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Improving Mist Eliminator Performance in Gas-Liquid Separators

I G Wenten*, Anang Satria Chandranegara
*(Department of Chemical Engineering, Laboratory of Downstream Processing, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Mist elimination or the removal of the entrained liquid droplets from a gas stream, is one of the most commonly
encountered processes regardless of the unit operation. Mist eliminator device installed in the top of separators can
remove entrained liquid from gas phase that are not removed by the inlet device or gas gravity settling section of the
separators. Mist eliminator needs to be designed properly to optimize the separation efficiency. Modification has been
done for years to improve performance of mist eliminator and the future direction shows interesting progress in mist
eliminator technology for better separation efficiency. Recent study shows dual mist eliminator based on integrated
vane-cyclone could perform great performance in separation of liquid from 200 MMscfd natural gas stream.
Meanwhile, ceramic membrane technology for mist eliminator has been tested on pilot scale and shows promising
result in condensate recovery from natural gas stream.

Keywords – Droplets capture and recovery, Gas-Liquid Separation, Mist Eliminator Technology, Process

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 2
2 Mist eliminator technologies .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Wire mesh ............................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Cartridge filter ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Vanes ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Cyclones .................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.5 Combined mist eliminator....................................................................................................................... 9
3 Separation performance ................................................................................................................................. 9
4 Emerging Mist Eliminator Technology .......................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Modified mist eliminator ...................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Novel dual mist eliminator .................................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Membrane mist eliminator ................................................................................................................... 12
5 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................... 12
Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................................................. 13
References ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
in figure 1.a, where vane is used as inlet device to
1 Introduction provide good gas distribution and slug separation
In gas-liquid operation, separator development has [3]. Another configuration is shown in figure 1b,
become topic of interest for years to separate liquid where vane-wire mesh-vane system is installed
from gas stream. A separator is essentially a vessel inside horizontal vessel to provide better
whose interior is kept at a prescribed separation separation. Improper configuration design of
pressure and temperature. The three principles used separation device causes uneven gas distribution
to achieve physical separation are momentum, and affects the performance of mist eliminator.
gravity settling and coalescing. Any separator may This is illustrated in Peng et al experiment [4], in
employ one or more of these principles, but the which visualization of the model shows the
three phases must be immiscible and have different uniform gas distribution around the vane, and the
densities for separation to occur. Some oil and gas influence of feedback on the performance of gas
separations are simple while others are very cyclones which can cause vortex distortion.
Separators may be vertical cylindrical, monotube
and dual-tube horizontal, or spherical, depending
on their design. Horizontal Separator is the most
common separator used to separate gas from the
large volume of low-volume liquid. This type of
separator is also often used to handle liquid slug
from the collector and is generally used as the
initial separation equipment at the gas processing
plant. Vertical separator is commonly used for gas
separation process of relatively large liquid
volume. Typically, this separator installed on the
oil wells. Different from the horizontal, vertical
separator is less good at dealing with slug problems

In the gas-liquid separation using a gravity

separator, the fine droplets will not fall by gravity
force alone. This fine droplets lead to carry over
that can cause decrease in process efficiency or
damage of the downstream equipment. These
droplets are typically less than 150-500 micron in
size and usually much smaller. It is generally not
economic to separate these droplets by gravity
alone by making the separator larger [2].

