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Character name: Mirana

Character age: 23

Race: Centaur

Are you from the new or old world?: New

Character Class: Fighter 1, Forge Cleric 1

Your Attributes (Strength, other stuff): I intended to roll 4d6 drop lowest and as a matter of
integrity, do not roll somewhere the GM cannot see to verify. Intent is High Wis, Str, and Con
as a Forge Cleric

Brief Personality Description: Serious and Highly devoted to Gond. Loyal to those she serves
and her friends and family. Bad with jokes and has little patience for anyone trying to ride her.

Brief Backstory/concept: Mirana is a forge-daughter who was taught from a young age by her
mother on how to work and operate a smithy on her own. While she expected this to be her life
as is tradition in her family, her passion for swordplay pushed her to expand the boundaries of
what it meant to be a forge-daughter as she took the time to learn how to properly use every
weapon she made. Every so often she would hear a voice like crackling flame giving her advice
on how to improve her technique. At first, she thought it was someone’s idea of a joke, but over
time decided it was the voice of the Smith God, Gond, as it taught her things about smithing
work that no one in her family knew. Since then she has made it her goal to explore the world
and learn more techniques and styles that she might teach to others in her travels.

Brief physical description/picture: Tall, muscular build with blonde hair and brown eyes. Horse
coat hair is a dark brown but the tail matches her normal color.
Experience with D&D: 1.5 years of 3.5, 4+ years of 5e.

Do you like to put on a voice for your character?: I do though my range isn’t the greatest.

Any questions on the setting/character creation?: You talk about Pelor in the description, do you
use Greyhawk Deities and the Unchained Gods or all of them? What sort of governing structure
exists in the New world? Are Centaurs mechanically fey creatures as they are in Ravnica?

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