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Some Modern Applications

CHAPTER of Spectroscopy


Physical Chemistry
Electronic Edition

Problems and Solutions

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Spectral Line Widths

Chapter 14
Spectral Line Widths
14.1. The sun emits a spectral line at 677.4 nm and it has been identified as due to an ionized 57Fe atom, which has a molar mass of 56.94
g mol–1. The spectral line has a width of 0.053 nm. Estimate the temperature of the surface of the sun.
14.2. Estimate the lifetime of a state that, because of lifetime broadening, gives rise to a line of width
a. 0.01 cm–1,
b. 0.1 cm–1,
c. 1.0 cm–1,
d. 200 MHz.
14.3. Lasers are commonly used in physical chemistry research laboratories to generate the reactive intermediates required in the study of
elementary reactions. For example, highly reactive oxygen atoms in the ground electronic state [O(3P)] can be generated from NO2
by laser-induced dissociation: NO 2 → NO(v ′, J ′ ) + O(3 P). The velocity distribution of the oxygen atoms thus generated (using a
laser with λ = 355 nm) shows two broad peaks centered at 900.00 and 1400.00 m s–1, respectively, and leads to the formation of the
NO(v′ = 0) and the NO(v′ = 1) states [Hradil et al., J. Chem. Phys. 99, 4455(1993)].
a. Identify the NO vibrational state that corresponds to each O atom velocity peak, and justify your choice.
b. If a total of 7400 cm–1 of energy is available to the fragments, what are the velocities of the NO fragment corresponding to each of
the peaks in the oxygen velocity distribution? (These velocities are measured with respect to a fixed laboratory coordinate system
and, therefore, are the “absolute” velocities of the fragments. Assume that the NO molecules are the J = 0 rotational state.) For the
NO molecule, v0 = 1904 cm –1.
Resonance Spectroscopy
14.4. Calculate the magnetic flux density that is required to bring a free electron (g = 2.0023) into resonance in an EPR spectrometer
operating at a wavelength of 8.00 mm.

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Resonance Spectroscopy

14.5. An EPR spectrometer is operated at a frequency of 10.42 GHz and a study is made of methyl radicals. Resonance is observed at a
magnetic flux density of 0.37175 T.
a. Calculate the g value of the methyl radical.
b. Calculate the field required for resonance when the spectrometer is operating at 9.488 GHz.
14.6. How many hyperfine lines would you expect to find in the ESR spectrum of 2H, 19
F, 35
Cl, 37
Cl? Calculate the nuclear magnetic
moment is each case. (Refer to Table 14.1, p. 735.)
14.7. Determine the number of hyperfine lines expected in the ESR spectrum of 63Cu, which has a spin I of 1.
14.8. In a nuclear magnetic resonance instrument operating at a frequency of 60 MHz, at what magnetic fields would you expect to
observe resonance with 1H35Cl?
14.9. The chemical shift δ of methyl protons in acetaldehyde is 2.20 ppm, and that of the aldehydic proton is 9.80 ppm. What is the
difference in the effective magnetic field for the two types of proton when the applied field is 1.5 T? If resonance is observed at 60
MHz, what is the splitting between the methyl and aldehyde proton resonances?

14.10 The nuclear spin quantum number I of the 39K nucleus is , and the nuclear g factor is 0.2606. How many orientations does the
nucleus have in a magnetic field? At what frequency would there be resonance in a field of 1.0 T?
14.11. The 11B nucleus has a spin I of and a nuclear g factor of 1.7920. At what field would resonance be observed at 60 MHz?