In order to separate mist that not settled out by inlet

device or gravity settling section in separators, mist
eliminator device is installed in the way of the gas
stream to remove entrained liquid from gas. Mist Figure 1. Example of mist eliminator device
eliminator can be a standalone tool or an integrated configuration inside vessel. (a) vane-mesh-cyclone
device inside vessel. The important thing to notice configuration in vertical separator. (b) vane-mesh-
in the use of mist eliminator inside vessel is the vane configuration in horizontal separator [3]
inner device configuration. Typically, the mist
eliminator inside vessel was preceded by a separate However, mist eliminator is often considered as
device near vessel inlet that serves the bulk liquid commodity items and is specified without attention
and ensures the equitable distribution of the gas to to available technologies and design approaches.
enter into the mist eliminator. An example of There are different types of modern mist eliminator
device configuration inside vertical vessel is shown using different separation principles such Brownian
motion, inertial impaction or centrifugal force
rather than simple droplet settling by gravity to 2.1 Wire mesh
achieve efficient removal of small droplets. This Wire mesh pads are made of finely woven mats
engineered mist eliminator may reduce liquid arranged by stainless steel wire wrapped into a
carryover by a factor of one hundred or more tightly packed cylinder, as shown in figure 2.
relative to a standard unit, drop head losses by 50% Geometrical wire mesh structure can be random,
or more, and could even increase capacity by coated, or rolled up, adjusted with ease in
factors of three or four [5,6]. installation. The materials used for wire mesh can
be either stainless steel or polymers.
In this paper, the mist eliminator technology will be
discussed in depth, to determine the performance of The liquid droplets impinge on the matted wires
mist eliminator so as to maximize their potential. and coalesce. The effectiveness of wire mesh
The development of mist eliminator technologies to depends largely on the gas being in the proper
improve their separation efficiencies will also be velocity range. If the velocities are too high, the
discussed, assuming other configuration in the liquids knocked out will be re-entrained. If the
vessel has been designed in accordance with the velocities are low, the vapor just drifts through the
needs of mist eliminator. mesh element without the droplets impinging and
coalescing. Wire mesh pads are not recommended
2 Mist eliminator technologies to be used in a gas stream which has high fouling
There are four general classes of mist eliminators: rates because it may be easily plugged. Wire mesh
wire mesh, vane-pack, fiber, and cyclone. Each of pads are normally installed horizontally with gas
classes will be further discussed in details. The flow vertically upwards through the pad. The
comparisons of these four classes are summarized separation performance of wire mesh is affected by
in Table 1. two important points which are the droplet removal
efficiency and gas handling capacity. Although
Table 1 Comparisons of Mist Eliminator wire mesh is not able to accommodate high liquid
loading and need to replaced periodically, it is
preferably used in some application because of its
advantages such as easy to install, features low
pressure drop, have high separation efficiency for
3-10 µm droplets diameter, and have reasonable
capital cost.

In designing mist eliminator, trade-offs often need

to be made. High removal efficiencies, low
pressure drop, long service life or small size can be
achieve individually, but is difficult to achieve
Figure 2. Knitted Wire Mesh
simultaneously. Therefore, proper selection and
design of mist eliminator is very important to Experimental studies related to performance of
obtain the most efficient and great performance in a wire mesh mist eliminator as a function of broad
certain application. It will be further discussed ranges of operating and design conditions have
about separation mechanism of each type of mist been developed. Various novel wire mesh
eliminator. modeling show good relevance to the actual data. A
model to predict temperature depression
corresponding to the pressure drop in wire mesh the inside surface of the element, through the drain
mist eliminator has been developed by Dessouky, leg, and are collected at the bottom of the vessel.
et al [7], to analyze the performance of wire mesh Then, clean gases exit at the top of the vessel.
mist eliminator, and develop systems installed in a There is not many study related to filter type mist
typical multistage flash desalination plant. eliminator have been covered, however analysis of
pleat crowding and medium compression in pleated
However, the effect of locating the mesh pad with cartridge filters has been studied by Wakeman, et al
respect to the surface of the boiling or flashing [9].
liquid should be studied further to obtain better
understanding of wire mesh mist eliminator A compact coalescer filter-membrane device for
performance sample gas streams for use with gas analyzers and
other clean-gas user device have been developed in
Direct interception separation can be seen in wire 1998 [10] as a single device. This concept can be
mesh application. Droplets that cannot be captured applied in large scale mist elimination in vessel
efficiently by inertial effects due to small size, low with periodically filter replacement for continuous
density, low velocity, etc. may nevertheless head so operation. The true cost of cartridge filter change-
close to the centerline of a strand that they brush out and fiber installation pricing are examined in
against the surface and adhere. In practice, detail by John Hampton and Guy Weismantel [11].
interception is indistinguishable from inertial
impaction and may be ignored in vanes and mesh. Brownian motion is the main mechanism for sub-
This mechanism can be seen in Figure 3. micron droplets in fiber mist eliminators (as shown
in Figure 4). It is the frequent random twitch
experienced by microscopic particles suspended in
a gas or liquid. The cause is momentary
inequalities in the number and speed of
surrounding molecules hitting the particle from
various directions. This tiny motion is enough to
throw small droplets out of gas streamlines and
against fibers that they would otherwise flow
around. Because the flow momentum is not
involved, capturing efficiency is not improved by
larger droplets, higher velocity, higher relative
liquid density, or lower gas viscosity as for vanes
and mesh. Instead, efficiency increases with higher
temperature, longer residence time in the mat, and
closer packing of fibers, and decreases with greater
droplet size and pressure.

