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Quarter III – Week 6
Critiquing a Literary Selection
Based on Moralist Approach


English – Grade 10
Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS)
Quarter III - Week 6: Critiquing a Literary Selection Based on Moralist Approach
First Edition, 2021

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Lesson 6
Critiquing a Literary Selection Based
on Moralist Approach

MELC: Critique a literary selection based on moralist approach

1. Describe a moralist approach on a literary selection,
2. Identify character’s action based on moralist approach, and
3. Critique a literary selection based on moralist approach.

Let’s Try
Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided before the number.

_____ 1. What is the basis of moralist approach in a literary criticism?

A. Ethical principles
B. Moral Rules
C. Personal Necessity
D. Social Acceptance

_____ 2. What is referred to as the study, evaluation and interpretation of literature?

A. Literary Analysis
B. Literary Appreciation
C. Literary Criticism
D. Literary Selection

_____ 3. Which of the following approaches determines the value of a literary piece based
on ethical teachings?
A. Feminist approach
B. Formalist approach
C. Marxist approach
D. Moralist approach

_____ 4. Which of the following approaches believes that literature aims to teach morality
and not simply telling a story?
A. Feminist approach
B. Formalist approach
C. Marxist approach
D. Moralist approach

_____ 5. Which of the following is the main criterion in critiquing a literary piece using the
moralist approach?
A. Characterization
B. Choice of words
C. Resolution of conflicts
D. Values taught
_____ 6. What is referred to as an act of criticizing a literary piece?
A. Literary analysis
B. Literary criticism
C. Literary review
D. Literary selection

_____ 7. What do you call a person who does the critiquing?

A. critic
B. critique
C. analyst
D. moralist

_____ 8. The Islamic Koran forbids lying.

A. Charity
B. Diligence
C. Generosity
D. Truthfulness

_____9. What value was taught by Kung-Fu-Tsu when he said: “Dot not do to others what
you do not like others do to you.”
A. Acuity
B. Industry
C. Perseverance
D. Respect

_____10. What value was emphasized when Buddha taught that “hatred don’t cease by
hatred, hatred ceases only by love”?
A. Forgiveness
B. Hatred
C. Love
D. Unity

Let’s Explore and Discover

1. Introduction

In this lesson, you will critique a literary selection.

To do so, find out the answers to the following
Critic (n)– one who expresses
a reasoned opinion on any
What is literary criticism? What is moralistic
matter especially involving a
approach to literary criticism? What are the bases of
judgment of its value or
righteousness and etc.
Critique (v) – to examine
critically Literary criticism (or literary studies) is the study,
Moralist (n) – one who is evaluation and interpretation of literature. It enriches
concerned with regulating the the readers’ understanding and thereby deepens
morals of others (Merriam- appreciation of a literary selection.

(Source: “Literary Criticism,” Wikipedia, accessed February

10, 2021,>edu>wiki>literary criticism.)
How do you evaluate or interpret a literary selection?

There are two ways on how to evaluate or interpret a literary selection based on the
moralist approach.

1. Judge the value of literature based on its moral lessons or ethical teachings
2. Evaluate the literary selection according to its purpose - is it mainly telling
a story? or more importantly, is it teaching morality?

(Source: “Moral Criticism,” Le-Prezi, Kevin.n.d., accessed February 10, 2021,>moral-

What is the basis of morality?

To establish principles of the GOOD and those of right behavior Ethics deals with the
basic principles that serve as the basis for moral rules. That is, a person is immoral if
that person breaks the moral rules.

(Source: “Morality.” Accessed February 10, 2021., Chapter -3-Ethics.)

What are the questions to consider in moral criticism?

1. Is the author and his/her treatment of the characters mature, sincere, honest, sensitive
or courageous? How so, and how does knowing this help us approach the text in a
meaningful way?
2. What moral lesson or ethical teaching is the author representing in the character?
3. How do characters allegorize moral or ethical principles?
4. Does the character’s action pose a moral lesson? How?

(Source: “Moral Criticism,” Le-Prezi, Kevin.n.d., accessed February 10, 2021,>moral-

Let’s Practice
Activity 1
Directions: Put a check mark (✔) before the statement if it describes a moralist
approach and X if it does not.

_______ 1. It evaluates the literary selection by examining the characters’ name.

_______ 2. It judges the value of literature based on ethical teachings.

_______ 3. It supports the belief that the aim of literature is not simply telling a story
but to teach a moral lesson.

_______ 4. It represents the moral principles thru characterization.

_______ 5. It judges the literary selection based on the economic, social and
psychological treatment of women.

Activity 2
Directions: Write YES if the statement follows the moralistic approach in writing a
critique and NO if it does not.

_______1. Values like maturity, sincerity, honesty, sinsitivity, and/or courage are
important criteria to determine the worth of a literary piece.

______ 2. Use of dialogs and choices of words in evaluating the selection.

______ 3. Moral lesson represented by the characters in the story.

______ 4. Basic elements of the narrative characters, plot and others.

______ 5. Ethical principles imparted in the important events of the story.

Reflect on this…
How can you better understand and appreciate a literary selection other
than simply reading to know when and where the story happened?

Let’s Do More

From the Zen Parables: The Thief Who Became a Disciple

Translated by Paul Reps

One evening as Shichiri Kojun was reciting sutras, a thief with a sharp sword
entered, demanding either his money or his life.

