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During our last quarter in 10th Grade, my groupmates and I conducted a research entitled “The

Relationship between Traditional Parenting Style with the Grade 10 Students’ Academic Achievements”,
wherein we held a survey for our batch mates regarding how their parents’ attitudes and/or behavior
towards their life in school. Through this research, we have observed that parenting styles affect an
individual’s performance in multiple ways, some feel pressured to accomplish tasks because of high
expectations, while others pressure themselves because their parents do not. Also, we tackled about
how physical discipline will affect the child’s performance and overall mindset. This study of ours has
emphasized that their parents’ views and opinions affect their own whether it be directly or indirectly,
meaning our parental figures have a great influence on who we are as individuals in this society we live

For our group’s conclusion, only the positive traits of traditional parenting should be practiced from this
day onwards seeing as how the negative side of this can reflect on a child’s toxic behavior and mindset.
Being brutal and violent in all aspects and whatever situation will never be a solution to a problem that
is present, it will only add fuel to the fire which would be imprinted on the child’s mind until they
become adults. Inflicting unresolved trauma to each other is not the best idea and should be normalized
in this day and age. So in a way, our research paper has made an impact in making our family,
community, or even society as a whole, much safer and positive for our generation and the future
generations to come.

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