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SOP for Quotation Calculation Sheet

study all specifications of drawing as per given by customer standard

Tabulate each child part item with part no as per BOM in excel in one collumn having 1 part in each row

Add quantity of each part in Next collumn with same row of child part

Calculate raw material size of each child part as per drawing

Next 3 columns includes size of part as per length width and thickness

calculate the weight of each part in next collumn with formula (LxWxTx0.00000785)

calculate the total weight of each child parts in next collumn by multiplying by quantity and add 10% more for

In next collumn multiply the tabulated weight to rate of material as per market rate

After calculation of weight add next collumn as many as number of processes includes in the part to complete
and apply standard rate decides or supplier quotations

After all process and raw material rate calculation add all the ammount from raw material rates to process
rates in nxt collumn so we can get final rate per child part

SOP for Quotation Calculation Sheet

Add all the child part rates in bottom row by sum

Now add profit (15%) on the sum calculated to get final ammount of part

Make block for final amount.

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