Shichiri told him, ‘’Do not disturb me. You may find the money in that drawer.’’
Then he resumed his recitation.
A little while afterward, he stopped and called: Don’t take it all. I will need some
to pay the taxes with tomorrow.’’

The intruder gathered up most of the money and started to leave. “Thank a person
when you receive a gift,” Shirchiri added. The man thanked him and made off.

A few days afterward, the fellow was caught and confessed, among others, the
offense against Shichiri. When Shichiri was called as a witness, he said, “this man is
not a thief, at least as far as I’m concerned. I gave him the money and he thanked
me for it.’’

After he had finished his prison term, the man went to Shichiri and became his

Activity 1
Directions: Below are important events from the Zen parable. Identify the character’s
action based on a moralist approach. Circle the letter of your answer.

1. Shichiri Kojun reciting the sutras.

A. Courage B. Generosity C. Kindness D. Religiosity

2. Shichiri instructed the thief to get the money he demanded from the drawer.
A. Bravery B. Diligence C. Kindness D. Obedience

3. Shichiri testified that the man was not a thief.

A. Acuity B. Compassion C. Obedience D. Sensitivity

4. The thief returned to become Shichiri’s disciple.

A. Gratefulness B. Dignity C. Honesty D. Peace

s Activity 2
Directions: Critique the characters’ action using the moralist approach. Circle the
thumbs-up icon if the act is moral and the thumbs-down icon if it is not. In the last
column, write your reason based on your judgment.

Character Action Judgment Reason

Example: Shichiri Reading sutras (Basic

continued reciting sutras Scripture of Buddhist)
is an act of meditation
1. Instructed the thief to
get the money he
Shichiri Kojun demanded from the
2. Intended to pay taxes

3. Testified that the

man was not a thief

4. Confessed his offense

against Shichiri

5. Finished serving his

The Thief prison term

6. The man returned to

Shichiri and became his

Reflect on this…
Do actions define the character of a person? How?

Let’s Sum It Up
Directions: Let us sum up the lesson by filling out the appropriate words in the

Literary criticism is the study of (1)_________________. It enhances one’s

understanding of a (2) ________________ selection. One of the approaches used in literary
Criticism is the (3)______________________________________ which evaluates the literary
piece according to the (4) ________________________ or (5) ________________________

Let’s Assess
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the
_____ 1. What is referred to as the study, evaluation and interpretation of literature?
A. Literary Analysis
B. Literary Appreciation
C. Literary Criticism
D. Literary Selection

_____ 2. What is the basis of moralist approach in a literary criticism?

A. Ethical principles
B. Moral Rules
C. Personal Necessity
D. Social Acceptance

_____ 3. What is the main criteria in critiquing a literary piece using the moralist approach?
A. Characterization
B. Choice of words
C. Resolution of conflicts
D. Values taught

_____ 4. Which of the following approaches determines the value of a literary piece based
on ethical teachings?
A. Feminist approach
B. Formalist approach
C. Marxist approach
D. Moralist approach

_____ 5. Which of the following approaches believes that literature aims to teach morality
and not simply telling a story?
A. Feminist approach
B. Formalist approach
C. Marxist approach
D. Moralist approach

_____ 6. What is referred to as an act of criticizing a literary piece?

A. Literary analysis
B. Literary criticism
C. Literary review
D. Literary selection

_____ 7. What do you call a person who does the critiquing?

A. critic
B. critique
C. analyst
D. moralist

_____ 8. What value was emphasized when Buddha taught that “hatred don’t cease by
hatred, hatred ceases only by love?
A. Forgiveness
B. Hatred
C. Love
D. Unity

_____ 9. What value was taught by Kung-Fu-Tsu when he said: “Dot not do to others what
you do not like others do to you.”
A. Acuity
B. Industry
C. Perseverance
D. Respect

_____ 10. The Islamic Koran forbids lying. What values does the line refer to?
A. Charity
B. Diligence
C. Generosity
D. Truthfulness

Answer Key

1. X 4. ✔ 1. YES 4. NO
2. ✔ 5. X 2. NO 5. YES
3. YES
3. ✔

Activity 1 Activity 2 Reasons/Basis
Moral/ Possible answers though/Answers may vary
1. D 1. Moral Helping others who are in need is good; It is an act of kindness
2. A/C 2. Moral As a lawful citizen, it is a social obligation to pay taxes
3. B 3. Moral/ He wanted to help the person by giving him chance to become a better person
4. A Immoral He is not telling the truth about the thief’s intention to rob him.
4. Moral Telling the truth is moral/ethical
5. moral He served justice for the crime he committed
6. moral He is thankful/grateful of Shichiri for his good deeds

1. Literature 3. Moralist Approach 5. Ethical
2. literary 4. Moral


1. A/B 4. D 7. A 10. D 1. C 4. D 7. A 10. D
2. C 5. D 8. D 2. A/B 5. D 8. C
3. D 6. B 9. D 3. D 6. B 9. D

Bilbao, Purita, Brenda B. Corpuz, Avelina T. Llagas, Gloria G. Salandan.(2015).The Teaching
Profesion. Manila: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature – Grade 10 Learner’s Material. First Edition, 2015C

General References
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

World Book Encyclopedia, 1988

Le-Prezi, Kevin.n.d. “Moral Criticism.” Accessed February 10,>moral-criticism.

“Literary Criticism.” Accessed February 10,>edu>wiki>literary criticism.

“Morality.” Accessed February 10, 2021., Chapter -3-Ethics.



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