechism which states, should not interfere in the internal life of a
“United with Christ, the Church is community of a lower order, depriving the
sanctified by him; through him and with latter of its functions, but rather should
him she becomes sanctifying. support it in case of need and help to
Children of Abraham / New Israel / New coordinate its activity with the activities of
Jerusalem the rest of society, always with a view to the
common good.
- Traditional Jewish interpretation, and 3. Common Good
that of most Christian commentators,
define Abraham's descendants as Three Essential Elements of Common
Abraham's seed only through his son Good
Isaac and his grandson Jacob, to the
exclusion of Ishmael and Esau. This may 1st - Respect for the person as such.
however reflect an eisegesis or - Fundamental and inalienable rights of
reconstruction of primary verses based the human person.
2nd - Social well-being and development of The dignity of the human person is the primary
the group itself. principle and the heart and soul of the social
teaching of the Catholic Church.
- Development is the epitome of all social
duties. Being in the image of God the human individual
possesses the dignity of a person, who is not just
3rd – Peace
something, but someone.
- The stability and security of a just order.
Being in the image of God the human individual
Our laws also support the formation of possesses the dignity of a person, who is not just
these organizations: something, but someone.

1987 Philippine Constitution Article XIII. This teaching rests on one basic principle:
Section 23.
1. individual human beings are the foundation,
- The State shall encourage non- the cause and the end of every social
governmental, community-based, or institution.
sectoral organizations that promote the 2. On this basic principle, which guarantees the
welfare of the nation. (Civil Code of the sacred dignity of the individual, the Church
Philippines Article 32) constructs her social teaching
- The right to become a member of
The dignity of human person is:
associations or societies for purposes not
contrary to law 1. Innate: we were born with it
2. Inviolable: cannot be violated
3. Inalienable: cannot be taken away from us
Both the Church and the State recognizes the family 4. Universal: encompasses all humanity
as the most important unit of the society.
Human rights may be defined as those fundamental
FAMILY rights of human beings which are essential to the
exercise of human dignity.
- Original cell of social life
- Natural society in which husband and 1. These rights are possessed by human beings
wife are called to give themselves in by the mere fact of their being human.
love and in the gift of life. 2. They are inherent in their nature, and far
- The family must be helped and defended from being concessions by society or by the
by appropriate social measures state, instead society and the state have the
duty to defend and promote them.
Article XV. The Family of the 1987 Philippine
Constitution A Brief Development of Understanding
Human Dignity in Relation to Human Rights
Section 1. The State recognizes the Filipino family
as the foundation of the nation. Accordingly, it shall 1. Dignitas by the early Romans & Cicero
strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its - Early Romans used the term dignitas
total development. referring to people appointed to
public offices and with higher status in
Section 2. Marriage, as an inviolable social the society. Then Cicero redefined
institution, is the foundation of the family and shall dignitas referring to all humans by
be protected by the State. making distinction against animals
Human Dignity as Inviolable and Inalienable where the former are governed by
reason while the laXer by bodily
pleasures and instinct. To him, dignity
encompasses not only of those who were
persons of authority and wealth but Article 2
includes all humanity.
- Everyone is entitled to all the rights and
2. Imago Dei by St Leo the Great
freedoms set forth in this Declaration,
- St. Leo the Great and St. Thomas
without distinction of any kind, such as
Aquinas also used the term dignitas
race, color, sex, language, religion,
referring to dignity of human person. To
political or other opinion, national or
St Leo, persons have dignity due to the
social origin, property, birth or other
fact that man is raised up among other
status. Furthermore, no distinction shall
beings and made in God’s image (Imago
be made on the basis of the political,
jurisdictional or international status of
3. Great Chain of Beings by St Thomas
the country or territory to which a person
belongs, whether it be independent, trust,
- St. Thomas Aquinas adopted this
non-self-governing or under any other
elevated beings of St Leo to his concept
limitation of sovereignty.
of great chain of beings which means
the higher the status of a being, the Article 3
more dignity one possess.
4. Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Everyone has the right to life, liberty and
(UDHR) by the United Nations security of person.
- The United Nations was established 1987 Philippine Constitution
(1945) on accounts of horrors
experienced from World War 2 Article XIII: Social Justice and Human
particularly from Nazi Germany and Rights
Imperial Japan. It recognizes the dignity Section 1: Congress shall give highest
of every person in Universal Declaration priority to the enactment of measures that
of Human Rights (1948). The Preamble protect and enhance the right of all the
and first three articles of the declaration people to human dignity
serve as its foundation of other rights.
