Bahasa Inggris Tugas 25 Juni

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Name : Muhammad Rafli

NPM : CB191110156

1. Dream House

Hello, my name is Muhammad Rafli. I want to tell y’all about my dream house, in
this section. I just want to tell y’all if I’m just a simple guy and just an ordinary
man, so before I get married. I want to have a house first, if asked to my lovely girl
for marry with me but I don’t have a house. That’s looks embarrassing for me, and
the point is. I want to have a house first, I don’t have a car or motorcycle is nothing
for me, house is important for me. Car and motorcycle can be buy while we had
been married, about my dream house. I wanna have simple house but looks luxury,
because I’m a simple guy, I want to have a simple house too. I want to have a
house with 1 garage, and there is any a little garden, inside the house. I want to
have 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, etc. For the picture of my dream house like this.

I hope, I can have this simple house for me and my lovely family. I will workhard
to have this house, no matter what people say. I want house like this, and I don’t
want married before I have house. Cheers :3
2. Dream Vacation

Hi, I want to tell y’all about my dream vacation. Before this section, I have tell
y’all if I wanna have a house first before married. Yeah, that’s true. So, after I have
a house and married with my lovely girl. I want to spend time her or maybe we can
call it vacation, yeah vacation. For the destination, I want to go Lombok, NTB.
Why I want go there? Because there is many a lot of beautiful place, such a beach.
We can see from the google and also my trip my adventure on the TV’s, we can
see if beach in the Lombok is looks pretty. So, I wanna go there with my lovely
girl and enjoy our life with looking beautiful place of this world. For the picture, I
will show you. Here….

Looks beautiful, right? Yeah, its beautiful place. We can see this like in the
heaven, only that what I want to say. For another destination, maybe I want to the
Makkah, Swiss, etc. But before I go for vacation, I must have a lot of money for go
there and I must work hard for reach what I want.

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