Figure 3. Droplet removal mechanism in wire mesh


2.2 Cartridge filter

Fiber mist eliminators can capture sub-micron
liquid droplet of 0.1 microns or even smaller that
commonly appear as smoke or nearly invisible haze
[8]. These units employ fine fibers, typically
cellulose, glass, or plastic, packed into a mat with
thickness of a few inches. Fiber mist eliminators
are mostly used in cylindrical form called candles
but are also available in flat panels.

Mist-laden gases pass horizontally through the

fiber-bed. The separated liquid drain downward on
Figure 4. Droplet removal mechanism by Brownian In designing vane, gas velocity and liquid loading
motion is very crucial. Proper designed vane is needed to
minimize carryover and re-entrainment by
2.3 Vanes adjusting the face velocity. This can be done by
Vane eliminators force the gas flow to be laminar determining the cross section of vane.
between parallel plates that contain directional
changes. The changes in gas flow direction A number of different vane pack designs are
combined with inertia of the entrained liquid available. Pack thicknesses are generally in the
droplets cause impingement of the droplets onto the range of 6-12 in. Vanes are usually arranged in a
plate surface, followed by coalescence and zigzag or sinusoidal pattern, with vane spacing of
drainage of the liquid to the liquid collection 1-1.5 in typical. Vane packs typically have pressure
section of the separator. Vane eliminators are sized drops in the range of 0.5-3.5 in of water.
by their manufacturers to assure both laminar flow
The performance of vane separators suffers
and a certain minimum pressure drop. The example
excessive liquid carryover when the liquid loading
of vane mist eliminator is shown in figure 5.
is too high. Moreover, vane packs show a drop-off
of removal efficiency as pressure increases. This is
primarily a result of the decreasing allowable gas
velocity with increasing pressure caused mainly by
increased gas density. As gas velocity decreases,
droplet inertia decreases and the droplets tend to
follow the gas streamlines easier through the vane
passages, and exit the vane pack without being
captured. Turndown is generally more of an issue
with vane-packs, with droplet removal efficiency
decreasing measurably as velocity decreases from
Figure 5. Double pocket stainless-steel vane design.

In vane operation, there are some terms that need to Various modifications were carried out to provide
be understood as follows [12]: better separation efficiency. Typical vane design is
shown in figure 6a. Improvement in fluid path lines
• Face Velocity, is the average speed at which is made by developing vane into shaped curve
the gas and entrained liquid droplets enter the channel without angle as shown in figure 6b.
separator module. Face velocity is defined as However this type of vane is very difficult to
the flow of air in volume per unit time divided construct. In lower gas velocity application, vane
by the cross sectional area of the opening in can be equipped with a hook/drainage channel as
which the liquid entrainment separator module shown in figure 6c, where it has been proved in
is placed. increasing the separation efficiency for small
droplets. The new vane concept was proposed by
• Liquid loading, is the measure of the amount Koch co. which is called double pocket vane, as
of liquid entrained in the gas stream before shown in figure 6d. Double pocket vane provide
encountering the separator module. drainage channels as only slit-shaped to ensure
good gas flow pattern and better contact with the
• Carryover, is a measure of the amount of
wall, resulting in optimum separation efficiency.
liquid entrained in the gas stream after passing
through the separator module. The unit used in
this discussion is grains per cubic foot (g/L).

