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The Companies Act 1879, which affected banking

Panama, described tools and products of activities similar to

sense of ``reserve'' (or of Disciplina Arcani--a modern term

not be taken except where the shell store and the adjacent

These stories have given rise to much discussion. The testi-

women. She died at Cairo on the 21st of January 1908.

Africa marching with the eastern frontier of the Congo Free

of agriculture at the time in different parts of England.

fields of minor poetry and magazine editing. In September

it be encroachment of a criminal upon an individual, or the

partly in connexion with the Sheffield Scientific School,

Almuggim are translated Algum or Almug trees in the authorized

rivers, and in a short time no white family in the Creek

furnaces.'' In the former case, the first reaction is produced

result. Notwithstanding this terrible disaster, Alexandria

existed, preserve fuller forms than their sister languages

music-hail. The Progressive majority on the London County

processes. Alchemy in this sense is merely an early phase of

shown by fig. 7. When a current is passed through the instrument

at Greenwich on the 19th of April 1012. He was buried in St

cover their maladministration at home, precipitated a war

1570, and that he held this office for forty-five years. His

expedition, but the Thebans intervened to prevent it, an

buildings proper, was the abbot's house, and annexed to it the

in his honour in the exchange at Stockholm. One of his sons,

problem---a heap (hau) and its seventh makes 19---is solved

of Leicester's unlawful designs, and of endeavouring by the

Rome. Unfortunately, the remains of that civilization are very

he removed to London, where he practised as a consulting

replied, ``If the king asks me for an account, I will make

altitudes exceeding 750 ft. are also found in the south.

his teaching to the advocacy of the novel of observation,

cell. When exhausted, such cells can be restored by replacing

ferrule, on shock of discharge, moves back relatively to the

outbreak of revolution in Vienna during the month of March he

of dialogue varied by refrains already current in popular

not more than 25 ft. broad. Stern Premonstratensian canons

(the oldest Phoenician dating about 1000 B.C., the oldest

not despair of reaching large agreement as to the nature

from the whole and each other. It, therefore, does not increase

St Dionysius, Fort Stikine and Fort Wrangell), founded in

of the Nile, which he was convinced lay in Abyssinia.

who improved the aeolian harp, introduced this contrivance,

sought investment in every state. It was a natural consequence

and one of a dirty yellow, U. Isabellinus, both Himalayan

and at Western Bay (Cape Blanco), and of the documents

Venetian colony, was overrun and ruined by the pirate Barbarossa

to litmus, and crystallize in regular octahedra. When

proposals for the Berlin conference were under discussion,

under Lord Balfour of Burleigh (1644), delivered the city to

neighbours. On the advice of Cassander they made effective

for the throne, had considerable interests in the shire, his

the tribune in 1354 Albornoz pursued his task of restoring

wide, has been described as one great confluent neve

The Vegetable Balsam

technical training school and kindergarten (established in

resided for a short time in the city before attacking

was taken prisoner and conducted into the presence of Alp

are the principal heights in the division of Mar. Farther

archenteron by means of a posterior neurenteric canal. It is

numbers. Barilla is obtained from the sea-weed on the shores,

Aletschhorn. . . . . . . . . . 13,721 Mettenberg . . . . . . . . . . . 10,194

disturbed by the increasing power of Raedwald of East Anglia.

of the fourth Georgic, which brought about his introduction

same. The zygospore becomes surrounded with its own wall,

and not penal in the international sense of that term.16 As

section of the Anabaptists known as Pneumatici, may be

with Alfred. On his way home he married Judith, daughter

by the 4th of August, and on the 10th of September he fought

Margaret, daughter of George, 6th Lord Seton. He was made

assured. The examination of the cells before passing them

who, for his bold assertion of the perfect interpenetration

advertisement in the Mercurius Politicus as ``the very first,''

early acquired a reputation as medicinal agents, and when

Bragmanibus, ascribed without certainty to Palladius (d.

patriotic or religious, and in none of them is there any sense of

IV. LEOPOLD GEORGE DUNCAN ALBERT, duke of Albany, eighth

Grande Motte (W) . . . . . . . 12,018 (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,962

lot, with bonuses or rebates to equalize them in value to

when these bodies were established in 1894. the local body

year both in its immediate effects and in its far-reaching

similar account by Richard of Hexham, but less trustworthy,

necessary as certificates that certain formalities have been

which are remarkably abundant near the Aleutians; moose,

AMRAM (d. 875), a famous gaon or head of the Jewish

ALARCON, JUAN RUIZ DE (1518?-1639), Spanish dramatist,

In 1863 A. Nadar, a Paris photographer, constructed ``Le

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