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Ref. :

Description Title Sign. Date

Prepared By FSTL
Reviewed By

Approved by
Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties
Interested Party Need and Expectation Review period Responsibility
Internal Interested Parties
1. Owners/Shareholder Sustained profitability Annually CFO
2. People in the organization Good work environment, Quarterly and continuous H.R escalated to CEO, GM and MD
Job security,
Recognition and reward

External Interested Parties

3. Customers Quality and safety of products, Semi-annually Sales Manager escalated to GM,
Price and CEO and MD
Delivery performance
4. External providers Mutual benefit and continuity Semi-annually Procurement Executive escalated to
5. Trade Unions Collective Bargaining Agreements Annually HR escalated to MD
6. Competitors Fair Competition Semi-annually and Sales Team escalated to GM
7. Financial Institutions Meeting financial obligations Annually CFO escalated to MD
8. General public Environmental protection, compliance with statutory and Annually Admin manager
regulatory requirements, Ethical behavior

9. Regulatory Bodies Compliance to relevant regulatory requirements Annually Admin Manager

KRA, Ministry of
Labor), County
Government of Kiambu

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