• Re-entrainment, refers to liquid removed from

the gas stream, accumulated on the liquid
entrainment separator surfaces, and then
reentrained in the gas stream. It is considered
part of the carryover.
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 6. Vane Types (a) Typical Vane; (b) Curve

Vane; (c) Vane with drainage channel (hook); (d)
Double-pocket vane [6]

Today, vane mist eliminators are available in a

variety of materials: polypropylene, fiberglass-
reinforced polymer (FRP), polysulfone and
stainless steel. Each has its own advantages and Figure 7. Droplet removal mechanism in vane-pack
disadvantages. Material selection has a direct effect
on operations and maintenance requirements, as As shown in Figure 7, vanes bend the path of mist-
well as on capital and operating costs associated laden gas into relatively tight curves. As the gas
with mist eliminators used especially in the changes direction, inertia or momentum keeps mist
extreme conditions where high pressures, high droplets moving in straighter paths and some strike
temperatures, high acidity and high liquid loading adjacent vanes. There, they are held by surface
are applied. The performance of each material is forces and coalesce with other droplets, eventually
shown in table 2. trickling down. If the vane material is wettable, a
surface film will promotes coalescence and
Table 2. Mist eliminator performance profile [13] drainage. In the case of upward flow, coalesced
liquid disengages from the bottom of the vanes as
droplets large enough to fall through rising gas. In
the case of horizontal flow, the liquid trickles down
vanes to a drain below.

This separation mechanism is slightly different

from wire-mesh mist eliminator, where each strand
acts as an obstruction around which gas must flow.
In wire mesh, within a very short distance upstream
of a filament, the gas turns aside sharply, but some
mist droplets are unable to follow. They strike the
filament, adhere, and coalesce to form droplets that
The inertial impaction mechanism occurred in are large enough to trickle down and fall away.
vane-pack is shown in following figure.
Based on the principle of inertial capture, it is easy
to understand the behavior of a vane or mesh mist
eliminator in terms of the efficiency with which it
captures mist droplets. There are several factors
determine whether the droplet strikes the surface or
turns and flows around with the gas, such as
droplet size, strand diameter or corrugation
spacing, gas velocity, liquid density relative to gas
density, gas viscosity, and pad density and

