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x x andidates must write the Q.P. Code ont i t £ (Language and Literature) Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 - NOTE Please check that this question paper contains 19 printed pages. GD QP. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate, = Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions. 8 THN rsbtpedtedts ares tet 8] 3/8 Please write down the ‘serial number of the question in the answer-book before attempting it. ‘15 minute time has been allotted to will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. will read the question paper onl if answer-book during this period. E srsenpiennten etna NE ST TEAL TRAE T T TT TE TTT read this question paper. The question paper From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students iy and will not write any answer on the SHIM General Instructions : and strictly follow them : Read the instructions very carefully tions. All questions are compulsory. () This question paper comprises 11 ques! (i) ‘The question paper contains three sections : Section A - Reading Skills Section B - Grammar and Creative Writing Skills Section C - Literature (iii) Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part. alsfs s p.r.0* SECTION A Reading Skills 20 marks Read the following passage carefully : d this subcontinent, but in recent years the problem of flooding has received much greater attention, perhaps now than it did in the largely because it has led to greater damage past. Even though information on the impending occurrence of floods is now more accurate and certainly more timely, often there is very little time or support infrastructure in place by which damage can be minimised. This is particularly true in the case of flash floods resulting from sudden and excessive heavy rain. is very much related to the seasonal nature of our rainfall. The monsoons are spread over a short period during the year and often bring a concentrated volume of rain, which cannot be absorbed by the earth and finds an outlet only in the form of streams that join up with our major river systems. Flooding due to heavy rain is confined not only to the main rivers of the country, but also affects smaller tributaries and streams. Once these streams spill over their banks they could cause excessive harm, mainly because those living near the banks of these streams,. particularly in mountain areas, do not have easy recourse to moving away quickly. 1 1. Floods are not new to India an 2 In the case of India, flooding i: 3 One major factor that could lead to a higher severity of flooding in the future is the danger of climate change. While the evidence of the =n of impacts, resulting from climate change on precipitation and ng at the regional level, is not entirely clear, it could happen that the J, . Indian subconti i Sian crag tinent witnesses and suffers the effects of a sstimated that More intensive. ged ie ee of monsoons. One set of scientists has in eee could be shorter in duration but far we ords, much greater precipitation would 2 sa uch shorter period of time, thereby increasing the danger of floods. Climate change is the result of human actions a A increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the through the mata of which carbon dioxide is the most prominent. take place in am atmosphere, "At the local level also human actions have heightened the danger of floods through the cutting of trees in the mountains as well as in the case of India, the ecological damage through deforestation of the Himalayas has led to large-scale erosion of the mountain slopes and high levels of siltation. These lead to the deposition of silt on the riverbeds in the plains and hence spillover of water whenever the volume in the river reaches a certain level. With siltation on the riverbeds, flooding occurs even at very shallow water levels. The vulnerability of the population has increased substantially because of .¢. An example is the stubborn and perhaps dwellers on the banks of the river Yamuna mere trickle most as has been the plains. In population pressure: helpless settling of slum in Delhi, who become victims of flooding. Whét is a of the year, bursts its banks during: the monsoons, case in recent years. 5 Flood forecasting is critical to minimising the damage from floods. It is for this reason that the. Central Water Commission has set up a network of forecasting. stations, which cover the most important flood-prone interstate rivers in the country. These stations produce forecasts that are used to alert the public and to mobilize various official agencies so that they take both preventive as*well as relief measures, whenever required. However, even in cases where forecasts have been timely and generally accurate, people have often been ee to aoe a because in most cases they lack the means ant sical option: i one that is ane ea ata ah i a ee Mee ited aes ca omens ' lash floods, forecasts are available for relief is very short. P.T.O. stions sive" Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the q¥© 10x1=10 below : ' tly «aportant rece (The problem of floods has been considered more on because (a) floods have led to much great er damage now than in the past. . tion. (b) floods are resulting in increased relocats ing the monsoon s and cyclones season. (©) floods occur only dur' * the (@ of problems of frequent tornadoe’ subcontinent. om i rojects Wi! (ii) Specify the option that displays what the writer proj reference to the following statement. One major factor that could lead to higher s the future is the danger of climate