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Essay Questions

14.12. The Fourier transform is the mathematical foundation for much of modern spectroscopy. The idea behind Fourier transform
spectroscopy is to use a pulse of energy, which contains many frequencies, to probe the sample many times each second. The
cumulative signal recorded from the pulses, which is a time-dependent oscillatory function F(t), has the general form shown in
Figure 14.25a. The Fourier transform of such a function results in a function of frequencies, which we may denote I(ω), obtained as
I (ω ) = A Re ⎡ ∫ F (t )eiω t dt ⎤

⎢⎣ 0 ⎥⎦
where Re represents the real part of the function. Perform the Fourier transform of F(t) = [cos(ω1t) + cos(ω2t)] exp(–t/T), where T is
a relaxation time, and obtain an expression for I(ω). Analyze the behavior of this function by assigning arbitrary values to the
constants and plotting it as a function of q. Use the fact that eiωt = cos ωt + i sin ωt, and
∞ [1 + (a 2 + b 2 )T 2 ]
∫0 =
cos( at ) cos(bt )e dt T
[1 + (a – b) 2 T 2 ][1 + (a + b) 2 T 2 ]
14.13. The lifetime of 57Fe* is 2 × 10–7s. Calculate the uncertainty in the frequency of the γ radiation emitted and in the wavenumber.
14.14. The free radical CH3 is found experimentally to be planar. Give an interpretation of this result in terms of orbital hybridization.
What microwave spectrum would the radical show? What vibrations would be active in the infrared?
14.15. A complete photoelectron spectrum of the nitrogen molecule (see Figure 14.45) is given by Bock and Mollère [J. Chem. Educ. 51,
506(1974)]. The spectrum extends from about 411 eV (the peak corresponding to the 1sσg is at approximately 410 eV) to about 15.0
eV, with the peak corresponding to the 2pσg electron occurring at 15.88 eV. If we were to use a radiation source of wavelength 58.4
nm, which of the peaks in the spectrum can be studied? What will be the wavelength required to extend the range to 410 eV?

For additional problems, see the books listed at the end of the problem section in Chapter 12 (p. 634).

Essay Questions
14.16. Explain the selection rules for Raman spectra, with examples.
14.17. Describe the physical interaction that leads to nuclear magnetic resonance.
14.18. Give an account of the fundamental principles underlying Mössbauer spectroscopy.

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.1. The sun emits a spectral line at 677.4 nm and it has been identified as due to an ionized 57Fe atom, which has a molar mass of 56.94
g mol–1. The spectral line has a width of 0.053 nm. Estimate the temperature of the surface of the sun.


Given: 57 Fe, λ = 677.4 nm, M = 56.94 g mol –1 , Δλ = 0.053 nm

Required: T

To solve this problem we need to use Eq. 14.4.

⎛ v⎞
Δv = 2 ⎜ ⎟ (2kBT/m)1/ 2
⎝ c⎠
Through substitution and rearrangement, Eq. 14.4, gives an expression for temperature in terms of wavelength.
Δλ = 2 ⎜ ⎟ (2kBT /m)1/2
⎛ Δλ c ⎞ m
T =⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2λ ⎠ 2kB
⎛ 0.053 ×10−9 m × 2.998 ×108 m s −1 ⎞ ⎛ 56.94 g mol –1 ×10−3 kg g −1 ⎞⎛
1 ⎞
T =⎜ ⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎜ –1 ⎟
⎟ ⎝ 2 ×1.381× 10 J K ⎠
⎝ 2 × 677.4 ×10−9 m ⎠ ⎝ 6.022 ×1023 mol –1 ⎠
T = 470 888.037 5 m 2 s −2 kg J –1 K

T = 4.71×105 K
Therefore the temperature of the sun is approximately 4.71×105 K .

Back to Problem 14.1 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.2. Estimate the lifetime of a state that, because of lifetime broadening, gives rise to a line of width
a. 0.01 cm–1,
b. 0.1 cm–1,
c. 1.0 cm–1,
d. 200 MHz.