As the gas enters vane channels, some of the

droplets (1 in Fig.8) dispersed in the continuous
phase could pass through the flow channel without
breakup, but secondary droplets could also be through the rising gas stream. Rather, the liquid can
generated by three mechanisms [14]: be routed into a downcomer that carries the fluid
directly to the liquid holding section of the
(1) Breakup of droplets caused by interaction with separator. Vane packs are better suited to dirty or
continuous phase (2 in Fig.8); fouling service as they are less likely to plug due to
their relatively large flow passages.
(2) Breakup of droplets by impingement on the
liquid film (3 in Fig.8); 2.4 Cyclones
(3) Breakup of the liquid film due to interfacial There are two types of cyclone in mist eliminators:
shear stress (4 in Fig.8). tangential cyclone and axial cyclone. Modifications
to both types of cyclones are shown in the figure 9,
in which figure 9a and 9b refers to the axial
cyclone, while the figure 9c to 9g refers to the
tangential cyclones. Tangential cyclone is
commonly used as standalone mist eliminator,
while axial cyclone is attached as internal device
inside vessel. The principles on gas-liquid cyclone
operation are similar with gas-solid cyclone
operation, but liquids pose some unique problems
and some advantages relative to solids collecting
cyclones. Unlike the particles feeding conventional
gas-solids cyclones, liquid particles feeding a gas-
liquid cyclone are normally greater in size and are
Figure 8. The generation of secondary droplets not porous. These two factors tend to make for an
easier separation. The droplets entering a gas-liquid
There is a critical value of droplets diameter below
cyclone are also not likely to plug the cyclone as
which the droplet separation efficiency would
sometimes occurs with statically charged or tacky
decrease sharply for a given air velocity, and this
solids in a gas-solids cyclone [17].
value decreases with the increase of air velocity. In
other words, increasing the air velocity is helpful Cyclone mist eliminators as internal device inside
for removal of the smaller droplet. But it is also vessel consist of multiple cyclone tube elements,
important to note that the large droplets are prone mounted into housing. The element diameter is
to splashing on the wall when increasing the air selected based on process considerations. The units
velocity, resulting in introduction of finer droplets are provided in easily handled subassemblies,
which is more difficult to be separated. To solve which are installed through vessel main ways. The
this problem, vane is modified by attaching most important benefits of this design are its very
hook/drainage channel into vanes. The hooks help high gas handling capacity combined with
to capture the droplets and increase air velocity at excellent droplet removal efficiency even at
the cross section where hook is affixed, thus makes elevated pressure.
the mist eliminator reach high separation efficiency
even though the inlet velocity is low. However, it In new construction of high pressure separators,
is still possible for the fine secondary droplets cyclone mist eliminators often provide the lowest
produced from splashing to be carried over through overall cost solution by minimizing the diameter
the channel. [15] A numerical model for gas flow and height requirements of the vessel. These very
and droplet motion in wave-plate mist eliminators significant vessel size and weight reductions may
with drainage channels has been proposed by lead to faster vessel delivery, lower transportation
Galletti, et al [16]. cost, and installation cost savings. In retrofits,
where significant additional capacity is required,
Recently developed hollow vane design with cyclone mist eliminators extend the gas capacity
interconnected liquid drainage passages is capable well beyond any other mist elimination technology
of high gas handling capacities in a vertical upflow [6]. Cyclone also can acts as foam breaker in gas
orientation. Different from mesh pad, vanes liquid separation. It was reported that foam
typically do not drain the separated liquid back generated at low superficial gas velocities and the
operational envelope for liquid carry-over is temperature effect on tangential velocity and the
significantly reduced, by using cyclone as mist influence of particle agglomeration. [20]
eliminator device in the air-waters applications.
Foam dissipation is observed at high superficial gas The probability of droplets coalescing increases as
velocities, above 6 m/s, due to lower liquid levels the mass loading increase. The principle of
below the inlet of the cyclone. [18] separation in the cyclone separator as a result of
coalescing is that small droplets, which cannot be
separated in the centrifugal field because of
insufficient centrifugal forces, coalesce with the
larger and easily separable droplets during their
residence in the cyclone, and then are separated
together from the gas. The particles with the
diameter above 10 μm can be easily removed by
the cyclone separator in low mass loading and low
gas velocities condition [21].

Centrifugal force is a mechanism that occurs in the

cyclone separator. Gas was forced to bend in the
form of a spiral that resulted in the vortex flow. In
many systems, the gas/liquid mixture feeding the
cyclone enters through some upstream piping
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
wherein small droplets coalesce into larger drops,
Figure 9. Schematic diagram of cyclones in which the driving force for the coalescence of
geometries; colliding droplets being provided by surface
tension. Once the incoming liquid droplets are
(a) Axial cyclone with swirling baffle centrifuged to the wall of the cyclone, they merge
(b) Axial cyclone with drainage channel in the with the liquid wall film to form a much larger
body mass which is not easily removed or re-entrained
(c) Cylindrical cyclone back into the gas phase. The liquid film falling
(d) Coned tangential cyclone
down due to gravity in case of vertical cyclone, or
(e) Prolonged tube cyclone
(f) Direct symmetrical spiral inlet cyclone, due to larger internal pressure applied in case of
(g) Converging symmetrical spiral inlet cyclone horizontal cyclone, and being separated as
underflow product. Meanwhile, the flow of gas will
Collection efficiency depends on the flow regime come out as upperflow product from vortex finder,
which is affected by the flow parameters such as as shown in figure 10.
inlet velocity, temperature, viscosity and surface
roughness. In larger cyclones, flow is generally
fully turbulent and the effects of flow parameters
decrease with Reynolds number, whereas, in
smaller cyclones or at low velocities, flow is
laminar and the effects of flow parameters increase

