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3S Leadership
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House Rules
1. Use the chat pane to type in your Name/Designation/Office for
attendance monitoring prior the session. Furthermore , avoid
writing notes/messages at the chat pane as the session started for
it will be used for the activities to write your answers to the given
questions of the online training/orientation.
2. Avoid multitasking and engaging into separate virtual meetings
while this session is ongoing.
3. Mute your microphones and turn off your video camera upon
joining. Turn it only when addressed.
4. There should only be one device logged in to avoid audio feedback.
5. If you have slow internet connection, turn your video camera off
and prioritize your mic/audio.
6. Use the raise hand feature to be recognized or if you want to ask
questions. Lower your hand if you have been acknowledged.
7. There will be certain limitations in viewing the slides to be
presented , but they will be automatically shared in the files tab of
this channel for you to download after the meeting upon request to
the secretariat.
Be reminded by the R.O.S.E. Principle
during the engagement

Objectives: At the end of the session, the participants
will be able to:
1.Explain the primary concepts of Fiscal Management;
2.Strengthen the leadership style in managing school
finances through 3S of leadership; and
3.Integrate into planning the core fiscal procedures
and competencies of 3S of leadership.
Priming Activity
Write Me!

1.What is your
understanding about
Fiscal Management?
Click to add title Activity: Name Me!
1. The participants may use another
gadget in doing the activity.
2. Questions are flashed on the
3. Click your answer immediately
after reading the question.
4. Participant/s with the fastest and
most number of correct responses
will be recognized as the
champion of the game.
Analysis: Share it!

How do you see yourself

as a Fiscal Manager?
Abstraction: Questions to
1. Do you have a clear
knowledge and understanding
about the significant role,
responsibilities, and
accountabilities of a fiscal
manager? Were they explained
2. Were there unclear
ones? How did you clarify
these, if any?
Steward, Shepherd, and Servant:
Understanding your Leadership
•As school leaders, we have three roles:
steward, shepherd, and servant.
•A steward manages the available resources
for the benefit of the school and the
advancement of the goal of education.
As stewards, school leaders are responsible
to God, government, stakeholders and team
•A shepherd cares for the “sheep”
(stakeholders) and leads them to
the place of safety and benefit.
•In their role as shepherds, school
leaders are responsible of taking
care of people. Ask yourselves,
“Do I view my people as precious
in God’s sight or simply as a
means to accomplish my goals?
• Am I providing an excellent work
environment and pointing them toward
the Good Shepherd?” In essence, a
person’s faithfulness toward people will
show his faithfulness toward God.
• A servant attends to the needs and
desires of the people he serves.
• As servant leaders, school leaders are
responsible to “Do nothing out of
selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in
humility consider others better than
ourselves. Each of us should look not
only to our interests but also to the
interests of others” (Philippians 2:3-4).
Roles, Responsibilities,
Click to add title Accountabilities of a FM
1. Leads in crafting the ESIP, AIP,
SOB, WFP that laid down on a
realistic set of PAPs based on an
exhaustive study of both the external
and internal environments which
identified the resource requirements.
2. Ensures funds are
budgeted, made available,
and spent according to
fiscal policy and in
alignment with account
3. Underscores to his/her team that
the budget provides orderly
execution of the needs related to
the account and serves as one of
the control mechanism to compare
planned receipts and disbursements
with the actual fiscal activities, and
therefore, must be complied with.
4. Responsible for
understanding and
ensuring compliance with
the regulations, policies,
and procedures on
Government Accounting &
Auditing Manual
5. Ensures that the procurement
activities are properly and
adequately staffed and are
functioning efficiently following
all the policies, procedures and
are governed by the highest
ethical standard.
6. Ensures that the school
systems are covering property
management to include
receiving, recording, procured.
releasing immediately to the
school units the items asked
for, maintaining and repairing
of items procured.
7. Makes certain that
assets are well
maintained and repaired
on a regular basis.
8. Make sure all donations, out
of budget funds such as
earnings from the canteen
operations or income
generations from other school
activities be recorded regularly.
9. Provides daily oversight on
how the funds are spent and

10. Takes care that processes

and controls are in place
11. Sees to the proper and
accurate recording,
analyzing and reporting of
12. Checks the accuracy
and reliability of
accounting data.
13. Monitors reconciliation of
accounts on a monthly, quarterly,
and annual basis; making sure that
the expenditures conform with the
budget, or appropriate budget
changes have been made to reflect
a change in the original budget.
14. Must be able to connect each unit
with one another-instructional/Academic
Offices, Property, Purchasing, Human
Resources, General Services, Facilities
Management, Risk Management,
Administrative Accounting, Accounts
Receivables, and Account Payable.
15. Safeguard assets and
signs on all financial
transactions as the
highest-ranking official in the
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16. Because of signature
authority, the School Principal
is enjoined to understand the
Government Budgeting System
and to acquire the skill to
navigate the most updated
National Accounting System
adopted by the Government.
When approving documents, the
school principal is responsible for
verifying or having processes in
place to ensure the following:

✔ The transaction is accurate,

timely, and completely
✔ Charges to the account
correctly represent materials
received or services
✔ Charges represent activities
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that are established and
should comply with the fiscal
plan that is established for
the account.
✔ Funds are available in the
account to cover authorized

✔ The transactions in the

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account comply with all
relevant internal or external
regulations, policies, and
✔ The original copies of the financial
records are kept orderly and safely
retained in the Administrative
Accounting Office to satisfy legal
and audit requirements. These
Click to include original documents such as
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attendance records, payroll
vouchers, and other supporting
Identifying, analyzing, and choosing
1.The principal sent a teacher to a training
which she thinks suitable for the teacher but
she’s not included in the memo.
2. The principal accepted cash donation from
alumni amounting to P500K for construction
of school stage. The following day, the SH
bought materials for the stage construction.
3. The principal paid the supplier for the
office supplies she ordered from a store; the
following day, said supplies were delivered to
the school.
4. The school paid the supplier for the office
supplies she ordered from a store; the
following day,
5. The roof of one of the school buildings of
the elementary school was destroyed during
typhoon Lando. The principal utilized the
school MOOE for the major repair of the
roofing though it is not included in the SIP
and AIP.
6. The principal canvassed from 3 suppliers
and awarded it to the lowest bidder.
Identifying, analyzing, and choosing
Identifying, analyzing, and choosing
1. Did the lessons on Fiscal Management
motivate you to become an effective and
efficient fiscal manager? Why?
2. How would a fiscal manager ensure efficient,
effective, economical, and ethical fiscal
3. Are there issues and concerns in achieving an
effective fiscal management?
4. How can you overcome these obstacles in
fiscal management?
5. Which of the topics inspired you the most?
Why? Do you think the 3S of Leadership can
help you make a difference in fiscal
Application 1. Revisit your Work and
Financial Plan. Based on the
inputs and learnings, how will
you improve your WFP
considering the situation and
needs of your school? What
were your considerations in
making your adjustments of
the WFP relative to 3s of
What is becoming clear
to me about what I need
to do as a fiscal

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