Section 17: Commission on Human Rights
PREAMBLE (Note: the first CHR in the country was
- The United Nations was established established during Marcos Gme two days
(1945) on accounts of horrors before the start of People Power 1)
experienced from World War 2 Section 18: The Commission on Human
particularly from Nazi Germany and Rights shall have the following powers and
Imperial Japan. It recognizes the dignity functions:
of every person in Universal Declaration
of Human Rights (1948). The Preamble 1. Investigate, on its own or on complaint
and first three articles of the declaration by any party, all forms of human rights
serve as its foundation of other rights. violations involving civil and political
- that human rights should be protected by rights;
the rule of law. 2. Adopt its operational guidelines and
rules of procedure, and cite for contempt
Article 1 for violations thereof in accordance with
- All human beings are born free and the Rules of Court;
equal in dignity and rights. They are 3. Provide appropriate legal measures for
endowed with reason and conscience and the protection of human rights of all
should act towards one another in a spirit persons within the Philippines, as well as
of brotherhood. Filipinos residing abroad, and provide
for preventive measures and legal aid order to realize peace or shalom (over-all
services to the underprivileged whose harmony) in His Kingdom.
human rights have been violated or need
4. Exercise visitorial powers over jails, - the virtue which inclines us to give to
prisons, or detention facilities; God and to man what is due to them.
5. Establish a continuing program of
research, education, and information to Social justice is central to the Pentateuch
enhance respect for the primacy of - To be the people of God meant to
human rights; practice justice. A just system was
6. Recommend to the Congress effective required for all people, aside from their
measures to promote human rights and ethnic origin or social justice.
to provide for compensation to victims
of violations of human rights, or their The Judeo-Christian Tradition Expressions of
families; Justice are:
7. Monitor the Philippine Government’s 1. Sedakah
compliance with international treaty - It means right relationship.
obligations on human rights; - It is manifested by Yahweh in His
8. Grant immunity from prosecution to any relationship with Israel and with all
person whose testimony or whose things He has made, and by Israel, in her
possession of documents or other response of obedience, reverence and
evidence is necessary or convenient to faithfulness to God.
determine the truth in any investigation - It is manifested by Yahweh in His
conducted by it or under its authority; relationship with Israel and with all
5. Pacem in Terris by St John XXIII & other things He has made, and by Israel, in her
Church documents on human rights response of obedience, reverence and
- St John XXIII's encyclical Pacem in faithfulness to God.
Terris (1963) was a landmark in the - The word sedakah also corresponds to
acceptance by the Catholic Christian Yahweh‘s righteousness.
Church of the Universal Declaration of - Some terms related to Yahweh‘s sedakah
Human Rights. For the first time, the are mercy, compassion and salvation
Papal magisterium presents a relatively - It is identical with deliverance and
complete and systematic catalogue of salvation, describing it as associated to a
human rights, comparable to those in norm established by God.
contemporary declarations of human 2. Mishpat
rights promulgated by national or - It depicts the forensic nature of justice.
international entities. - It is justice based on the context of the
failure of the right relationship.
- This is where Yahweh refuses injustice
because the right relationship is being
TEACHINGS OF THE CHURCH - It is also a court of law wherein the
accused is punished and the victim is
SHALOM vindicated.
- Yahweh is a righteous God in the Old - Yahweh is a judge who punishes the
Testament so He encourages His people wicked one and rewards the righteous
as well to become just and righteous in one. Thus, He corrects wrongdoings in
order to restore right relationship.
-The arbiter, the King -God, secures order The Gospel shows in an abundance of texts that
in the community by applying the Jesus was not indifferent or extraneous to the
mishpat. It implies deliverance for those problem of the dignity and rights of the human
who are just and innocent, but harsh for person, nor to the needs of the weakest, the
the wicked and sinful. neediest, and the victims of injustice.
3. Hesed
Jesus‘ concern was not limited to the forgiveness
- It is often translated as loving kindness.
of sins: At all times He stressed a real solidarity
Other translations are steadfast love,
with the poorest and lowliest
mercy and compassion.
- Hesed is the expression of loving Just like the mission of Jesus Christ, the mission of
kindness in the Kingdom of Yahweh. the Church to the society is threefold:
- Yahweh‘s hesed is manifested in His
1. Kingly
everlasting love for Israel.