The overall collection efficiency of a cyclone

decreases with increase in temperatures, especially
in the relatively high temperature range where the
decrease of the overall collection efficiency
becomes much steeper than in the low temperature
range. The overall collection efficiency of the
cyclone at high temperatures is fairly well
predicted by Shi’s approach, though the prediction
is still not sufficiently precise due to the neglect of Figure 10. Flow inside single inlet tangential
cyclone with cone
2.5 Combined mist eliminator
Dual mist eliminator has been proposed for last
decades in order to combine the benefits of each
mist eliminator and gain more efficient separation
process. Vane units can be especially valuable in
certain applications when used immediately
upstream or downstream of mesh pads. Amistco co.
has developed dual mist eliminator by combining
mesh and vane. There are two configurations
proposed by Amistco [8] as shown in Figures 11
and 12.

Figure 12. Configuration of mesh pad with front

vane unit [8]

On the other hand, mounting a vane unit upstream

of a mesh pad as in Figure 12 combines the
superior efficiency of mesh in low liquid loading
applications with the superior load and solids
handling ability of vanes. This configuration using
vane pack as the main separation tool, then fine
droplets of the liquid carry over are captured
further by wire mesh afterward. This configuration
could provide good separation efficiency for feed
Figure 11. Configuration of mesh pad followed by gas containing high liquid loading and larger
a vane unit [8] droplet diameters.

Mounting a vane unit downstream of a mesh pad as Dual mist eliminator has now become a common
in Figure 11 combines the superior efficiency of with the increasing needs of high separation
the mesh with the superior K-factor of the vanes. efficiency. Combination for mist eliminator is not
When operated at or above the resulting design only on the Vane and wire mesh, but now is
velocity, the mesh pad serves as an agglomerator or starting to be developed for several other types of
coalescer of fine mist droplets. Most liquid mist eliminator.
captured in the mesh pad is re-entrained as larger
droplets whose sizes are well above the lower limit 3 Separation performance
of the vane unit. Higher velocity also improves the Design of mist eliminator cannot be separated from
mist elimination efficiency of the mesh. This the separator vessel condition. For Vane and wire
configuration is designed for processing feed gas mesh, it is strongly influenced by 3 main factors:
with low liquid loading and fine droplet. buoyancy, drag force and gravity force. Buoyancy
and drag force depend on the gas density, the
density of the liquid, and gas velocity.

To simplify the calculation, K factor was made as a

substitute for drag coefficient, so that the general
equation becomes:

𝐕 = 𝐊[(𝛒𝐋 − 𝛒𝐕 )/𝛒𝐕 ] 𝟐

K is capacity factor, where its value is defined from

the experimental data for each mist eliminator
design to work properly. Typical K value is ranged
from 0.04 to 0.35 m/s.
Decision need to be made whether designing based 4 Emerging mist eliminator technology
on low velocity to prevent high re-entrainment
4.1 Modified mist eliminator
which results in low separation efficiency, or make
A modification in wire mesh for horizontal vessel
the velocity higher to obtain higher droplet removal
has been patented using filament as coalescing
efficiency in risk of high liquid carryover because
media. It is claimed that the apparatus permit vapor
of secondary droplet generation. The relationship
load factors of up to about 10 times that in
between gas density and velocity in vane mist
conventionally designed separator vessel [22].
eliminator can be seen in figure 13a, where the
Another modification to optimize space in mist
minimum velocity required to separate a given
eliminator was patented, where the coalescing
droplet size is shown. This velocity is limited by
device is fibrous media made of polymers [23].
the maximum curve (v max), resulting re-
entrainment area through the line. In vane technology, some manufacturers develop
vane-pack for higher capacity, called as double-
pocket vanes (Figure 5). This configuration offers
more efficient mist removal, especially at higher
pressures where the allowable velocity decreases
with the increasing gas density. Double pocket
hooks direct the collected liquid away the main gas
stream. Because the liquid is now isolated from the
gas stream and less subject to re-entrainment, gas
velocities can be more than doubled in both
horizontal and vertical gas flow configurations.
This vane configuration can increase twofold
capacity than the conventional type and excellent
droplet removal of 8 micron in size can be achieved
because of its higher velocity.
Various modification in vanes geometry are still
being developed to improve the separation
performance, several development related to
modified vane morphology, for example umbrella
vane concept [24] and cyclonic vane concept
incorporating centrifugal force through a spiral
channel [25]. However, little of them have been
commercialized since industrial vane has been
dominated by original and easy to assembled vane
with a little modification.