change. everity of flooding in (a) _ helplessness (b) speculative (denial (@ conviction Complete the following with a phrase from paragraph 8 : lOpinion : Reason ‘Some scientists estimate ‘that shorter duration Jof monsoon season leads {to more intensive rainfall. (Gv) The write claims that the dam; e lage a from floods. State on Teason for th, 4 a flood forecasting is critical to Minimis; claim. ms w) wi) (vii) (viii) (ix) &) 2/5/3 Even when the prediction is accurate, people do not evacuate the places where the warning is given. (a) True (b) False Supply one point to justify the following : ‘The worst hit people are slum dwellers. Based on your reading of the text, list two reasons why the writer says that in spite of timely forecasting people have suffered. ‘The writer says that forecasts are difficult to make and time available is very short. Select the reason forit. | (a) Flash floods (b) Cyclonic rain (©) Tornadoes (@ Landslides What connect does the writer draw between tributaries and floods ? (Para 2) ‘Which of the following statements is/are falsé ? ‘The vulnerability of the populdtion has increased substantially because of population pressures symbolised by : L People are superstitious. IL. __ Difficult to evacuate flood-affected areas. Select the correct option : (a) Onlyl (pb) Only II (©) Both Tand II (@) None of the above P.T.O. o war and all other a Read the following passage carefully : an de sources kills more people each year th Meanwhile, our drinkable water e Earth’s freshwater js actually will only increase by 1 Unsafe water forms of violence combined. are finite : less than 1 percent: of th accessible to us. Without action, the challenges 2050, when global demand for freshwater is expected to be greater than it is now. 2 Water is uniquely vulnerable to pollution. Known as @ “universal ( stances than any other water is able to dissolve more sul Water pollution is the release of substances into ams, rivers, estuaries, and terfere with peneficial use solvent”, liquid on Earth. surface groundwater or into lakes, stre: sub: oceans to the point where the substances int of the water or with the natural functioning of ecosystems. In addition such as chemicals, trash, oF to the release of substances, ‘on may also include the release of — heat, into bodies of water. The e urbanization, microorganisms, water polluti energy, in the form of ‘radioactivity or key causatives of water pollution in India ar industrial effluents and agricultural run-offs with the deforestation, s and pesticides. The other causes are social and use of insecticides religious. offerings in water bodies and the use of detergents and fertilizers. 3 Water pollution can have disastrous consequences on the ecosystem. Furthermore, toxic chemicals can travel through the food chain and gi i e' into our bodies, causing diseases and death. 4 There is no single or simple answer to stop the water polluti isi see are many solutions to prevent water es crisis, tin sla a industries. They are wastewater Fi ae in must have water- fi s oak conservation, In additi : i a ellicient toilets, stormwater eee wastewater treatment. management and ozone /5/3 6 5/3 es of Water Pollution Major Caus Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given 10x1=10 below : based on information in para 1. ( _ Infer one reason for the following, ecessible Less than 1 percent of the Earth’s freshwater is actually as to us. (i) Select the appropriate option to fill in the blank : Water is uniquely vulnerable to. (a) season ” (b) pollution () water bodies (@),. extreme weather conditions i) Com i ee following analogy correctly with a word/phrase from vulnerable : resilient : : artificial : (Clue : j ili ue : just as resilient is the opposite of vuln opposite of artificial is erable, similarly the 2/5/3 (iv) 9) w) wi) (vii) (viii) Gx) (&) Select the correct option to complete the following sentence * Water pollution can have disastrous consequences on __—_—" (a) the ecosystem (b) weather conditions (© unexpected rainfall (@)__ flash floods From the chart, identify two causes of water pollution in our homes. For the Visually Impaired Candidates only in liew of Q. No. 2 (v): Describe any three major causes of water pollution. Fill in the blank by selecting the correct option : One of the solutions of preventing water pollution is__ (a) _ building industries near water bodies (©) water conservation and reducing plastic waste () avoiding swimming (@ reducing farming Substitute the word ‘causative’ with one word similar in meaning in the following sentence : ‘The key causative of water pollution in India must be addressed. According to the writer, water pollution is defined as (Para 2) List one way in which religious rituals impact water bodies. Select the most suitable title for the passage from the followi (a) Water Pollution — A Concern ae. (b) | Unsafe Water — A Menace (c) Universal Solvent — Water (a) Global Concern — An Urgent Need 8 ae SECTION B mmar and Creative Writing Skills 20 mark: marks 3, Attempt any fem of the following twelve questions : - ‘ 10x1=10 @ FIM im the blank by choosing the correct opti online update : a pe SES Menges The story has been of proportion by aggressive reaction of the people. jeeaite! 