Internship Experience Summary Report

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Internship Experience Summary Report

As I may share my experience through this industrial work setting as an intern,

I have realized that this kind of setting doesn’t fit me so well. It is very far from
the career path I’ve always talked about having. At first, I really wanted to pursue
medical field but then I can see that it’s a tough row to hoe. Despite of having this
in mind, I can surely say that I also had enjoyed my experience in working as an
intern in the company where I applied.
I came up to witness the real corporate world. I’ve experienced the feeling of
being an employee in a company. Along the way, I always have in my mind that
there will always be pros and cons in all work setting, therefore I already prepared
myself in facing those possible challenges I might encounter.
In my starting period of being employed there as an intern, I could clearly say
that I’ve come across with dealing a very massive adjustment in many aspects. I
literally got culture shocked when I first started the real training/work in the
company premise. Not just with the workloads but also with the environment and
co-workers. I might say that I really had some hard time dealing well with my co-
employees. It’s not that they are hard to get along with, it’s just that I’m the one
who’s not that sociable enough to approach them firstly and be able to build
rapport with them. But as time passes by, I slowly learned how to be
professionally comfortable working with them, most especially with that one
specific trainer who had focused and taught me lots of things in regards with the
tasks and duties that I must accomplish during my On-the-Job training there.
Furthermore, another thing that really had caught my attention was the life
lessons and realizations I’ve gained throughout my whole internship period. I had
came up to a point wherein I’ve obtained a deeper understanding in regards with
the real life outside the four corners of our house and classrooms. There’s still lot
of things that happens in the outside world. Not everyone was born with a golden
spoon, therefore they should obligate themselves to hustle more and earn
money, even if sometimes they don’t really want the work or field they are in
now. I could say that, I had understood life more.
As being a person who always wakes up late in the morning, I might say that
waking up so early was totally a really big challenge for me. That’s why, I
undergone a tremendous body clock adjustment as I need to get-in to the shuttle
service on time. The bus passes by at exactly 5:30am.

With all the hardships and challenges I have faced, from having a hard time
using Microsoft Excel, dealing with employee’s calls and concerns, trying to
socialize well with my co-employees, so on and so forth, still I’m glad I have been
able to finish this industrial setting internship with grace and satisfaction. Given
that as an intern I must possess professionalism and courtesy in the workplace, I
can say that I still do have to work on those traits and prove myself and my
supervisors that I can improve and grow in that industrial field of work. Even
though I don’t have my full heart on it, yet I eagerly want to give my best shot on
every task that would be given to me.
Aside from the technical and basic principles of office work I have learned in
the company, another takeaway I loved the most in this experience was the
discipline I have developed in myself. This internship training had taught me such
character and attitude that would obviously help me to be a better person that I
might use for the next journey I’m going to take in my life. Some of the traits I’ve
gained there was the perseverance, competence, the quality of being strategic
and work-life balance. To sum this all up, I might say that it was indeed a great
industrial internship experience.

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