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3rd Quarter

Name: Grade: Nine Scores:

ENGLISH: 57/60
CLE: /60

Project Name: Collaborating Subjects: Dates:

CARING FOR THE English January 16-20: Introduction,

ENVIRONMENT Social Studies Writing (English)
Filipino January 23-February 3: #DoItToo
Christian Life Education Challenge (CLE)
January 30-February 3: Writing
Integrated Lessons: (Filipino)
Spoken Word Poetry February 6-10: Recording and
Social Issues Editing
Talumpati February 13-17: Website
Caring for the Environment Construction
February 23: Final Submission

A genre of poem that takes its origins from performing onstage while mixing traditional oral
storytelling with theater, acting, and at times music, spoken word poetry has overtaken and
overlapped with so many genres of literature. Spoken word poetry that tackles environmental issues
becomes even deeper and more impactful to its target audience when it utilizes basic elements such
as repetition, rhyming of words, symbolisms, figures of speech, spontaneous and impromptu word
play, technical and casual language, and comedy. These elements give voice and emphasis to the
written poem and allow listeners to connect and internalize the significant human experiences,
emotions, message, and authentic views being conveyed by the poem.

Dig deep to your inner poet, your inner activist, your inner performer, and present a poem that would
touch the hearts of others with your words and ignite people to initiate positive actions towards the
environment and others.


A. English
● Write a spoken word poetry piece with a minimum of five stanzas (minimum of four full lines
per stanza) that talks about environmental issues such as caring for the environment.
● Record yourself while performing the spoken word poetry piece written.

B. Social Studies
● Write and perform a spoken word poetry piece that tackles humanity’s role in society.
● Answer both objective and personal reflection questions about humanity and humanity’s role in
the society.

C. Filipino
● Magsulat ng isang talumpati tungkol sa mga napapanahong isyung panlipunan tulad ng
pangangalaga sa kapaligiran.
● Irekord ang sarili habang ibinabahagi ang talumpating isinulat.

● Write a spoken word poetry piece that talks about social issues such as caring for the
● Document participation in the #DoItToo Challenge, a social media challenge where acts of
kindness for Mother Nature are posted via Facebook or Instagram to encourage more people
to help care for the environment.


A. Strand Skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking

B. Transdisciplinary Skills: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking,

Reflective Thinking

C. Technological Skills: Word Processing, Designing, Data Processing and Analysis, Audio
Recording, Website Designing
A. English
● Create a spoken word poetry with a minimum of five (5) stanzas made up of four lines
each with the topic Caring for the Environment and Humanity.

B. Social Studies
● Based on the spoken word poetry written in the English class, answer how relevant
humanity is in the society, what makes humans crucial in the world, why humanity is
significant , and where the role of humans lead to the society or the world that we live in.

C. Filipino
● Gamiting batayan ang isinulat na spoken word poetry sa klase sa English upang
magsulat ng isang talumpati tungkol sa isyung panlipunan tulad ng pangangalaga sa
● Irekord ang sarili habang ibinabahagi ang talumpating isinulat.

● Use the topic Caring for the Environment in writing your spoken word poetry piece.
● Document your participation in the #DoItToo Challenge.
● End the documentation by sharing your personal realizations and calling people to


A. English: Spoken Word Poetry Writing

Creativity 10
● The content shows the authentic creation of the
● The content is unique, illustrative, and colorful.
● The content has evident use of symbolisms,
literary devices, and figures of speech.

Convention 10
● The poem is guided by the rules of a poem’s
structure and well organized.
● The language used in the poem is clear and
well-thought of.

Cohesion 5
● The poem holds together as one literary piece.
● The poem consists of well put together topics.

Submission 5
● The student submitted on time with no delay.

B. English: Poetry Recitation

Creativity 10
● The student created a unique poem.
● Words and lines used in the poem are original.

Coherence 5
● The form and structure of the written format
matches with the spoken task.
● The explanation in the written task goes along
with the spoken task.

Clarity 10
● The imagery used was evident.
● The language delivery was well understood.

Submission 5
● The student submitted on time with no delay.

C. Social Studies

Poem Construction 25
● The poem clearly shows humanity’s role.
● The poem shows humanity’s significance to the
● The poem shows the student’s critical thinking.
● The poem shows the student's creative thinking.
● The poem is an original work of the student.

Reflection Questions 30
● The student showed knowledge on society,
humanity, and the environment.
● The student has provided all the information
● The student elaborated on the questions asked
● The student deepened and shared authentic

Submission 5
● The student submitted on time.