The extensive research in cyclone mist eliminator

is still being carried out. Movafaghian et al. [18]
Figure 13. Effect of gas density on the removal studied the hydrodynamic flow behavior in a gas-
efficiency (a) In vane pack (b) in Cyclone [6] liquid cylindrical cyclone compact separator. In
2002, Matsubara et al. [26] had invented a cyclone-
In contrast to the concept of separation in the type gas-liquid separator which has a gas-lead
cyclone, the gas density is not so influential to the through pipe penetrating an upper end wall of
velocity that is used to achieve high separation cyclone chamber and extending downward to have
efficiency, as seen in figure 13b. Thus cyclone has a gas outlet in the cyclone chamber.
no problem to be used in elevated pressure.
The improvement in cyclone collection efficiency
is possible by recycling a portion of the product
stream. As the recycle ratio is increased,
significant improvement occur in the overall
efficiency primarily because of enhanced collection
of particles around the cut diameter size. The pressure and to prevent gas from escaping with the
improvement comes at the expense of higher separated particles. The slurry thus produced may
pressure drop and power consumption and be pumped, and can be continuously and easily
increased cyclone size [27]. Another way to conveyed away. Over a range of practical operating
improve the performance of cyclones is to arrange points, the separator showed very high collection
several cyclones in series with higher pressure drop efficiencies >90%, low-pressure drop, and robust
as trade off [28]. operation [36]. Creutz, et al [37] also propose a tool
based on a rotational pump impeller with axial gas
There are various modifications of cyclones to removal, for separating transient two phase gas-
improve the separation efficiency. However, liquid flows. Another modification in cyclone has
modifications on the cyclone body into spiral guide been developed to make three-phase separator
body, circumferential groove body, and vertical hydrocyclone which generates two-underflows can
groove body cyclones do not give significant result be used to separate three phase based on their
on droplet separation performance, even tend to density [38-40].
decrease the efficiency of separation. [29].
Modifications are also done on cone, where smaller 4.2 Novel dual mist eliminator
diameter of the underflow will increase the As mentioned previously, dual mist eliminator
efficiency of cyclone as the increase in pressure concept may offer much greater separation
drop [30]. Prolonged cone provoke unstable flow efficiency performance by combining the
field near the bottom of the view finder. The flow advantages of each mist eliminator.
field is not fully developed and stable in the
cylinder region due to the sharp transition to a The interesting mist eliminators systems used for
conical section [31]. On the other hand, when a dual concept are the vane pack and cyclone mist
prolonged vertical tube attached into the eliminators. This dual mist eliminator brings
conventional cyclone, the swirl will enter into the together the advantages of vanes in high loading
tube, and make separation goes further. This makes factor and low pressure drop with the advantages of
the tangential velocity, axial velocity and turbulent cyclone in high separation efficiency for higher gas
kinetic energy are reduced greatly, and the vortex and liquid capacity. In 2009, Wenten has invented
end located at the bottom of the vertical tube. a combined vane-cyclone configuration for mist
However, there is an optimal vertical tube length eliminator to obtain better separation result and
exiting in the prolonged cyclones [32]. lower droplet re-entrainment. Vane would act as
small droplets coalescer while the next level of
Another modification is done by attaching vane and separation was conducted by cyclone. Therefore,
mesh into cyclone, and had been proven to increase gas velocity containing liquid droplets can be kept
cyclone separation efficiencies. Vane would act as at the optimum velocity for efficient separation as
small droplets coalescer while the next level of there is always a changing in gas stream
separation was conducted by cyclone [33,34] momentum. Thus, droplet removal efficiency can
be increased significantly. Moreover, dual mist
A new kind of cyclone with symmetrical spiral
eliminator concept can tackle the poor performance
inlet (SSI) including direct symmetrical spiral inlet
of downstream unit operations by reducing the
(DSSI) and converging symmetrical spiral inlet
liquid carryover. This separator internal concept
(CSSI) was developed as can be seen in figure 9.
has been applied commercially in natural gas plant
Despite that the multiple inlet increases the
to separate 492.4 barrel/day liquid from 200
complicity and the cost of the cyclone separators,
MMscfd feed gas stream. The result shows
the cyclones with SSI, especially CSSI, can yield a
significant separation performance where 99,9% of
better collection efficiency, obviously with a minor
liquid could be separated from gas stream. [41]
increase in pressure drop. It is possible to obtain a
better performance cyclone by means of improving
its inlet geometry design [35].

