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General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

Adrian Pillad
Claire Roque
Hartbonn D Hilario
Monica Rilveria
Prince Jerick Perez Campos

Assessment 1 (2pts each = 20 pts)

Find more formal words or phrases to replace the informal words below:

1. Research Shows Indicates, Suggests

2. Three problems have been found Discovered

3. The changes he made were bad Unacceptable, Negative

4. Lots of people think Many, Numerous, Various

5. There were many reasons for this Causes

6. Scientists have tried to prove Attempted

7. P100,000,000.00 was given to charity Donated

8. He discussed issues like famine and Such as, including

9. She has got to find alternatives Needs to

10. We do not have enough resources Sufficient

ASSESSMENT 2 (30pts)
Write a reflection paper based on the question:
"Do you sometimes take time to clarify your values in a moment of doubt or
*Make sure you have Introduction, Body, & Conclusion.
Rubric for the Reflection Paper:

Values guide us to make the proper decisions to face uncertainties and emotions like
anger. Values and individual beliefs motivate people to act one way or another. For instance,
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

curiosity can result when people have different
values, leading to a clash of preferences and priorities. Values are universally recognized as a
driving force in ethical decision-making.

Some people, especially teenagers, doubt or think whether they are good enough for
their parents, especially when arguing. As a student, I felt weak sometimes, wherein I thought
of giving up my studies. Scanning my notes is like a dictionary; it takes time to memorize

So hard to calculate the time; every subject is like a firefly, it gives light, but it tortures me
before catching it up. But then I realize that I should believe in myself because if they can,
why can’t I? No matter what happens, I should do my best; I should stay strong as long as

Be thoughtful; our brain is not always present. Behind this, don’t make your worries
hug you; you must think of everything as positive. Do not just think once or twice but think
many times before taking any steps.

ASSESSMENT 3 (21pts)
Look for a published journal online and outline the essential parts of the technical paper by
filling out the repertory grid below.

Title of the Technical paper (1pt): Why fake NGOs got away
Author (s) (1pt): Katerina Francisco and Jee Y. Geronimo
Year of Publication (1pt): 2013

Introduction (5pts) The paper's purpose was to answer the

(What is the question, "How did NGOs with
technical paper‘s questionable qualifications get past several
purpose? government institutions that are supposed to
What are the oversee them?" "The article also aimed to
problems being inform the public about the various
addressed by the processes that a Non-Governmental
paper?) Organization goes through to achieve their
specific goal, how they are monitored by the
SEC and National line agencies, the gaps in
the processing system, and the personal
accountability of the members or workers in
the national agencies monitoring these
Methodology (5pts) The information were found through:
(On what kind of Statements from the members of the
information or national line agencies (national offices)
material were the Securities and Exchange Commission
findings based? (SEC)
How were the Interviews and facts as provided by the laws
information found? Commission on Audit (COA) special report
How was the
analyzed? )
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

Results (4pts) ● P6 billions of government funds

(What are the salient ended up in the pockets of 82
findings of the work?) dubious non-governmental
● NGOs) — associated with Janet Lim
Napoles (the alleged mastermind of
corruption and collusion involving
lawmakers’ Priority Development
Assistance Funds or PDAF) — were
set up as fronts that cornered over P2
billion in funds.
● NGO’s need to register in the
Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) before they can
open bank accounts, enter into
contracts, and raise public funds.
● Different line agencies have
different processes. IfNGO’s want to
do something or accomplish their
goal/s, they need certain
requirements form nationalline
agencies corresponding to what they
are going to do.
● As long as the documents are in
order, registration is hassle-free. The
real challenge lies in the monitoring
process. Registered and accredited
NGOsare expected to submit annual
reports to both the SEC and line
● When granting funds, donors usually
check if an NGO is legitimate by
looking at its accreditation.
Theproblem is that much of the
process depends heavilyon the
legitimacy of documents the NGO
submits to monitoring agencies.
● The SEC lists more than 70,000
registered non-stock,non-profit
corporations. With the huge numbers
involved, validating a couple is
merely a drop in the bucket, and
agencies cannot be expected to
monitorthem all.
Conclusion (4pts) The article aims to inform the public about
(Summarize the the various processes that a Non-Governmental
information of the Organization goes through to achieve its
technical paper.) specific goal, how they are monitored by the
SEC and National line agencies, the gaps in the
processing system, and the personal
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

accountability of the members or officers. Also,

in the paper, some issues were discovered: P6
billion of government funds were stolen, non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) must
register with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), and different line agencies
have other processes, from requirements to
monitoring, and there are gaps in the system
and method of tracking due to a large number
of NGO's registered.

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