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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII - Eastern Visayas
School Division of Samar
Daram National High School
School I.D : 303601


Title: Prepare and Present Bake Eggplant

Performance Objective: Cook variety of vegetable dishes following appropriate cooking methods to preserve
optimum quality and nutrition. TLE_HECK9-12VD-IIb-c-10

Learning Competency/ies: Prepare and present vegetable dishes.

Supplies/Materials :

Fried Eggplant:
1 eggplant
1-liter water
¼ cup cooking oil
2 large eggs

Eggplant toppings:
2 tbsp. Cooking oil
3 gloves garlic
1 large tomato
1 large onion
1 medium green bell pepper
1 medium red bell pepper
100 grams ground pork
½ cup quick melted cheese
Salt and black pepper to taste
Banana leaved for plating

Equipment/ Tools :

Frying pan
wooden spoon
mixing bowl
measuring cup
serving plate
Fork and spoon
Sauce pan
Baking tray
Chopping board

Fried eggplant:
1. In a sauce pan, boil eggplant until soft and soggy. When done, let it cool and pell of the skin.
2. In a serving plate, use fork to flatten the eggplant.
3. Crack two eggs and season with salt and pepper, then bet well.
4. Coat the eggplant in beaten egg.
5. Fry within 3 minutes at each side at medium heat. Then set aside.

Eggplant toppings:

1. In a wok, heat up 1 tsp. Cooking oil.

2. Sauté garlic, add onion, cook for 20 seconds.
3. Add the tomatoes, continue to sauté until soften.
4. Add half of green and red bell pepper.
5. Cook for another 20 seconds. It is now ready add ground pork until golden brown.
6. Season with salt and black pepper to taste.

Baking the eggplant:

1. Preheat the oven to 180◦.

2. Use baking pan to transfer the fried eggplant. Cut the extra part. Top the eggplant with the grated cheese
3. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes.
For plating:
1. Heat the banana leaves to avoid food contamination.
2. Cut and design banana leaves.
3. Serve while hot.

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