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Good evening, esteemed guests and friends.

What are you passionate about in your life? I know of one potentially –
Pokémon-Go. Two months ago, we had a debate specially arranged to talk
about the pros and cons of the game. The views were diverse, but it made me
realise that when you are very passionate on catching Pokémons, you will be
able to dream up one thousand and one benefits in order to convince yourself
to continue playing the game. Many of those reasons are really creative, and
border on near fantasy.

I have my own passions. Playing table tennis is one. Do you know who is the
top table tennis player in the world? Ma Long is someone whose skill I
absolutely admire. I do it twice per week after school, without fail, /and I work
with a fabulous coach who is very good at it. It is the thrill of putting the ball
across the low net, and hitting past the fierce opponent that always send the
excitement through my veins. I believe it is the same with anyone who is
watching sports. The thrill of winning with perfection, and the empathy with
the sportsman who was so close to not losing, resonate with everyone who try
so hard every day at the stuff he is so passionate with.

Like a number of my friends, I go for enrichment classes every week. The

maths enrichment classes are my favourite. And like every kid, I am naturally
curious, always eager to find out new things and how things work.

The world of mathematics also intrigues me. Do you know that the modern
world is built on mathematics? From the iPhones in your hands to the building
structure of this hall we are in now, they are all seated on mathematics. It
ensures that the components of the iphone can work together, and the
structure of the building is safe. Even this microphone and the sound you are
hearing now are enabled by mathematics.

Talking about maths, I was in the esplanade during the September school
holidays to attend a concert called Frozen in Planet. I was amazed by the
splendid acoustics and was told that this is also due to the wonders of maths.
Talking about this, I have to go now and spend some time to find out more on
the maths of acoustics.

Thank you.

Gender: Male

Age: 9

Nationality: Singapore

Year of Study: P3

Theme: Building Blocks of Success

Topic: My Love – Passion and Commitment

-balancing the mathematics equation

- I love my work (musical instrument arts)

-my books &I

-Never Give up

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