A cyclone separator in high pressure operation can

be modified using supplemental water to produce a
virtual flow restriction that acted to maintain high-
Thus membrane technology as mist eliminator
shows promising result [42].

The principle of ceramic membrane unit is shown

in figure 15. Gas enters the membrane lumen where
there are fibers capturing liquid droplets from gas
stream in each membrane channel. Liquid droplets
captured flowing through the bottom of lumen and
collected in header pipe at the bottom of membrane
module. Gas will pass through the membrane pores
and exit at the upper part of shell of membrane
Figure 14. Dual vane cyclone mist eliminator module.
installation inside 200 MMscfd separator vessel

4.3 Membrane mist eliminator

Ceramic membrane technology application as a
gas-liquid separator unit is a strategic approach.
The high membrane selectivity may capture and
separate the droplets up to 0.1 microns. Moreover,
with high packing density, membrane system
capacity per volume can be larger than that
conventional which give more compact system
dimension. In addition, membrane system is
backflushable which results in the continuous
system operations and longer life-term.
Economically, ceramic membrane technology can
reduce the potential of losses because of the down
time like that in conventional system. Thus,
ceramic membrane technology offers many
advantages in operational and maintenance such
that the process can be conducted more stable and Figure 15. Ceramic membrane gas filtration
5 Conclusions
In 2009, Wenten has proposed ceramic membrane
as a novel technology for condensate separation Mechanical separation is simple in operation, has
from gas stream. For practical applications, minimum operating cost and high efficiency.
Therefore, mist eliminator has long been used and
membranes can be utilized in form of modules
trusted in the separation of liquid from gas. In
where each module consists of 19 ceramic
choosing the type of mist eliminator, we need to
membranes. This membrane module use stainless consider several factors: the capacity of gas, liquid
steel housing which can operate up to 40 bar loading, cost, efficiency, specification of dry gas,
pressure. One unit operation consists of several and the size of droplets. Configuration in the vessel
modules arranged in parallel on a skid with header also plays an important role to obtain optimum mist
pipe and bottom boot for condensate collection. For eliminator performance. Various modifications
optimal process, one module is required in have been developed to obtain high efficiency of
backflush or standby position thus whenever the various mist eliminators.
performance of one module membrane decrease
Dual mist eliminator based on integrated vane-
because of the droplet deposition, automatically the
cyclone shows great performance in separation of
standby membrane module will be operated to
liquid from 200 MMscfd natural gas stream.
replace the other module during backflushing. The Meanwhile, ceramic membrane technology for mist
pilot trial of this configuration has proved its eliminator has been tested on pilot scale and shows
capability to recover condensate from compressor promising result in condensate recovery from
discharge where cartridge filter and condensation natural gas stream.
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