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TRADE UNIONS – Non State institutions concerned about the compensation and benefits

NON STATE INSTITUTIONS - It is established to aid the government to fill in the gap between the state and its people.
BANKS - They help people acquire money or property in order to start a business.
ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES – example of institutions of a state institutions
CIVIL ORAGANIZATIONS – EXAMPLES ARE religious organizations, academic institutions, mass media research team
FORMAL EDUCATION – EXAMPLE: Angela is currently enrolled as grade 12 student at Badillo Eastern Academy
SPECIAL EDUCATION – EXAMPLE: A nine-year old child solves a differential calculus equation given by his teacher.
TESDA - provides direct and firsthand experience training for your desired training course
ALS LEARNER - attend class in a community learning center every once a week.
LEARNING SITUATION OF A NON FORMAL EDUCATION - You are training specific skill-based learning process within
three months.
DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF FORMAL TO NON FORMAL - In a formal education setting you are in a classroom
based learning process which in a nonformal education setting you are attending in a community-based learning
ACCORDING TO ALVIN TOFFLER – EXAMPLE: A technician who failed to troubleshoot an engine problem, yet keep on
trying to identify the cause of the engine malfunction
RIGHT OF EDUCATION – SCENARIO: The Philippine government provides free public basic education across grade levels
in the entire country.
SOCIAL INTEGRATION - participate in community program in promoting peace and order
MIDDLE CLASS - Groups of people like lawyers, doctors, managers, owners of small businesses in the locality, and
executives who work in the corporate world
SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM IN BUSINESS TYCOON - usually has enormous houses and expensive cars.
THEORY ON SOCIAL STRATIFICATION - Less privileged people asking wealthy individuals for job opportunities.
OPEN SYSTEM OF STRATIFICATION - Through the system of meritocracy or personal achievement.
FUNCTIONALIST THEORY - A wealthy businessperson would hire a plumber to do repairs when he needs.
CLOSE SYSTEM OF STRATIFICATION - Based on the assigned or inherited status at birth.
SOCIAL INEQUALITY FROM MACRO SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE - People across the world are differentiated by races,
genders and social class which affect the status of equality of people within a society.
REDUCING INCIDENCE OF BULLYING - Follow the school policies and regulations.
RESPECT TO THE MEMBERS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - Allow the indigenous people to celebrate and practice their
customs and traditions.
GOVERNMENT PROVISION FOR PWD - Make always available the seat and queue lines provided for the PWD
marginalized group of society; you can still contribute in the progress of society.
SOCIAL EQUALITY OF LGBT - You remain in your belief while continuously respecting the rights of the members of LGBT
for equality
EDUCATION FOR ALL - Follow the school rules about promoting education for all.
REDUCING GLOBAL WARMING - Practice waste management segregation.
CULTURAL CHANGES - All cultures are inherently predisposed to change and, at the same time, to resist change
CULTURAL CHANGE - Abide with the rules and laws of the society despite political change
SOCIAL CHANGE - People are used to wear mask even the risk of COVID-19 is already subsiding.
NEGATIVE EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION - It results to protection and distribution of economic support
CULTURAL CHANGE IS TRUE - People tend to use social media to buy commodities.
MITIGATION IN GLOBAL WARMING - reducing greenhouse effect due to burning of fossil fuel
ADAPTATION IN GLOBAL WARMING - practicing waste segregation
POLITICAL CHANGE IN CURRENT ECONOMIC SITUATION - inflation rate in the prices of basic commodities
CULTURAL CHANGE IN PERSPECTIVE OF LEARNER - As a learner, cultural change happens through adapting values of
others people.

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