Given: Δv, Δv
Required: Δτ

The lifetime of a state is given by Δτ and can be determined by rearranging Eq. 14.3
2.7 ×10 –12
Δv /cm ≈

Δτ /s
2.7 ×10 –12
Δτ = s
Δv /cm –1

2.7 ×10 –12

a. Δτ = s
Δτ = 2.7 ×10 –10 s
2.7 ×10 –12
b. Δτ = s
Δτ = 2.7 ×10 –11 s
2.7 ×10 –12
c. Δτ = s
Δτ = 2.7 ×10 –12 s

d. In this case, we first need to convert as follows,

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

2.7 ×10 –12 × 2.998 ×1010 cm s −1

Δτ = s
200 × 106 s −1
Δτ = 4.047 3 ×10 –10 s
Δτ = 4.05 ×10 –10 s

Back to Problem 14.2 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.3. Lasers are commonly used in physical chemistry research laboratories to generate the reactive intermediates required in the study of
elementary reactions. For example, highly reactive oxygen atoms in the ground electronic state [O(3P)] can be generated from NO2
by laser-induced dissociation: NO 2 → NO(v ′, J ′ ) + O(3 P). The velocity distribution of the oxygen atoms thus generated (using a
laser with λ = 355 nm) shows two broad peaks centered at 900.00 and 1400.00 m s–1, respectively, and leads to the formation of the
NO(v′ = 0) and the NO(v′ = 1) states [Hradil et al., J. Chem. Phys. 99, 4455(1993)].
a. Identify the NO vibrational state that corresponds to each O atom velocity peak, and justify your choice.
b. If a total of 7400 cm–1 of energy is available to the fragments, what are the velocities of the NO fragment corresponding to each of
the peaks in the oxygen velocity distribution? (These velocities are measured with respect to a fixed laboratory coordinate system
and, therefore, are the “absolute” velocities of the fragments. Assume that the NO molecules are the J = 0 rotational state.) For the
NO molecule, v0 = 1904 cm –1.


Given: λ = 355 nm, u1 = 900.00, u2 = 1 400.00 m s –1 , νtot = 7400 cm –1 , ν0 =1904 cm –1

Required: NO vibrational state, v′, v′′

a. In this experiment, the energy absorbed by the NO2 molecule is used for bond dissociation to produce NO ( v′ = 0,1) + O ( 3 P ) , and the
remaining energy is given to the translational motion of the two fragments. Since it takes less energy to form the NO ( v′ = 0 ) than the
NO ( v′ = 1) state, the formation of NO ( v′ = 0 ) will correspond to higher O atom velocity. (Actually, higher velocities of both

b. To find the velocities of the NO fragments corresponding to each of the peaks in the oxygen velocity distribution, we first calculate the
energy of the O atom fragment corresponding to each peak.
at u1 = 900.00 m s –1 :
EO = mOuO2
1 0.016 kg mol−1
EO = ×
2 6.022 ×1023 mol−1
× ( 900.00 m s )
–1 2

EO = 1.076 05 × 10−20 kg m 2 s –2
EO = 1.076 05 × 10−20 J

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

at u2 = 1 400.00 m s –1 :
1 0.016 kg mol−1
× (1 400.00 m s –1 )
EO = ×
2 6.022 × 10 mol
23 −1

EO = 2.603 79 ×10−20 J

The energy of the NO molecule in the

v′ = 0 state:
E0 = hcν0
E0 = × 6.626 × 10−34 J s × 2.998 ×1010 cm s −1 × 1 904 cm –1
E0 = 1.89112 × 10−20 J

v′ = 1 state:
E1 = hcν0
E1 = × 6.626 × 10−34 J s × 2.998 ×1010 cm s −1 × 1 904 cm –1
E1 = 5.673 37 ×10−20 J

Etot = hcνtot
Since the total energy available to the fragments is Etot = 6.626 × 10−34 J s × 2.998 × 1010 cm s −1 × 7 400 cm –1
Etot = 1.469 99 × 10−19 J

The translational energy available to the NO fragment (since rotational energy is zero) will be,