D. Filipino: Pagsulat ng Talumpati

Kaugnayan ng Talumpati sa Isyung Panlipunan 12

Kalinawan ng Mensaheng Nais Iparating 12

Kawastuhan ng Pagkakagamit ng Balarila 6

E. Filipino: Patatanghal ng Talumpati

Kalinawan ng Pagbigkas 10

Kawastuhan ng Emosyong Taglay 10

Kaangkupan ng Tindig at Kumpas ng Kamay 7

● Dapat nakatayo at nakikita ang kalahating

Pagpasa sa Itinakdang Araw 3

F. Christian Life Education: Poetry and Podcast

Evidence of Creative and Critical Thinking (Spoken
Word Poetry and Website)
● writes and recites a poem about Caring for the
● uses appropriate design elements (color
combination, font pairing, media elements) to
layout required components on website
● embeds required components properly
Evidence of Reflective Thinking (#DoItToo
Challenge, Call To Action, Devotions, Better Me)
● posts 10 stories on either Facebook or
Instagram documenting efforts to educate
people to help care for the environment
● selects and explains the Bible verses,
passages, and stories that resonated with 30
him/her the most
● shares personal realizations relevant to the
● provides a detailed action plan to apply personal
● shares devotional readings and Better Me letter
Evidence of Communication and Collaboration
(Peer Evaluation)
● collaborates to improve accuracy,
completeness, and organization of own and
selected partner’s spoken word poetry and call
to action
● shares poems and personal insights to selected
● shows respect and appreciation to selected
partner’s short story and personal insights
Evidence of Metacognitive Thinking (Self-
● passes sound judgment to own and selected 5
partner’s short story and sharing


The following questions will be answered upon the completion of the authentic tasks.

1. What did you personally learn or realize about yourself after carrying out the authentic tasks?

I personally have learned during this authentic task that I have many things that I can still improve
on to make my work even better like video editing, essay writing, etc,

2. What new concepts, skills, and values have you acquired after performing the tasks? Elaborate on
your answer.

There were not really new skills but I have improved on skills I have learned like my video editing
skills mainly

3. If you are to rate the level of involvement or participation of your partner in these activities, with 1
being the lowest and 5 being the highest, what score will you give him/her? Explain your reason for
rating your partner as such.

Name of Partner: This was done alone


4. If you are to rate your level of involvement or participation in these activities, with 1 being the lowest
and 5 being the highest, what score will you give yourself? Explain your reason for rating yourself
as such.

I would rate myself 4 / 5 since I think I did well but I definitely still could have done better and
improved more about my AA
1. English

A. Spoken Word Poetry Piece

Create a poem with a minimum of five (5) stanzas made up of four lines each with the topic
Caring for the Environment and Humanity.

“Ode to the Ocean”

The ocean is vast, a world of its own

Home to creatures, yet to be known
Eighty percent of life on earth
In its depths, a priceless worth.

The ocean blue, once so serene

Now filled with trash, a harrowing scene
Plastic and debris, a blight on the tide
A reminder of human neglect and pride.

Marine life is suffocating, trapped in our waste

Their fate sealed, in a pollution-filled haste
Innocent creatures, paying the price
For our neglect, and disregard for life.

We've got to do something before it's too late

We’ve got to stop the dissemination before its too late
We can’t let the greedy and power-hungry lead
And put our ocean into a state of dread.

Let's take a stand, for the ocean and the marine

Let's take a stand, for a future that's clean
Let's not wait, for it to be too late
Let's not wait, to seal our own fate.

B. Description/Analysis
1. What is the poem about?
2. What symbolisms are used in the poem?
3. What mood or tone is used in your poem?
4. What theme could be derived from your poem?
5. How is the poem a reflection of life and how is it significant to the human experience?

1. The poem is about ocean pollution and how we are destroying our ocean's natural beauty
and marine life with our trash and negligence.
2. A symbolism in the poem that I used was making the ocean sound like a different planet by
putting images in the reader's head like how there are many creatures yet to be known in the
ocean and our trash symbolizing our human neglect.
3. The mood of my poem is supposed to be awakening the readers to what we are doing to our
oceans but still giving hope that we can still fix it.
4. The theme of the poem is to make the readers appreciate the ocean for its beauty and its
incredible ecosystems and landscapes.
5. The poem is a reflection of life because the ocean is our life or our home and how it is set up
beautifully for us and how we are the factor of change and if we neglect it we suffer and we
pay the price but we can also fix it and make it better like how we are the factor of change in
our life.

