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Goal: Siswa mampu melakukan tanya jawab tentang jati diri

Item Question Response

Name (Name) What’s your My name is Nanda
name? Sumira
Nick Name (Nama What can I call You can call me Nanda
Panggilan you?
Origin of Place (Asal) Where do you I come from Pekanbaru
come from?
Address (Alamat) Where do you I live in/on/at __
Age (Umur) How old are you? I’m 16 years old
School (Sekolah) Where do you go I go to SMA IT Fadhilah
to school?
Grade (Kelas) What grade are I’m the tenth grade of
you? Tahfiz
Hobby (Hobi) What is your My hobby is reading
Father’s Job (Pekerjaan What does your My father is a teacher
Ayah) father do?
What is your
Number of Siblings How many siblings I have one elder brother,
(Jumlah Saudara) do you have? one elder sister, one
younger brother, and one
younger sister
What child (Anak ke) What child are I’m the oldest
you? I’m the youngest
I’m middle child
I’m the second child
I’m the forth child
I’m the sixth child

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