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

⎛ 1 ⎞
Etr ( NO ) = Etot − ⎜ Ev′ + mOuO2 ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
Etr ( NO )
and therefore uNO =
at v′ = 1, uO = 900.00 m s –1 :
Etr ( NO ) = 1.469 99 × 10−19 J − 5.673 37 ×10−20 J + 1.076 05 ×10 −20 J )
Etr ( NO ) = 7.950 49 ×10−20 J
Etr ( NO )
uNO =

7.950 49 × 10−20 J × 6.022 × 1023 mol−1

uNO =
0.03 kg mol−1
u NO = 1 263.300 345 m s –1
uNO = 1 263 m s –1
at v′ = 0, uO = 1 400.00 m s –1 :
Etr ( NO ) = 1.469 99 × 10−19 J − 1.89112 ×10−20 J + 2.603 79 ×10 −20 J )
Etr ( NO ) = 1.020 5 × 10−19 J

1.020 5 × 10−19 J × 6.022 ×1023 mol−1

u NO =
0.03 kg mol−1
u NO = 1431.252 72 m s –1
uNO = 1431 m s –1

Back to Problem 14.3 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.4. Calculate the magnetic flux density that is required to bring a free electron (g = 2.0023) into resonance in an EPR spectrometer
operating at a wavelength of 8.00 mm.


Given: g = 2.0023, λ = 8.00 mm

Required: B

To calculate the magnetic flux density, we can use Eq. 14.43,

ΔE = hv = g μB Bo

Rearranging, we obtain
g μB

Converting the wavelength to frequency, and then solving, we obtain B as,

h c
g μB λ
6.626 × 10−34 J s 2.998 ×108 m s −1
2.023 × 9.274 × 10−24 J T −1 8.00 × 10−3 m
B = 1.323 518 752 T
B = 1.32 T

Back to Problem 14.4 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.5. An EPR spectrometer is operated at a frequency of 10.42 GHz and a study is made of methyl radicals. Resonance is observed at a
magnetic flux density of 0.37175 T.
a. Calculate the g value of the methyl radical.
b. Calculate the field required for resonance when the spectrometer is operating at 9.488 GHz.


Given: ν = 10.42 GHz, B = 0.371 75 T

Required: g, B at ν = 9.488 GHz

a. To solve for the g value of the methyl radical, we use Eq. 14.43,
ΔE = hv = g μB Bo

Rearranging, we obtain
6.626 × 10−34 J s × 10.42 × 109 s −1
0.371 75 T × 9.274 ×10−24 J T −1
g = 2.002 631 679
g = 2.003

b. To calculate the magnetic field atν = 9.488 GHz , we can use Eq. 14.43 in the form of,
g μB
6.626 × 10−34 J s × 9.488 ×109 s −1
2.002 631 679 T × 9.274 × 10−24 J T −1
B = 0.338 499 424 T
B = 0.338 5 T

Back to Problem 14.5 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.6. How many hyperfine lines would you expect to find in the ESR spectrum of 2H, 19
F, 35
Cl, 37
Cl? Calculate the nuclear magnetic
moment is each case. (Refer to Table 14.1, p. 735.)


Given: 2 H, 19 F, 35Cl, 37 Cl
Required: hyperfine lines, μN for each
2 19 35 37
H F Cl Cl
1 1 3 3
Spin, I
2 2 2
3 1 1 3
1 1 3 1 1 3 + ,+ ,− ,−
MI values 1, 0, − 1 + ,− + ,+ ,− ,− 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2
Number of lines 3 2 4 4
0.857387 5.257 0.54727 0.4555
(from Table 14.1)
μ N /10−27 J T −1

Back to Problem 14.6 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.7. Determine the number of hyperfine lines expected in the ESR spectrum of 63Cu, which has a spin I of 1.


Given: 63Cu, I = 1.
Required: number of hyperfine lines

The number of hyperfine lines corresponds to the total number of MI values. For I = 1, M I = 1, 0, − 1 and therefore three lines are

Back to Problem 14.7 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.8. In a nuclear magnetic resonance instrument operating at a frequency of 60 MHz, at what magnetic fields would you expect to
observe resonance with 1H35Cl?


