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Albert Hutagalung


English Task

A. Answers the question!

1. What is a paragraph?
2. What are the elements of paragraph?
3. What are the characteristics of an effective paragraph?
4. Give an example of a paragraph!

1. A paragraph is a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme
and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering. A paragraph will usually contain
more than one sentence.
2. There are some essential elements to write a paragraph, they are

1. Unity: Unity in a paragraph begins with the topic sentence. Every paragraph has one
single, controlling idea that is expressed in its topic sentence, which is typically the
first sentence of the paragraph. A paragraph is unified around this main idea, with the
supporting sentences providing detail and discussion. In order to write a good topic
sentence, think about your theme and all the points you want to make. Decide which
point drives the rest, and then write it as your topic sentence.
2. Order: Order refers to the way you organize your supporting sentences. Whether you
choose chronological order, order of importance, or another logical presentation of
detail, a solid paragraph always has a definite organization. In a well-ordered
paragraph, the reader follows along easily, aided by the pattern you’ve established.
Order helps the reader grasp your meaning and avoid confusion.
3. Coherence: Coherence is the quality that makes your writing understandable.
Sentences within a paragraph need to connect to each other and work together as a
whole. One of the best ways to achieve coherency is to use transition words. These
words create bridges from one sentence to the next. You can use transition words that
show order (first, second, third); spatial relationships (above, below) or logic
(furthermore, in addition, in fact). Also, in writing a paragraph, using a consistent
verb tense and point of view are important ingredients for coherency.
4. Completeness: Completeness means a paragraph is well-developed. If all sentences
clearly and sufficiently support the main idea, then your paragraph is complete. If
there are not enough sentences or enough information to prove your thesis, then the
paragraph is incomplete. Usually three supporting sentences, in addition to a topic
sentence and concluding sentence, are needed for a paragraph to be complete. The
concluding sentence or last sentence of the paragraph should summarize your main
idea by reinforcing your topic sentence.

3. The characteristics of an effective paragraph are topic sentence, supporting sentence, and
concluding sentence.

4. Example of a paragraph
My Hobby

Almost every day before bed I always spend time watching Youtube.The videos I watch are
cooking videos from famous chefs both in Indonesia and the world.I love to cook and explore
new flavors using my own sense of taste.Now, I have mastered many food menus, both
Indonesian food, and foreign food.My family is very supportive of my hobby because they
think it is a positive thing and they like what I cook. Some people have commented negatively
about my cooking hobby because I'm a boy. In my opinion, the stigma that cooking is only for
women should be removed.If we look out there, great chefs, both in Indonesia and even in the
world, many are men.Cooking is one way for me to unwind after a long day at school.I hope
that one day my hobby can become a profession that I will pursue in the future.

B. Answer and Give Example!

1. What is “argumentative”? give example!
2. What is “expository”? give example!
3. What is “descriptive”? give example!
4. What is “narrative”? give example!
5. What is “persuasive”? give example!

1. An argumentative paragraph is used when you are arguing for or against a claim or when
you are trying to persuade someone to agree with you. If you are asked to write a paragraph
that: Argues and Evaluates. Example of argumentative paragraph:

Indonesian Education Now

 Education is a form of factor which can reflect how’s the country looks like, Development or
developing? Indonesia is the developing country. We are not a poor country like others
countries in the Africa continent. Based on the fact, The education which as the main factor
to build the great generation.Education is the strongest way to be survive, as the key to
assesses of someone’s successes. On the scope of the state, education is the main instrument
in the formation of future generation. The success of a country depends on the quality of
Human Resources.Indonesia, with one of the ideals contained in the preamble of the 1945
Constitution, as like paragraph 4 “the intellectual life of the nation“ as the promise of
independence. And the only exeptions to reach that goal is a knowledge.But in 2010 there are
1.080.000 student quited their study because of the high cost education. There prefer to not
study and work to make a money rto survve their life. This is a bad situation if Indonesia
wants to be developed country, We must get the better education first.The Infrastructure
being the second problems that Indonesia have in education sector. This is so pity by seeing
the region in the east of Indonesia that students there cannot go to school comfortably and
they get only a broken facility in their school, like roof, floor, and also chair and board the
school have.The third is when looking the uneven distribution education in every region in
Indonesia. Not all the city can have the equals education. Means in the small village and
compare to big cities is totally different in all the aspect.So this is the homework of
government to solve the problemor case in education sector in purpose to get better place in
Indonesia especially Education.
2.The expository paragraph explains something or provides instruction. It could also describe
a process and move the reader step by step through a method. This type of paragraph often
requires research, but it’s possible that the writer is able to rely on his or her own knowledge
and expertise. Example of expository paragraph:

Eksposisi Ilustrasi

Original cloves come from Maluku Islands. The unopened flower buds is important
spices. Besides its important usage as spice, a nail-shaped flower buds are good for cigarrette.

3.The descriptive paragraph describes something and shows the reader what a thing or a
person is like. The words chosen in the description often appeal to the five senses of touch,
smell, sight, sound, and taste. Descriptive paragraphs can be artistic and may deviate from
grammatical norms. Example of descriptive paragraph :

Meong is a cat. It is a wild cat which come every day to our house. And we always
give some food for it.Meong is a funny cat. It body is clean although it is live on the street.
The Meong colour is white and yellow. It like play a ball with my little sister.
Meong is very kind. It is never steal foods or fish in the kitshen. We love Meong.

4.The narrative paragraph tells a story. There’s a sequence of action or there’s a clear
beginning, middle, and end to the paragraph. Example of narrative paragraph:

When I was headed to class, I saw Syauqi who was strolling quickly. He looks as though
sought after something, despite the fact that it was still in the early morning. Feeling
inquisitive, I tailed him from behind. At the same time, I was so astonished in light of the fact
that Syauqi did not go to class. I likewise felt suspicious due to his conduct. At that point I
called him, and beyond any doubt enough Syauqi face looked extremely apprehensive and
panicked. At that point, I realized that he needed to be missing from school, luckily, I
exhorted him and he drop that terrible arrangement.

5.This type of paragraph tries to get the reader to accept a particular point of view or
understand the writer’s position. This is the type of paragraph that many teachers focus on
because it’s useful when building an argument. It often requires the collection of facts and
research. Example of persuasive paragraph:

Homework should be banned

Most little kids get too much homework from school. I believes homework should be
banned in school. Firstly, as we all know that healthy kids should be playing actively outdoor
instead of just sitting for hours doing homework. Sitting for whole day is unhealthy for
children. Secondly, kids study hard at school all day. They need time to play and spend more
time with family. Thirdly, sometimes homework is too difficult to do even with the parent. It
needs teacher assistance and resources which they can’t get at school. In conclusion, I believe
that homework should be completely banned.

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