C. Spoken Task
Record yourself performing your spoken word poetry. Include necessary small props, gestures,
emotions, and/or movements. Background music is optional.

Link to the Video:

2. Social Studies

Reflection Questions
1. Which stanza/s or line/s talk/s about humanity?
2. Which stanza/s or line/s talk/s about the environment?
3. Which stanza/s talk/s about society?
4. What specific roles or connections does humanity have with the environment? Cite all
those you have included in your poem.
5. What specific roles or connections does humanity have with society? Cite all those you
have included in your poem.
6. What recent events or news have you encountered recently, where humanity played a
great role in affecting the environment? Cite your sources.
7. What social issue have you recently heard of that affected a lot of people and could
possibly affect you as well? Cite sources and why this issue is relevant to you.
8. What personal steps have you taken to help out society?
9. What actions have you taken for the environment?
10. What roles can individuals, families, communities, a country,and the nations of the world
do to protect the environment?

1. The second and third stanza talks about humanity and how humans affect our ocean’s and
how our greed and neglect is destroying the our ocean’s.
2. The first stanza mainly talks about the ocean and how beautiful it is and also a bit of the
second line.
3. I think the 3rd and last stanza talks about what society should do to fix what we have done
and how we should take a stand for the environment.
4. The role of humanity in my poem is being the one that destroys the environment because of
the neglectful acts we do that effect our environment in bad ways.
5. The connections of humanity with society in my poem is how we are the main factor of
changing our environment and how as a society we choose to neglect it even though we get
so much from it.
6. Not such a recent news but a very prominent problem that we encounter about the
environment is plastic pollution and we can see it a lot in the philippines but also in other
7. I think the main issue that is affecting many and could affect me as well is climate change
and because I live in the philippines climate change could make more intense storms that will
damage the lives of a lot of people.
8. I have tried to always give something to the less fortunate when I can and when my family
eats out they look for local business to eat at.
9. I have always try not to litter and throw trash in the proper places and also a recent 10 day
challenge for CLE where we try to do something that helps the environment every day.
10. I think the main thing that people can change to help protect the environment is for people to
be more mindful about our environment and always try to do something everyday to help the

3. Filipino

A. Pagsulat ng Talumpati
Gawing batayan ang isinulat na spoken word poetry sa klase ninyo sa English upang makabuo
ng isang talumpati. Sundan ang balangkas na nasa ibaba.

Paksa Pangangalaga sa kapaligiran

Mensahe Ang mensahe ng talumpati na ito ay na mag raise ng awareness sa

pagkasira natin ng dagat at para hikayatin ang mga tao na ayusin ang
ginawa natin sa dagat.

Panimula Araw-araw humigit-kumulang 8 milyong piraso ng plastik na polusyon

Hindi bababa sa 5 ang nakakarating sa ating mga karagatan. Isipin ninyo 8 milyon piraso
pangungusap. ng polusyon araw-araw dapat tayong mahiya dahil tayo ay naninira
ng mga dagat ng ating anak at ang mga anak nila dahil sa atin
nawawalan ng tahanan ang mga hayop sa dagat natin at nawawalan
tayo ng isda para makain natin nilalason natin ang ating mga
karagatan at kailangan natin itong itigil.

Katawan Bakit nangyayari ito sa ating karagatan karamihan sa mga plastik na

Hindi bababa sa 10 polusyon sa karagatan ay sanhi ng mga basura. Tayo ay bumibili o
pangungusap. gumagamit ng mga disposable plastic na bagay (mga food wrapper,
plastic bag, labaha, bote, atbp.) Ang ating karagatan ay naghihirap
dahil sa ating mga basura. At ang ating marine life at ang kanilang
mga tirahan ay namamatay dahil sa atin. Ito ay inaasahanna sa
darating na 2050, 87 mga hayop ay mawawala dahil wala tayong
ginagawa para sa ating kalikasan. At ang karagatan ay nagbibigay ng
17% ng protina sa mundo. Ngunit ang ating mga isda ay naghihirap
dahil ang ecosystem ng karagatan ay sinisira ng industriyal na
pangingisda. Ang mga pollutant na ito ay hindi lamang nakakapinsala
sa buhay sa dagat ngunit mayroon ding malalayong epekto sa ating
sariling kalusugan at kalusugan ng buong ecosystem ng karagatan.

