StudyGuide Jan2023

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Colegio Morelos de Cuernavaca

High School
School year 2022-2023

English Study Guide

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________

Level: ___________________________________ Group: ______________________

Select the best option:

1) -Do you think granny is getting bad-tempered as she grows older?
-Sure. She's ___ grumpier and grumpier as time goes by.
a) receiving
b) bringing
c) becoming
d) fetching
2) -Excuse me. Where can I get something to eat?
-You can ___ food and snacks at the cafeteria.
a) receive
b) buy
c) catch
d) fetch
3) My brother ___ long hair when he was much younger.
a) used to have
b) used to had
c) use to have
d) would have
4) -I got an email from a university today.
-Really! When did you ___ it?
a) fetch
b) catch
c) obtain
d) receive
5) -What do you have to do for the project?
-___, we must survey a bunch of candidates; and then submit a report with the results.
a) Actually
b) Basically
c) Obviously,
d) Incidentally
6) -Can you get someone to fix the car?
-You bet. I will ___ the mechanic fix it for you tomorrow.
a) obtain
b) fetch
c) have
d) catch

Colegio Morelos de Cuernavaca
High School
School year 2022-2023

7) -Are you coming to the rock concert with us tonight?

-___, I don't enjoy either live or loud music. I'd rather have a quiet time.
a) Basically
b) Anyway
c) Besides
d) Actually
8) -What happened to your new classmate?
-She was caught cheating on the test. ___, she was expelled the following day.
a) Obviously
b) Basically
c) Besides
d) Otherwise
9) -Why did you buy a new cellphone?
-The old battery was in terrible condition. ___, it was on sale at Best Buy.
a) Anyway
b) Besides
c) Actually
d) Basically
10) I'd better go over the topics covered in class, ___ I may end up failing the test.
a) Anyway
b) Actually
c) Obviously
d) Otherwise
11) Not until you graduate from college ___ a well-paid job.
a) will you find
b) you will find
c) would you find
d) will you be found
12) Never again ___ a word he says.
a) I will believe
b) I won’t believe
c) will I believe
d) won’t I believe
13) Hardly ever ___ a final test.
a) have my students failed
b) my students have failed
c) have failed my students
d) have my students been failed
14) No sooner ___ to class when the bomb alarm was announced.
a) we had arrived
b) we hadn’t arrived
c) had we arrived
d) have we arrived

Colegio Morelos de Cuernavaca
High School
School year 2022-2023

15) The new principal ___ as friendly as the previous one.

a) could not seem to be
b) would seem to be not
c) would seem not to be
d) would not seem to be
16) Cats in ancient Egypt ___ magical creatures.
a) were taught to be
b) were thought to be
c) were tough to be
d) were through to be
17) It ___ that the new semester will start on January 23, 2023.
a) has being announced
b) has been announcement
c) has been announcing
d) has been announced
18) We´d rather we ___ final exams either today or tomorrow.
a) didn't have to take
b) don’t have to take
c) didn’t had to take
d) don’t had to take
19) My teacher doesn't have a smart phone. It's high time she ___ a new one.
a) Would buy
b) had bought
c) bought
d) buys
20) You went to bed early last night, and you woke up late today. You ___ tired!
a) couldn't be
b) can’t be
c) mustn’t be
d) can’t have been

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