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Name: ________________________
Class: ________________________

4.5 Present continuous, be going to and will

1 Choose the correct options.
0 Our flight to Italy will leave / is leaving in ten minutes.
1 Are you going out / Will you go out on Saturday?
2 When I get home, I will call / am going to call my friend
3 I’ve forgotten to post this letter! I am going to post / will
post it now.
4 Terry can’t come tonight. He is meeting / is going to meet
his brother.
5 Would you like a sandwich? I am going to make / will
make you one.
6 I am watching / am going to watch TV tonight – my
favourite programme is on.
7 I think the sun will shine / is shining tomorrow.
8 I’ve decided I am going to cook / am cooking a steak
when I get home tonight!

2 Complete the dialogues with the correct future form

of the verb in brackets. Use the present continuous, be
going to or will.
0 A What would you like to eat?
B I think I will have (have) a pizza.
1 A Are you free tomorrow night?
B No, sorry. My parents (take) me to a
2 A Any ideas about what to study at university, Mark?
B Yes. I’m good at art, so I (study) that.
3 A When is your appointment tomorrow?
BI (see) the doctor at two o’clock.
4 A Where are you off to?
BI (visit) my grandmother. She lives out in
the suburbs.
5 A It’s my dad’s birthday party tomorrow.
B Really? I (not see) you all day tomorrow,
6 A Are you doing anything at the weekend?
B I don’t know yet. I (call) you later, OK?
7 A Why have you got all that paint and a brush?
B Well, the sky looks beautiful, so I (paint)


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