Paninindigan Una at pangunahin, ang pagbabawas ng single-use plastics ay

Hindi bababa sa 10 napakahalaga. Ang mga plastik ay tumatagal ng daan-daang taon
pangungusap. upang masira sa karagatan at maaaring makapinsala at makapatay
pa nga ng mga marine life na napagkakamalang pagkain. Mahalaga
rin ang wastong pagtatapon ng basura at pag-recycle. Ang hindi
wastong pagtatapon ng basura ay maaaring makapasok sa mga
daluyan ng tubig at kalaunan sa karagatan, kung saan maaari itong
magdulot ng pinsala sa marine life at sa ecosystem. Ang mga
pagsisikap sa pag-iingat at mga lugar na protektado ng dagat ay
gumaganap din ng isang mahalagang papel sa paghinto at pag-aayos
ng polusyon sa karagatan. Ang mga pagsisikap na ito ay
nakakatulong upang mapanatili at maprotektahan ang mga
sensitibong tirahan sa dagat, na tinitiyak na ang mga ito ay
mananatiling malusog at umuunlad para sa mga susunod na

Konklusyon Maraming hakbang ang maaaring gawin ng mga indibidwal at

Hindi bababa sa 5 komunidad upang makatulong na ihinto at ayusin ang polusyon sa
pangungusap. karagatan. Mula sa pagbabawas ng single-use plastics hanggang sa
pagsuporta sa mga pagsisikap sa pag-iingat, bawat isa sa atin ay
may tungkuling dapat gampanan sa pagprotekta sa karagatan at sa
buhay na sinusuportahan nito. Sa pamamagitan ng pagtutulungan,
makakagawa tayo ng positibong epekto at matiyak na mananatiling
malusog ang karagatan para sa mga susunod na henerasyon.

Ang dalawang verses Genesis 2:15 at Levitico 25:23-24 ay

nagsasalita tungkol sa kung paanong hindi tayo ang may-ari ng lupa
ay hindi natin dapat ibenta ang lupain ng planeta dahil tayo ay mga
bisita lamang sa mundo ng Diyos at tayo ay binigyan ng diyos ng
lupa. para alagaan at protektahan ito.

B. Pagtatanghal ng Talumpati
I-rekord ang sarili habang inilalahad ang talumpating isinulat. Tandaan ang mga pamantayan
sa pagmamarka upang wastong magawa ang bahaging ito. Hindi na kailangan isama sa
rekord ang paksa at mensahe.

Link sa Video:


4. CLE

Create a subpage entitled Authentic Assessment 3-1 under the 3rd Quarter page on your
Portfolio Website (made in your ICT class last quarter). Make sure to include and lay out the
following parts in this subpage:
● spoken word poetry
● video recording of the spoken word poetry performance
● talumpati
○ Call to Action (under Paninindigan)
■ Of all the Bible verses presented in the lecture and in the featured story (if
any), pick two verses that resonated with you the most.
■ Explain what the verse/s meant. Cite quotable passages from the
lesson in your explanation. Render the main points in boldface for
■ Explain what God is trying to teach you/make you realize through the
verse/s and your experience during the #DoItToo Challenge. Use
your own words in writing your realizations and calling other people
to action. Render the main points in boldface for emphasis.
■ Use the box below for your draft.
● video recording ng talumpati
● 10 #DoItToo Challenge screenshots
○ Commit to raising public awareness by thinking of specific acts of kindness to the
environment that you will carry out for ten (10) school days (January 6 to 19).
You may choose between the following options:
■ different act per day
● I opted for reusable bags.
● I helped recycle by _____________.
● I used a reusable beverage container.
● I saved electricity by _____________
● I saved water by _____________.
■ one act to be carried out consistently for all the ten days
○ Create a series of Facebook/Instagram Stories to chronicle your progress in
inspiring change and encouraging people to commit to care for the environment
as well. Include a picture to easily catch attention.
■ Day 1: I am _________________ and I can be a silver lining for the ailing
Mother Nature. For the next ten days, as part of our task in CLE, I will
commit to help in taking care of the environment in my own little ways.
Today, I ____________________________.
■ Day 2-10: Today, I ____________________________.
○ Use the hashtag #DoItToo and mention me (Lovely Mercado on Facebook and
@thelovelymercado on Instagram).
○ Create a Story Highlights bubble on Instagram for easy monitoring.
● devotional readings
● Dear Future Me (Better Me) letter
Add related media (photos, videos, graphics) and other design elements as aesthetics.

Final Link to the Website:

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