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1. What are the 10 topics, or Knowledge Areas, of the PMBOK?

Integration, Scope,Time, Cost, Quality, Communication, Risk, Human Resources, Procurement,

On the IPM exam, there is also an added element of Conduct - Ethics Figure

1b-What does PMBOK stand for?

Project Management Body of knowledge

Defines a project as a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product

(good or service).

Known as the PMBOK guide, outlines the process groups, knowledge areas, and
processes necessary for effective project management.

2. Which topic is problematic, not tested in all countries, and why?

Culture, conduct-ethics

3. Which knowledge area is the main responsibility and activity of the Project Manager?


4. Which topics are the (four) knowledge areas known as the constraints of PM that can
make up

the so-called “crucial-” or “iron PM triangle”? (Scope, Quality, Time, Cost)

5. Which constraint is most important? (Not in a figure but discussed)

Cost ( It depend, it can be quality, time or budget)

6. What are the five processes, or phases, of projects?






7. Which phase is iterative?




8. In which phase is the project manager selected


9. What are the four basic types of projects?



Management or marketing

Civil engineering, Construction, Petrochemical, Mining…

10. In Project Management, the process of going from a concept, through feasibility and

refinement, ending in a viable Project Plan is called?

Progressive … Elaboration

Other questions will be answered and discussed over the following weeks, for example:

- In which phase of the Industrial Project Life Cycle is the Feasibility Study? Preinvestment phase

- What is scope creep that occurs in projects?

- What is another term for, or how would you define, Management Horizon?

- What is the critical path?

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