Given: ν = 60 MHz
Required: B at which the instrument resonates with 1H35Cl

To calculate B, we use Eq. 14.43 to first determine the energy which corresponds toν = 60 MHz .
ΔE = hv = g μB Bo
ΔE = 6.626 ×10−34 J s × 60 ×106 s −1
ΔE = 3.975 6 × 10−26 J

Resonance could be observed with the proton and with 35Cl.

For the proton we use the gN value for 1H in Table 14.1,

ΔE = g N μ N B
gN μN
3.975 6 × 10−26 J
5.585 6 × 5.0508 ×10 –27 J T –1
B = 1.409 200 143 T
B = 1.41 T

For 35Cl, we use the gN value found in Table 14.1,

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

ΔE = g N μ N B
gN μN
3.975 6 × 10−26 J
0.547 27 × 5.050 8 ×10 –27 J T –1
B = 14.382 714 78 T
B = 14.4 T
(This is outside the normal instrumental range).

Back to Problem 14.8 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.9. The chemical shift δ of methyl protons in acetaldehyde is 2.20 ppm, and that of the aldehydic proton is 9.80 ppm. What is the
difference in the effective magnetic field for the two types of proton when the applied field is 1.5 T? If resonance is observed at 60
MHz, what is the splitting between the methyl and aldehyde proton resonances?


Given: δ Methyl = 2.20 ppm, δ Aldehydic = 9.80 ppm, B = 1.5 T, ν = 60 MHz

Required: ΔBeff , ν

The effective magnetic field is given by,

ΔBeff = −Δσ B
ΔBeff = − ( 9.80 − 2.20 ) × 10−6 × 1.5 T
ΔBeff = −1.14 × 10−5
ΔBeff = −11.4 μT

The frequency splitting can be calculated by multiplying the difference in shifts by 60 MHz,
ν = Δσ × 60 ×106 s −1
ν = ( 9.80 − 2.20 ) ×10−6 × 60 ×106 s −1
ν = 456 Hz

Back to Problem 14.9 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.10 The nuclear spin quantum number I of the 39K nucleus is , and the nuclear g factor is 0.2606. How many orientations does the
nucleus have in a magnetic field? At what frequency would there be resonance in a field of 1.0 T?


Given: K, I = , g N = 0.260 6, B = 1.0 T

Required: number of orientations, ν

The number of orientations of the nucleus in a magnetic field is the total number of MI values,
3 1 1 3
MI = + , + , − , −
2 2 2 2

Therefore there are four orientations in the magnetic field.

To calculateν , we rearrange Eq. 14.43 in the following manner,

ΔE = hν = g N μ N B
g N μN B
0.260 6 × 5.050 8 ×10 –27 J T –1 ×1.0 T
6.626 × 10−34 J s
ν = 1 986 475.219 Hz
ν = 1.986 MHz

Back to Problem 14.10 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.11. The 11B nucleus has a spin I of and a nuclear g factor of 1.7920. At what field would resonance be observed at 60 MHz?


Given: B, I = , g N = 1.792 0 , ν = 60 MHz

Required: B

To calculate B, we rearrange Eq. 14.43 in the following manner,

ΔE = hv = g N μ N B
g N μN
6.626 × 10−34 J s × 60 × 106 s −1
1.792 0 × 5.0508 × 10 –27 J T –1
B = 4.392 426 518 T
B = 4.392 4 T

Back to Problem 14.11 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.12. The Fourier transform is the mathematical foundation for much of modern spectroscopy. The idea behind Fourier transform
spectroscopy is to use a pulse of energy, which contains many frequencies, to probe the sample many times each second. The
cumulative signal recorded from the pulses, which is a time-dependent oscillatory function F(t), has the general form shown in
Figure 14.25a. The Fourier transform of such a function results in a function of frequencies, which we may denote I(ω), obtained as
I (ω ) = A Re ⎡ ∫ F (t )eiω t dt ⎤