1c the (a) blown out (b) blown in (©) blown up (@ blown the conversation between a nurse and a patient. Gi) Read orting the reply correctly. Complete the sentence by rep Nurse: Has the wound started to heal ? Patient : No, it is still bleeding: ‘The nurse while trying to find out how the patient was feeling, asked whether the wound had started to heal to which the patient replied (ii) Select the correct option to fill ‘a neighbourhood weekly. te the wet from the dry waste. Residents are requested to segrega' adhere to civic norms. in the blank for the given line from Residents (@) can (b) ought to (© willbe (a) might dentifies the error and supplies the (iv) . Select the option that it agazine article : correction for the following line from a m: Blogging today is increasingly gaining on popularity. Option No. Error Correction. @) popularity | popular (b) on in © increasingly | increase @ today yesterday 2/5/38 P.T.O. 5/3 (v) (vi) (wii) - (viii) tive by filling in the blank with the en in the brackets : js mistake when, he reached the end Complete the given narral correct form of the word giv! The boy (realize) hi of his journey. (a) has realized (b) can realize (realizing (@) realized Fill in the blank by using the correct option. When Sharad reached the airport he was totally * because he was flying for the first time. (a) . atocean (b) at sea (@) atawe (@ atthe mercy Report the dialogue between two students, by completing the sentence : Rashid: Are you participating in the annual Hindi play? Rakesh: 1 would ‘like to, but I have’ to visit my ailing grandmother that day. an In response to the question about’ whether Rak esh would participating in the annual Hindi play, Rakesh says _ Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction : The Commissioner invitation the residents to share thei: problems regarding the sanitation issues. * Use the given format for your response. |. En I rer Correction Gx) (x) Gi) (xii) sya Samar shared some information with Sameer about his recent visit to a wildlife sanctuary. Report Sameer’s question. Did you spot a tiger during the safari ? Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option. The entire family _____. with a mild infection and they recovered soon. (a) came up “(b) came down. (c) came along (d) -camein Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between Shyam and Shivam. Shyam: Have you seen this actor’s latest film ? Shivam : Yes, I have. The actor has done a marvellous job. Shyam met his friend Shivam and they began talking. Shyam asked Shivam whether he had seen the actor’s latest film. Shivam affirmed and said (a) that the actor has done a marvellous job. (b) that the actor had done a marvellous job. (©). that the actor has been doing a marvellous job. (a) that the actor could have done a marvellous job. Fill in the blank with the correct option : There is something wonderful waiting reaches home, ———— her when she (a) of >) about © for (d@) inside 11 P.T.O. 4. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below + (A) You are Anita/Ashok, You came across the Manthan : We Lead the Future Leaders . Web designing is not only about creating the best pages and displaying content. It is about converting the idea and turning it into a beautiful website. Write a letter in 100 — 120 ‘words to the Director, Manthan, and asking for all inquiring about their short-term courses necessary details such as eligibility, duration, fees and placement services. following advertisement = OR (B) You are Rachna/Ramesh living at Maya Enclave, New Delhi. There have been a spate of chain snatching incidents in your colony by young boys riding bikes. Write a viter in 100 — 120 words to the vitor of the colony newsletter drawing attention to’ the inerease in the number of petty crimes in the colony: ‘Mention the insecurity felt by the residents and suegest strict Security measures to be introduced. 5. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below : (a) __ Study the bar graphs given below and write an analytical report in 100 — 120 words on the effects of pollution on the migration of exotic birds that visit our country every year. Do you think pollution affects the native bird population, too ? Could ‘there be yeasons other than pollution: that have a bearing on migration of pirds ? Suggest some practical solutions to stop the declining number of migratory birds visiting India. Pollution levels eos Py Mba) GEN ien SRE err siting India No, of migratory birds vi 1990 * 2000 * 2010 2/5/3 2 25/3 (A) (B) For the Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 5(A) . No. You are Rita/Rohan, Head Girl/Head Boy of your. school. You decided to make the’ school population aware of the advantages of tree plantation and tell them how trees can serve as better air-conditioners. Write an analytical paragraph in 100 — 120 words. Take the help of the notes given below : Trees keep environment cool by : (i) _ taking heat off the Earth and air. , (i) absorbing carbon dioxide that helps in Controlling temperature rise. (iii) bringing rains. (iv) checking direct sunlight. (v) _ providing shade. OR Digital/Visual learning came to the rescue of teachers and students in recent times, It also heralds the transition from old to new frat in the education system, Education can now be accessed anytime from anywhere and helps students learn at their own pace. Write an analytic al paragraph on ‘Vit 100-120 words,” Pa on ‘Virtual Learning’ in about 13 P.T.O. SECTION C Literature 40 marks he Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below : (A) Read the following extract and answer the que ; id: , all To the assembled guests and the watching world, I said : Today, »whorn, of us do, by our presence here ..... confer glory and hope to ee liberty. Out of the experience of an extraordinary hw is ty of which all humanity that lasted too long, must be born a sociel will be proud. We who were outlaws not so long ag0, bays eo been given the rare privilege to be host