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1 lean

Lean Manufacturing, Its Goals And Uses

Lean Manufacturing is the ideology of manufacturing the maximum amount with the

highest efficacy but the least waste. Production begins after the product in question goes through

the steps. Following the steps, there are then the tools that will help to make the product and its

production furthermore lean henceforth the pinnacle of true lean manufacturing. Then there is the

real-life used applicants that have successfully applied the principles and technics of lean and are

using them right now.

Step one of production is to make sure the product is valuable so that customers will buy

it and it won't be a waste of materials. Following the completion of a step, one is step two, which

is to produce a value stream map. After making a value stream map (which will tell you where

things happen and the losses at each specific step) you get to make the flow chart of who/what

does the work at each section of the product's production. Then there is the continuous

development and improvement to the product and its life cycle to make it leaner (such examples

include making the product only when needed and only the amount required, removing

unnecessary transportation, having no excess inventory, having no idle workers, not

overproducing, and limiting to removing the possibility and plausation of the product having a

chance to be defective or no function in the way of intended use towards being need/wanted.
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The product cannot be lean as it is without these used tools that help to remove an extra

bit of something used to make a said product in question. SMED (single minute exchange of die,

which is the fast way to move from one manufacturing process to another) is the tool that will

help to save as much time as possible in that it helps you learn what a single machine is capable

of handling and if you need more machines or different machines to be able to make as much as

need and making them as punctual as possible. Value stream mapping (value stream map allows

managers to visualize each step of the manufacturing process to identify process improvement

opportunities) after finding if a product is wanted a steam map should be created to help with the

removal of some things that would be wasteful before any kind of production towards making

said products is to begin. Total productive maintenance (improves integrity and quality of

manufacturing process) is needed to keep the machines operational and functional, so as to not

cause the slowing down or temporary stopping of the workflow and making workers and other

sections become idle. Single-point scheduling to have all maintenance and anything down at one

time as to lower the downtime to as low as possible.

After starting and following the steps to being able to produce and manufacture a product

that is truly lean the benefits show immediately. Waste is significantly reduced due to the focused

view of not wasting materials unless necessary. Time is reduced as the production of the product

is made to be streamlined and the machines are kept in top condition to prevent a breakdown,

and there are production maintenance times to prevent the stopping from one section. Improved

quality happens due to the first step being that the consumer will value the product that is made

to prevent it from being wasted.

The application of using the principles and steps of lean manufacturing is seen in the car

company of Toyota as they use and incorporate the lean method in the development and
3 lean

construction process of their cars. The start of it happened when designing the assembly line that

would develop and construct the Toyota cars. The first thing was to make a car people would

want and after that, they went to make the line to use and waste as little as possible to lower the

cost of running and constructing the cars via the assembly line. During the construction of the

assembly line, they wanted it to be reliable so it would not just break down and so that if a

malfunction was to occur the problem would be able to be recognized and signaled to others to

be able to stop the line with the least amount of defected products made for it to be lean with

least waste. Then finally the assembly line was made and constructed in a way as to make it so

that it could be repaired fast and that so changes could be made to it for when it is needed or tech

evolves and it becomes faster or more efficient to cause less waste. The line today makes very

little waste and is very efficient with the line changing every year as a new car is made every

year and each year the car is made faster cheaper and more efficiently as the lean system goes

into full effect.

Lean Manufacturing is a method to reduce waste while making a better and

faster-made product to the consumer, all with there not being too many products on the

shelf. With all the pros of lean Manufacturing, it is clearly the correct choice going into

the future of manufacturing and developing products across the world.

4 lean

Works cited

Landau, Peter. “What Is Lean Manufacturing?” ProjectManager.com, 15 November 2021,

https://www.projectmanager.com/blog/what-is-lean-manufacturing. Accessed 1 March 2022.

Lynn, Rachaelle. “What is Lean Manufacturing?” Planview,

https://www.planview.com/resources/guide/what-is-lean-manufacturing/. Accessed 1 March


“What is Lean Manufacturing and the 5 Principles Used?” TWI Global,


Accessed 1 March 2022.

Toyota Production System | Vision & Philosophy | Company | Toyota Motor Corporation

Official Global Website,

https://global.toyota/en/company/vision-and-philosophy/production-system/. Accessed 4 March


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