- One‘s commitment to serve others
- Yahweh is the epitome and example of
through active participation to integral
doing hesed to others.
human development.
4. Dikaiosune
2. Priestly
- Jesus’ invitation to strive first for the
- Our capacity to pray for one another and
Kingdom of God and His righteousness
our ability to establish a deeper
(Mt. 6: 33) is basically relational.
relationship with God through prayer
- The Greek word dikaiosune can be
and worship.
rendered righteousness or justice.
3. Prophetic
- The metaphor of the Kingdom of God
- Proclaiming peace founded on truth,
embodies the way God relates with
built according to justice, integrated by
people and sheds light on the word
charity and practiced in freedom.
dikaiosune as the manner by which God
wants to be ―king or as to be the divine The Church in the Philippines has been known as
will is followed. the forerunner of truth and justice among the
Filipinos regardless of ethnicity, gender and
In the New Testament, Jesus Christ proclaims
that the Kingdom of God is already at hand and
the Beatitudes are the ways to attain its fullness. It is not to be identified with any political partisan
in order to become a credible herald of peace,
OLD TESTAMENT – external actions we need to
justice and truth; and proponent of unawa
(understanding), awa (mercy) and gawa (deeds)
NEW TESTAMENT – Internal dispositions we among people particularly the marginalized.
need to have
The Church in the Philippines is expected to be the
The Beatitudes of Jesus are also considered as advocate of impartiality that shuns any form of
expressions and ways to realize the right discrimination, conflict and political animosity.
relationship in the Kingdom of God.
The Church is also called to promote respect for
1. About People & Blessings races, genders, religions and point of views so
2. Kingdom is About Newness. that national unity and healing are attainable.
3. The Kingdom is Still to Come
Discrimination and neglect are obstacles to the full
4. The Kingdom is a Person
development of persons and of society as a whole.
5. Not a monarchy or a military might
6. Not violent Duc in Altum (“Put out into the deep”)
God reigns where the divine will is done - Each Catholic is a missionary.
- He/she is immersed and conscious of the - All men and women are called by God to
signs of the times making him/her faith and baptism in Jesus Christ
capable of bringing people closer to the b. Truthful Tolerance
Kingdom of God. - The Declaration on Religious Freedom
- Like the apostles of Jesus Christ, we are of Vatican II, Dignitatis Humanae, cast a
also fishers of men by witnessing to our new light.
faith. - The human person has a right to
religious freedom. This freedom means
JUSTICE – WAY  All men are to be immune from
coercion on the part of
individuals or social groups and
of any human power
 No one is to be forced to act in a
As Agent of Hope and Transformation manner contrary to his own
- It is through baptism that members of
 Not to be restrained from acting
the Christian community ―are called to
in accordance with his own
a holiness of life in the world befitting
beliefs, whether privately or
disciples of Jesus.
publicly, whether alone or in
- Discipleship is the fundamental vocation
association with others, within
in which the Church's mission and
due limits.
ministry find full meaning.
c. Fidelity to Proclaim the Kingdom of God
- As disciples of Jesus, we are called into
- The Church, endowed with the gifts of
communion with both God and others
her founder and faithfully observing his
and are sent in mission to proclaim
precepts of charity, humility and self-
the Good News of the Kingdom.
denial, received the mission of
- The Synod of Bishops spoke about the
proclaiming and establishing among all
relation between the Gospel and justice:
peoples the Kingdom of Christ and of
―Action on behalf of justice and
God, and she is, on earth, the seed and
participation in the transformation of the
the beginning of that Kingdom
world fully appear to us as a constitutive
- The Church‘s mission is the same as it
dimension of the preaching of the
was yesterday, today, and tomorrow: to
evangelize the whole world. ―It is the
- The Church fulfills her mission of
duty of the Church, therefore, in her
preaching the Gospel when it teaches the
preaching to proclaim the Cross of
demands of justice.
Christ as the sign of God‘s universal
The Church fulfills her mission of preaching the love and the source of all grace.
Gospel when it teaches the demands of justice
a. The Fact of Religious Pluralism
- The Church recognizes and defends the
fundamental dignity of man to be free
from coercion in matters religious.
- The Church recognizes and defends the
fundamental dignity of man to be free
from coercion in matters religious.

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