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Name: Jason, but call me Spartin

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 26

Time Zone: EDT

Experience (new players are welcome!): 4+ years of 5e, 1.5 years of 3.5, 1 year of
Rifts/Robotech (I can’t say I enjoyed my time w/ Palladium’s games)

Favorite story; book, game, movie or otherwise: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Witcher 3 and
V for Vendetta

Favorite aspect of TTRPGs: Character development, both positive and negative. I always enjoy
the moments that shape the PCs actions even if hindsight rears its head.

What do you want from this game?: Memorable stories of both my character and the other
characters in the campaign.

Anything else you think I should know: I have a pet cat and you may sometimes hear him when I'm
talking because he wants something from me.

Character Concept

“though the concepts show how willing you are to commit to the world,” Don’t sluff it off, pick
one of these and dive deep

Character Name: Araphi (Specter)

Race: Tiefling

Class: Artificer

Concept/Backstory: As an Empire-born Tiefling, Araphi spent much of childhood bundled up

and hidden away

Character Name: Santega

Race: Human
Class: Artificer

Concept/Backstory: As an Empire-born Tiefling, Araphi spent much of childhood bundled up

and hidden away

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