⎢⎣ 0 ⎥⎦
where Re represents the real part of the function. Perform the Fourier transform of F(t) = [cos(ω1t) + cos(ω2t)] exp(–t/T), where T is
a relaxation time, and obtain an expression for I(ω). Analyze the behavior of this function by assigning arbitrary values to the
constants and plotting it as a function of q. Use the fact that eiωt = cos ωt + i sin ωt, and
∞ [1 + (a 2 + b 2 )T 2 ]
∫0 =
cos( at ) cos(bt )e dt T
[1 + (a – b) 2 T 2 ][1 + (a + b) 2 T 2 ]


Back to Problem 14.12 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.13. The lifetime of 57Fe* is 2 × 10–7s. Calculate the uncertainty in the frequency of the γ radiation emitted and in the wavenumber.


Given: 57 Fe*, Δτ = 2 × 10 –7 s
Required: uncertainty in Δν , Δν

From the uncertainty principle we have Eq. 14.2,

ΔE Δτ ≥ ˜/2

And therefore an energy of,

ΔE =
6.626 ×10−34 J s
ΔE =
4π × 2 ×10 –7 s
ΔE = 2.636 4 ×10−28 J

We can solve for the uncertainty in the frequency is therefore

ΔE =
Δν =
2.636 4 × 10−28 J
Δν =
6.626 ×10−34 J s
Δν =
397 887.357 7 s −1
Δν = 3.98 ×105 s −1

In terms of wavenumbers, this becomes,

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

Δν =
397 887.357 7 s −1
Δν =
2.998 ×1010 cm s −1
397 887.357 7 s −1
Δν =
2.998 ×1010 cm s −1
Δν =1.327
18 ×10−5 cm −1
Δν =1.33
×10−5 cm −1

Back to Problem 14.13 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.14. The free radical CH3 is found experimentally to be planar. Give an interpretation of this result in terms of orbital hybridization.
What microwave spectrum would the radical show? What vibrations would be active in the infrared?


The planar form of CH3• must arise from sp2 hybridization. This leads to the D3h point group. Since planar CH3• has no dipole moment, it
shows no microwave spectrum.

The vibrations that would be active in the infrared are show in Figure 13.25 for BF3. As discussed in the text, all normal modes except the
completely symmetric one ( a1′ ), give an infrared spectrum. In other words, an infrared spectrum is given by a1′′ and e′ vibrations.

Back to Problem 14.14 Back to Top

Chapter 14: Some Modern Applications of Spectroscopy Solutions

14.15. A complete photoelectron spectrum of the nitrogen molecule (see Figure 14.45) is given by Bock and Mollère [J. Chem. Educ. 51,
506(1974)]. The spectrum extends from about 411 eV (the peak corresponding to the 1sσg is at approximately 410 eV) to about 15.0
eV, with the peak corresponding to the 2pσg electron occurring at 15.88 eV. If we were to use a radiation source of wavelength 58.4
nm, which of the peaks in the spectrum can be studied? What will be the wavelength required to extend the range to 410 eV?


Given: λ = 58.4 nm
Required: which peaks would be studied, λ to extend range to 410 eV

To determine the peak which would be studied, we first calculate the energy of the radiation with λ = 58.4 nm,

E = hv =
6.626 × 10−34 J s × 2.998 ×108 m s −1
58.4 × 10−9 m
1 eV
E = 3.4015 ×10−18 J ×
1.602 × 10−18 J
E = 21.232 82113 eV
Therefore, this source can be used to study peaks with energy below 21.2 eV, which corresponds to all peaks shows in Figure 14.45.

In order to study peaks up to an energy of 410 eV, the wavelength of radiation required would be,

6.626 × 10−34 J s × 2.998 × 108 m s −1 1 eV
λ= ×
410 eV 1.602 × 10−18 J
λ = 3.024 38 ×10−9 m
λ = 3.02 nm

Back to Problem 14.15 Back to Top


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