to the nations of the w 1 on our own soil, We thank all our distinguished international guests for having come to take possession with the people of our country of what is after all, a common victory for justice, for peace, for human dignity. stions that follow : 5x1=5 @ A society that was born out of human disaster. (a). all humanity would be proud of (b) was full of extraordinary human disaster (c). was full of outlaws and fighters @ ___ hosts nations on their soil (i) The former outlaws were given the privilege of (a) _ getting citizenship of their country (b) participating in a trade conclave (©) _ finalizing the foreign policy (@) hosting the nations of the world on their soil (ii) The speaker was overwhelmed with the sense of (a) gratitude (b) achievement (ce) happiness (dQ) charit; rity (iv) The common viet ° ‘ory was when & an independ i “ Aft _ “as lent nation, Sy become 14 Se Oe the word ‘confer’ is (v), The noun form of (a) conferring (b) confident (c) conference (d) configuring: OR ? (B) Read the followin8 extract and anewer the questions that follow : 5x1=5 Think-Tank ? at's better Noodle, I wish to be placed in : communication with our manned space probe to that ridiculous little planet we are going to put under our generous rulership. what do they call it, again? Noodle: Earth, yout jntellige Think-Tank ? Earth — f course. You se® how jnsignificant the lace is 9? But first something jmportant. My girror. 1 wish to consult my mirror. @ ‘Think-Tank wants to communicate with the a @ People of Barth ) Scientists 00 Earth - © Environmentalists on Earth (@ _ Martians 07 Barth i. 2 Gi) Complete the anslogy by selecting the suitable word from the passage. . read : learn: explore : (ii) Your Intelligence refers to (@ Earth (b). Noodle (©) Little Planet (@) Think-Tank (iv) What does Think-Tank want to do ? (vy) Fillin the blank with one word only. ‘Think-Tank it isa ___ of the Martian team. 2/5/3 15 ‘ ATO. 7. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below : follow: 5x1=5 : t follow = (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions the! What is the boy now, who has lost his ball, What, what is he to do? I saw it go Merrily bouncing, down the street and then Merrily over — there it is in the water ! No use to say ‘O there are other balls’ : (The Ball Poem) (What does the expression ‘what, what is he to do’ denote ? (a) loss of the ball (b) ask the poet for another ball (© boy's grief over the loss of the ball (@) go down the street (i) State whether the following statement is True or False’: The poet was delighted to watch the ball bouncing down the street into the water. Gii) The poet repeats the word ‘what? in order to (iv) There is no use to say ‘O there a) re oth, te. the poet feels that it would be Sr alls indicates that (@) helpful ~— "console the boy, ©) fatite © easy @ — shamofel 2/5/3 2/5/3 @®) (v) ‘What is the boy now, who has lost his ball.’ Which feeling is expressed in this line ? (a) regret (b) cheer (©) despair : (a) thrill Read the following extract and answer the questions that-follow : 5x1=5 But the dragon was a coward, 'and she called him:Custard. Custard the dragon had big sharp teeth, ‘And spikes on top of him and scales underneath Mouth like a fireplace, chimney for a nose, ‘And realio, trulio daggers on his toes. @ _ Complete the analogy by, selecting the suitable word from the extract. ef Sharp : blunt ; ; above';'_* Gi) ‘Which one of the following is not a feature of the Dragon ? (a) big sharp teeth (b) spikes on the top © (c) brave asa lion, (@) could release fire from, the mouth 17 P.T.O. 2//3 Gi) (iv) (wv) What effect does the post want to create by the simile ‘mouth like a fireplace’? (a) emphasis (b) compassion () rhyme (d) pathos Complete the sentence appropriately. It is clear that Metaphor’ is the poetic device used for ‘chimney for a nose’ because __* . (Clue : explain how metaphor applies here) ‘ “State whether the following statement is True or False based on the given extract : Custard’s formidable appearance was a true reflection of his courage. ‘Answer any four of the following questions in about 40-50 words each: (a) (b) © (d) (e). 4x3=12 Family played a vital role in the first flight of the young seagull.” Give examples to substantiate the above statement. Why did Pranjol not share Rajvir’s excitement at seeing the tea gardens ? What stopped Valli from going to the stall to have a drink ? What do we learn about Valli from this ? What does the tiger in the zoo do at night ? What did an old religious man declare in the poem, ‘For Anne Gregory’? 18 9. Answer any two of the following questions in about 40—- 50 words each : (a) Describe Max as a secret agent. (p) What does the phrase ‘honour among thieves’ mean ? Why does Horace get angry at this phrase ? (©) What does the thief say about the different reactions of the people when they are robbed ? * 10. Answer any one cof the following questions jn about, 100 - 120 words each : = (a) Forgiveness is the foundation of a cordial relationship. Do you agree ? How is this message conveyed in the play ‘The Proposal’? oR (&) Why did Kisa Gotami meet the Buddha ? How did Buddha change her life ? 4 11. Answer any one of the following questions in about 400-120 words each: (@) ‘Education is considered the most important tool for empowering ‘women in society. It plays an important role in social and cultural “ gevelopment’ Prove the above statements in the light of the story ‘Bholi’. : oR () Matilde’s over-ambitiousness was the cause of her destruction. Justify. ‘ 2/5/38 19 2x3=6

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