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Teacher: Maria Lorelei N. Latoza

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of key concepts of sequences, polynomials
and polynomials equations.

Performance Standard: The learners should be able to formulate and solve problems involving
sequences, polynomial equations in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations

Learning Competency: The learner is able to determine arithmetic means and nth term of an arithmetic
Sequence. CODE: M 10 AL- Ib-2
I. Learning Objectives: Within the period students are expected to:
A. Supply the missing term in a given arithmetic sequence
B. Derive a formula for the nth term of an arithmetic sequence.
C. Use the an =a1 +(n-1)d to answer problems involving arithmetic sequence.
D. Write problems on arithmetic sequence correctly.
E. Apply what they have learned in real life.


The learning objective are shown in the content standard, performance standard and the
learning competencies. This part shows a student-centered learning. The teacher wants the students to
learn the lesson and perform the skills independently.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Arithmetic Sequence
Lesson: Deriving a formula for the nth term of an arithmetic sequence
References: Mathematics 10 LM 1 Activity 5 p. 13
Materials: Activity sheet, matchsticks, manila paper, pen, colored chalk
Strategies: Exposition, Discussion, Problem Solving, Group work

III. Teaching and Learning Procedure Student’s Response

A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Cleaning
3. Greeting
4. Checking attendance
B. Priming
1. Introduction
Who can write any 6 terms of an arithmetic sequence on the board?
Do you still have an arithmetic sequence if you do the following?
a. Add 3 to each number Yes
b. Multiply each number by 3

2. Development of the Concept:

A. Activity
Group students by 4. Distribute the materials and activity sheets. Allow No. Of Sq 1 2 3 4 5 6
them to do the activity on Matchsticks. Allot them 10 minutes for the activity
then discussion of results should follow. Ask representative from ach group to No. Of 4 7 10 13 16 19
briefly present their findings to the class, that is, if they have a different method
of solution otherwise only 1 solution must be presented.

Activity sheet Matchsticks

1. Form squares out of matchsticks as illustrated.
2. Continue the process and record the results in the table as shown Yes, the number of matchsticks is three more than the
below. preceding number of matchsticks.
Number 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 ... 25 .... n 3
of squares . .
(n) By adding 3
Number 4 7

3. Is there a pattern? Describe it.

4. How is each term derived?
5. Can you find a rule to describe the sequence above?
6. What kind of sequence do the numbers of matchstick form? Why
7. Suppose you want to find the 20th, 50th, and the 100th term of the
sequence. How do we get them?
ANNOTATION: HOTS questions are provided so that
What if the figure is a rectangle with a constant width of two
matches? are given the opportunity to develop their

Arithmetic sequence, because the differences between any

consecutive term are equal

By finding a formula
Record the results in a table as shown below:
Length of each 1 2 3 4
figures, n
Number of 7 12 17 22
matchsticks, an

B. Analysis (HOTS Questions)

1. Is there a pattern in the number of matchsticks? If there is, describe it?
2. What is the difference between any two consecutive terms?
3. Can you find a rule to describe the sequence or explain how the succeeding
terms were obtained?
4. What kind of sequence do the numbers of matchstick form? Why
5. Suppose you want to find the 20th, 50th, and the 100th term of the sequence.
How do we get them?

C. Abstraction
1. Knowing the number of matchsticks needed to form 4 squares In this part of the lesson
and 5 squares, can you predict the number of matchsticks
needed to form 6 squares? 7 squares? 8 square 9 squares? 10

2 . Look at the first square which has only 4 matchsticks. Can you
express the second term 7 in terms of 4 and the common
difference 3? Continue the process.

3. How many times is three taken as an addend in the second row? 3rd
row? 4th row?

a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 .... an
No. Of Sq 6 7 8 19 10
4 4+3 4+3+3 4+3+3+3 .....
No. Of 19 22 25 28 31
4+0(3) 4+1(3) 4+2(3) 4+3(3).........................................................a 1+(n-1)d Matchsticks
4. What is the relation between the number of times 3 is taken as an
addend and the corresponding number of squares? Yes, 4 +3
5. Suppose the terms of the arithmetic sequence were a1, a2, 2nd row- once
instead of 4,7,10,13,16......can you determine the formula for the nth 3rd row – twice
term? 4th row- thrice
6. Now that the formula is known, find the matchsticks needed to make
21 squares? 30 squares? 45 squares? The number of times three is taken as an addend is one less
7. Will the formula work for other arithmetic sequences? Let us try with - than the corresponding number of squares.
9,-5,-1, 3,7. When students find it does not work ask them to find the
correct formula. Then find a6 and a20.
Generalization Go back to the table and substitute 4 by a1, 7 to a2, etc.
The following terminologies must be clearly define to students. Then express the term in the form a1 + d to represent 7. Use
n-denotes the number of terms in a given sequence colored chalks to emphasize the terms.
a1 –denotes the first of the sequence
a5- the fifth term
an – the nth term of the sequence

What is the formula in finding the nth term of an arithmetic sequence?

D. Application
What is the 10th term of the arithmetic sequence 5,12,19,26,...?

III. Evaluation
With your group mates you will do the next activity. For
a. Given a situation on arithmetic sequence each member is required to 21 squares – 64 matchsticks
write 1 problem on finding the nth term on a sheet of paper ( show 30 squares – 91 matchsticks
your solutions.) 45 squares – 136 matchsticks
b. Assign a member to consolidate the outputs of the group.
c. Present the best problem that you have in the group. a6= 11, a20=67
Rubric for the Oral Presentation refer to LM p 24

IV. Assignment an =a1+(n-1)d

Solve :
1. Find the 25th term of the arithmetic sequence 3,7,11,15,19,...
2. Find the 9th term of the arithmetic sequence with a1 = 10
and = ½ 88
3. Find a1 if a8 = 54 and a9 = 60
In the evaluation, a real life situations are provided and the students answer as a group and
the outputs will be graded as group. Progessivists believe that people learn best from what they
consider most relevant to their lives.

Observed by: _________________________________

Activity sheet Matchsticks


8. Form squares out of matchsticks as illustrated.

9. Continue the process and record the results in the table as shown below.

Number of squares (n) 1 2 3 4 5 .... 10 .... 25 .... n

Number of matchstick (an) 4 7
10. Is there a pattern? Describe it.
11. How is each term derived?
12. Can you find a rule to describe the sequence above?
13. What kind of sequence do the numbers of matchstick form? Why
14. Suppose you want to find the 20th, 50th, and the 100th term of the sequence. How do we get them?

What if the figure is a rectangle with a constant with of two matches?

Record the results in a table as shown below:

Length of each figures, n

Number of matchsticks, an

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